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Thread: Wearing skirts in male mode.

  1. #26
    Gold Member
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    My legs are just very nice to look at; Therefore,my skirt or dress wearing will stay at home.

  2. #27
    Junior Member Stephanie_V's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robertacd View Post
    I know I sound harsh and exclusionary but I am tired of being called a man in a dress or being asked to use the men's room because " You are just playing dressup and it makes the ladies nervous.".

    I get it you all just want to have fun in a skirt or are trying to decieve people that you are a GG. I am not dressing because it makes me "hard" and I am not trying to fool anyone into thinking I am a GG. So yeah I have a hard time with people who are because while you can go home and put the dress away until next time. I am dressed all the time and your antics makes my life that much tougher than it should be.
    I tried to read this with an open mind, but all I can see is snarkiness. It's quite a leap to assume that the non acceptance you may experience and a person's choice to blend male and female attire to have a direct correlation. Life is rarely easy for the majority of ppl in my opinion. Something I learned a while ago is that the onlything you control in your life is yourself.
    I don't know where you live, but there are areas where the mindset can't comprehend anything outside strict conservative views. Buck those norms and outspoken folk will let you know. Nothing will change their minds. Maybe that's your situation. Maybe not. Blaming others actions and behaviors they engage in to be happy isn't a solution.

  3. #28
    Member Brianne_bc's Avatar
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    I often wear my kilt.

    No Heel is Too High.... When it's Pointed at the Ceiling

  4. #29
    Senior Member Maid_Marion's Avatar
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    I just bought two VS skirts to wear with my collection of high heels. They fall just below my calf muscles.

    My lap cat loves it when I wear a skirt or dress.


  5. #30
    Lisa Allisa's Avatar
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    Depends on what you mean by looking "nice". All I can say is that many,many years ago before my total dressing and going out as a "female" I would wear skirts,maxi's and midi's mostly solid colors only,all other clothing from the masculine side of the gender spectrum. Of course there was no mistaking about my gender as I hadn't begun to "feminize" my body or mind in anyway, and my job required a masculine physique. I might add that I did require a handbag(purse, somewhat unisexed) so there was that. If you don't care what others think about you GO FOR IT. It did help in my adopting the attitude that allowed me to now live as a woman 24/7/365.
    "you are a strange species and there are many out there;shall I tell you what I find beautiful about you ,you are at your best when things are at their worst" ...[ Starman]
    It may of course be a bit disturbing to sense that one is really not so firmly anchored to the gender one was born into.

  6. #31
    Aspiring Member Violetgray's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robertacd View Post
    I know I sound harsh and exclusionary but I am tired of being called a man in a dress or being asked to use the men's room because " You are just playing dressup and it makes the ladies nervous.".

    I get it you all just want to have fun in a skirt or are trying to decieve people that you are a GG. I am not dressing because it makes me "hard" and I am not trying to fool anyone into thinking I am a GG. So yeah I have a hard time with people who are because while you can go home and put the dress away until next time. I am dressed all the time and your antics makes my life that much tougher than it should be.
    Hm. A couple things:

    -The thread is entitled "wearing skirts in male mode." That is by very definition the exact opposite of trying to deceive people into thinking one is a GG.

    -How exactly, can ladies tell the difference between someone who is "just playing dressup" and someone who is not?

    -You are sorely mistaken if you think that people mistreat you because of other people. They call you a man in a dress because YOU are wearing a dress. Because they're being disrespectful to YOU. Their behavior is not our fault. Their behavior is not something that WE are doing to you.

    Honestly, I think this take is influenced by your biases. Literally no one else brought up "getting hard" or "trying to decieve" people, but I believe you did because but these things are part of your overall idea about what a CD is, and the disdain is palpable.

  7. #32
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    I say go for it! Life is about doing what makes ya happy. I think some guys can pull skirts off! If anyone is offended that?s on them.

  8. #33
    Member Jeanettew's Avatar
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    I would love to wear a skirt, stocking and heals in Miad mode, with a Ben Sherman, every day That would be my dream.

    I am just a guy who love's female attire, I don't claim to be anything else, but I know it would not be accepted as anything like standard male attire.

    This is a shame really a person should be able to wear anything they want casual, formal and work, it all about being comfortable and happy with how you present.

    I am lucky that over the years playing sport being told that for a bloke I have great legs and these, and once they are exposed below a shirt, in some nice stockings and shoes I must admit I am happy with the look.

  9. #34
    Aspiring Member Georgina's Avatar
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    I say wear your skirt with pride. I love skirts and dresses and I like seeing them worn by men or women as long as it's done tastefully. It is not necessary to be trans(anything) to wear female clothes.

  10. #35
    Member Liz Jones's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peach13 View Post
    I say go for it! Life is about doing what makes ya happy. I think some guys can pull skirts off! If anyone is offended that?s on them.
    All guys will "pull skirts off"---if its a GG wearing them...:-)

  11. #36
    Senior Member GretchenM's Avatar
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    I think you are right Violet. The discussion has veered off of the original subject. Often happens. It is interesting but maybe it would be good to return to the original subject of a MAN wearing a skirt.

    It's appropriateness is culturally related, but I don't think appropriateness is part of the subject either. It seems to be more of a question of just doing it. Is it cross-dressing related? Depends on the reason the person is doing it. Wearing a kilt is usually a very masculine thing but sometimes it can be a substitute for a skirt. Kilts are a special kind of skirt. Roman soldiers wore a kind of skirt and it was often kind of a mini-skirt length. Not everything that involves clothes involves gender expression. It can be just a preference. But if you want it to be a gender expression then more power to you. Wear the skirt with pride and I think Mark B looks great even if some are shocked or offended. It is confusing, but not to Mark B or apparently Mark B's colleagues at the engineering firm in Germany where Mark B is employed. (Note: see how pronouns become difficult when there is gender uncertainty? Is a Scotsman in full military dress - kilt, shoes, socks, sporan, hat, etc - saying he is a girl? Certainly not, but in a Argentina (for example) maybe so. But even there one can't be sure. Point is don't assume or read things into it that may not be there.)

  12. #37
    Senior Member Maid_Marion's Avatar
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    If anyone can dress outside the norm it is a talented engineer. There is an enormous amount of pressure to be creative and few can "deliver the goods" consistently.
    Yet they get paid far less than what managers make, even though they may be more valuable to the company. And is is easy to identify who is contributing.
    And the return on investment often has a short timeline, unlike that of scientists, who's work may take decades to be proven useful.


  13. #38
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    Sorry folks, I used to not care until a recent thread in the TG section where someone posted about their but they make sure all the ladies in their swim class know that they are "just a guy out having fun in woman's clothing". You know, nothing to fear.

    As I said before, it's exactly stuff like that that TERFs and other transphobes are protesting against.

  14. #39
    Exploring NEPA now Cheryl T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SophyV View Post
    I have been toying with this idea. I disagree with Kristi and Cheryl. I think others would be more inclined to accept a male presenting as such in a skirt as a quirky style or maybe an expression of some femininity. You might get a second look but might not get the stares or snickers if clocked as a cd when in full attire. I think if more of us were bold enough to do it it would start to be acceptable.
    It's my turn to disagree.
    You feel it may make it more acceptable so let me relate something.

    My wife and I heard that a local "finishing school" was doing an outing one Saturday at our nearby Dress Barn.
    We we going to be in that area shopping and were curious about the "ladies" that would be part of the outing and we decided to go there around the same time. Yes, I was dressed. I was casual in jeans and a cute blouse, women's shoes, full makeup and hair. As we entered the store we didn't see much activity so we started looking through the racks. Then I noticed women talking to a few of the sales associates and we knew that they were discussing something under their breath with little finger points towards the dressing rooms. We kept shopping and I seemed to go unnoticed, especially when a few of the "ladies" came out of the dressing room. One was your MIAD, obviously not trying to disguise the fact he was male. Another was an older person, with her hair in pigtails and wearing a pink Tutu and pink tights with light makeup and an obvious 5 O'clock shadow. There were about 8 in all and only a few were fully dressed.
    The women now were giggling, acting like school girls and we could over hear the comments and they were not the nicest.
    Yes, these people had the right to dress as they see fit. They had the right to be there shopping and present themselves in the way they did. Kudos to them for having the bravery to do so.
    Unfortunately the response was less than encouraging and certainly was not one that would help promote our cause to be accepted by the populace. We may think that all manner of dress will aid in acceptance but personally I don't believe it does.
    I don't wear women's clothes, I wear MY clothes !

  15. #40
    Senior Member DianeT's Avatar
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    As much as I would be slightly cautious with attire such as high pointy heels or shiny pantyhose because they may send sexual cues (yes, even with Mark B., and he mentioned a slight incident about high heels), a knee-length (hide the parts ) or longer skirt, stubble or not stubble, really. If some people can be outraged today I like to think that we will laugh about it in a couple of decades (and hopefully sooner).
    Roberta, sorry, I sympathize with you but strongly disagree with your stance. When you do something you like there is always a person to be offended by it for a reason or another. We can't oblige everyone. As long as we do no harm to anyone, we can do what we fancy, and that includes wearing a skirt even if just for fun. Our freedom is the guarantee that you have yours too.

  16. #41
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    Men wearing skirts are no different than women wearing pants. The reasons why men stopped wearing skirts were mostly war related in the 1700's. After that the wall went up where men wear pants, women wear skirts/dresses. Men should be free to wear skirts as men.

    If I read posts right, many seem to believe men can only wear skirts if the are transgender or a crossdresser. Is that correct?
    Last edited by tbryant2k16; 11-11-2020 at 01:13 PM. Reason: Added more thoughts.

  17. #42
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    Cheryl I defer to your personal experience. I have been out full femme as a MIAD and have had the opposite experience. It might be a location thing or some other variable. Without a disciplined scientific study it is all anecdotal anyway.

    So the uptake for the OP is try to read your environment to gauge your possible acceptance level and decide if you are comfortable with that.

  18. #43
    Senior Member Asew's Avatar
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    I wear a skirt or dress all the time and otherwise male mode (no makeup, no fake boobs, leg hair, varying degrees of facial hair though hidden now behind a mask, etc). This does not set back the transgender movement, it moves it forward. The transgender umbrella includes non-binary and gender fluid. Forcing the binary just further shames non-binary to not be true to themselves. Wear what you like and want.

    A jean skirt is a basic staple for me (pair it with a t-shirt or hawaiian shirt). Particularly if trying to keep some male mode, a skirt with pockets will avoid having a purse. Even before coming full circle back to wearing skirts I wore flip flops 2/3 of the year, and now find they work well with skirts while not being a feminine shoe. Sneakers go with some skirts (such as a jean skirt). I also have some flat black booties that are women's but not very feminine but work well for winter weather.

    Even yeserday I was wearing a basic flat chested dress. I had to do yardwork so I put on socks and sneakers that matched and did multiple trips to the brush pile. I had to go to home depot for mouse traps and went like that, and got compliments from 2 women cashiers of "nice dress". I don't think I ever got a compliment on my outfit in male mode besides liking what my t-shirt said, but often receive compliments on a skirt or dress despite otherwise being male mode.

  19. #44
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    The question of dressing safely hasn't been mentioned , I feel fairly safe in the UK as Teresa but some sad and dreadful stories are told from US members . My thoughts are which group have been singled out and attacked more , is it the ones that integrate or the ones that choose to dress in mixed mode ?

    From my own experiences I attracted far more attention when buying and trying on clothes and shoes as a guy , it became so uncomfortable I stopped doing it . I now struggle to understand why people would want to put themselves through that .

  20. #45
    New Member BlueTempest's Avatar
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    Hi all

    Just to share my experience.
    Before lockdown 1.0 I plucked up the courage to leave my flat without a single piece of male clothing. (Female shirt and woollen jumper. Tights and denim shorts). I had zero make up and made no attempt to hide my gender but I thought what the hell, I?m not exposing myself, I?m not causing harm to anyone so I drove out of my city and went for a walk in the countryside. A few people passed me and just nodded or said hi in normal hiking fashion.
    It felt amazing to be out and about dressing as I wanted to. The day after, on a bit of a high, I went out early for a run in leggings then got back and changed into a dress and tights, again without make up etc, and ventured outside to take the bins out and for a little walk. I got stared at a few times, certainly judged and it made me feel really nervous. I haven?t been out dressed since.

    It?s weird how certain dress rules are fixed for separating the genders. I am very comfortable being male and while I can express a feminine side with painted nails and hair removal, I just enjoy the way feminine clothes feel and fit me. I wish fashion wasn?t so attached to gender identity so strongly.

  21. #46
    Silver Member Pumped's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheryl T View Post
    One was your MIAD, obviously not trying to disguise the fact he was male. Another was an older person, with her hair in pigtails and wearing a pink Tutu and pink tights with light makeup and an obvious 5 O'clock shadow. There were about 8 in all and only a few were fully dressed.
    Even I have issues with that. That is why I said to the OP, if you do it, do it well. Take a cue from Mark and have some style and don't just toss on any old thing so you look silly or look like someone that bought their clothing from the dumpster behind the second hand store.

  22. #47
    Member annecwesley's Avatar
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    Why not? The more we do it the more acceptable and "normal" it will become.

  23. #48
    not new anymore just shy VickieBonne's Avatar
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    I wore some women's style utility pants to the doctor yesterday because I knew I'd be all day... In the car, in the office, for testing, back in the car... and I wanted to be comfortable. The pants are incredibly comfortable. I mentioned to my wife that I have some other women's pants that feel even better but there is no questioning the cut. I said, "won't it be wonderful when we can wear whatever we want!" I'm pushing my envelope for me. Thank you all for pushing the boundaries for you! Some days I'm just a cross dresser other days I'm transgender... I haven't figured it out but I know what I like to wear and sometimes its a maxi dress, some days yoga pants, some days its just none of your dang business. I try to look presentable in what I'm wearing in public but when it comes down to it, if you're minding your business then you won't be minding mine.

  24. #49
    -1.#QNaN Lydianne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pumped View Post
    Wow! I never expected these responses!
    This is what we are.

    - L.

    MIAD Sharing Thread ( Gallery ).

  25. #50
    Aspiring Member jacques's Avatar
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    hello Kelly,
    my Scottish ancestors have been doing it for centuries!
    stay healthy,
    luv J

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