I know I've recalled stories before about getting my male hair cut but something amusing always comes out of it .

As most of you know now the arrangement is I go as Teresa and slip my wig off and pop it on it's stand while my male hair is cut then I slip it back on when she's done .

This time I had to wait about ten minutes while another lady had her hair done , after she came over to me and asked what style I was going have my hair ( wig ) done in as it was so lovely at the moment . In the corner of my eye I could see the hairdresser smiling , so I said quietly to the lady looking over at the hairdresser , " It's our little secret , it's not real !" The lady said , " never mind it's lovely and it really suits you , with that she wished us all the best and left the shop . A few moments later another customer walked in and sat in the waiting area behind the chair I was sitting in , I could see a puzzled look on her face as she could see I was wearing makeup and chatting away to the hairdresser while I was having a short male cut . When I stepped out of the chair she stared at me without speaking , so in front of her I took my wig off it's stand and popped it back on my head , then I smiled at her saying , " That's much better , isn't it ? " She still didn't speak but just watched me brush my wig through , the hairdresser then showed her to the chair turning to me saying , " I'll see you in six weeks ".