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Thread: sports bras

  1. #1
    Member Jess Marie's Avatar
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    sports bras

    Hi ladies, gents, and everyone inbetween,

    I am back after a couple years away (I think 6 maybe?) It just goes to show that while the fog may clear, it will return again. Life has changed a lot, I got married, I bought a house, things are going well financially even thought we are in the pandemic. Life is honestly pretty good at the moment and I am glad that I can share that with you truthfully. I hope that everyone who reads this is doing well, too.

    For the past 2 years I have worn sports bras every day. My wife is cool with it and I have more sports bras than she does. I have slightly larger boobs than most men my size (not big, but not thin) and the bras really give me support and benefit me.

    At my company Christmas party in 2019 (feels like forever ago), one of my co-workers (who is in her mid-late 20's like I am) and I hugged when she was leaving. As is normal with people who are close friends we kinda rubbed each others back. I felt her fingers meet the resistance of the band and she went over it a couple times. I figured she had enough to drink that she didn't notice, but since I'm writing this out, you already know. The following Monday she came down to my office and walked up to me and hugged me saying she had a fun time at the Christmas party. Then she bluntly asks, "what color is your bra today?" This isn't out of line with her character, by the way, she very much speaks her mind. I didn't even bother playing dumb or denying. When we were working in the office she stopped in every morning and we developed a routine where we didn't even need to talk, she would stop outside my door and we would reach into our shirts and show our straps. When we went remote and would have zoom meetings (I am a logistics coordinator and she is our billing department) we still open every meeting by showing our straps. I have come to value this relationship dearly.

    One of the reasons I am posting is to ask if anyone wears bras (either sports bras or regular bras) to the doctors office? What has been your experience/reception?

    I know that if I am asked I have a valid excuse. I really enjoy the benefits of the support. However, my hesitation is that I live in a smallish town and I have gone to this Doctor for almost all of my life (about 18 years). My whole family goes to this Doctors office and while I know that HIPPA laws exist preventing him from talking about it, its still there in my mind that this man is the Doctor for everyone in my family.

    I'm about 99% sure I am going to wear the bra. I just need some words of encouragement and to hear your stories (both good and bad).

    Thanks and I cannot wait to rejoin the community and be active again now that the fog is creeping back in.
    “You can love someone so much… But you can never love someone as much as you miss them.”
    -John Green, An Abundance of Katherines

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    just do it , i do it and they dont even bat an eye

  3. #3
    Silver Member
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    I'd be awful careful about discussing bras and showing your bra straps at work with your female coworker. If your relationship with her ever goes south, you could end up with her making false harassment charges (and being the male, you would be assumed to be guilty and treated as such.) She could try and threaten to out you too. Just sounds like a bad idea.

    Skip the bra at the doctor's office. Unless it is important for them to know you wear a bra (and dress) or are fulltime, there is no benefit for them to know, and it might make them uncomfortable.
    Last edited by Vickie_CDTV; 01-27-2021 at 12:32 AM.

  4. #4
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    As a male I do not under dress with a bra.

    Too much touchy feely these days.
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  5. #5
    Member Jess Marie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vickie_CDTV View Post
    I'd be awful careful about discussing bras and showing your bra straps at work with your female coworker. If your relationship with her ever goes south, you could end up with her making false harassment charges (and being the male, you would be assumed to be guilty and treated as such.) She could try and threaten to out you too. Just sounds like a bad idea.

    Skip the bra at the doctor's office. Unless it is important for them to know you wear a bra (and dress) or are fulltime, there is no benefit for them to know, and it might make them uncomfortable.
    I thought carefully before developing the relationship between my co-worker and myself but it is not going south anytime soon. I know that it is sound advice and all, but believe me when I say that she is not a typical girl. Her husband is a logger and their entire friend group are men who work in the woods. She tells some of the raunchiest jokes I have ever heard and she has told them in front of management. She is a pistol, that one. But I'm not worried about any type of fallout. This job is not her career and she is actually just shy of 2 years into a 5 year plan to work here and pad her resume to go for her dream job. I am more worried about how we will deal with the separation when she leaves in 3 years, to be honest.
    “You can love someone so much… But you can never love someone as much as you miss them.”
    -John Green, An Abundance of Katherines

  6. #6
    Reality Check
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    I went through a phase where I would wear a stretch bra when in male mode. Yes, there is the risk of someone hugging or patting you and feeling it. It can also be seen through some shirts.

    I "outgrew" that phase and now only wear a bra when I am dressed as a female and have something to put in it.

  7. #7
    Senior Member GretchenM's Avatar
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    I often wear a Hanes pull over stretchy nylon bra all day. They are inexpensive and can be worn with various enhancements or even forms. They are very similar to an official sports bra. As I have grown a fairly nice pair of B cup boobs as a result of gynecomastia I like the fact that the bra provides a bit of shape rather than being just largish man boobs that sometimes tend to flop around in my shirt. Not as apparent as with larger gynecomastia boobs, but I still don't like the look of floppy booba and prefer to slightly feminize them a bit as it goes along with my identity.

    I agree that you should be careful at work. Consider the work environment, company attitude toward dressing appropriate and the like.

  8. #8
    Lacy Lacyfem's Avatar
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    Like many of us that are closeted it sounds like you want the doctor to see you in that bra. Just know the questionable consequences.
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  9. #9
    Silver Member BrendaPDX's Avatar
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    Hi Jess, I am sure if you wore a bra to the doctors office no one would say anything and they would be professional, trust me they have seen it all before. Personally I would not, but that's just me. People talk, never mean to be harmful but word gets around. If you do decide to wear it, let us know how it went. Brenda

  10. #10
    Silver Member Devi SM's Avatar
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    I remember few years ago I would enjoy wearing fhe whole day a bra under my shirt or whatever lose that nobody notice but I actually wanted to be noticed so when in the theater watching a movie I would open the buttons of the shirt enough to people in the darkness could see it. I know it sounds weird but as well the weird it sounds for me now this thread, a man wearing a bra just for the pleasure when now, when at home I got off the bra as soon as I can....

    I think all you guys that share these feeling should contact a therapist. It's not about dressing, something bigger goes inside....
    HRT 042018; Full time 032019
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  11. #11
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    I wear a Brassiere almost Daily, to work, at hone, to bed, go shopping, almost everything and everywhere, I bought several brassiere in the past few years and I am getting my money's worth. i have Primma Donna, Marie Jo, Triump, Chantelle, Wacoal, Warner, so much fun wearing a Brassiere, I have Black, White, Blue, Pink, Red Ivory and a few more colors, I have a Racer back, most are lightly lined. I do not go to Doctors with Bras or Panties on, that's a no, no. I wear them everywhere else.
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  12. #12
    Senior Member April Rose's Avatar
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    When I was still working there was no way I would underdress at work. The company had a lgbtq friendly policy, but my manager was scheming and vindictive. He found ways of getting rid of people he was at odds with.
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  13. #13
    Member Charla's Avatar
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    Doctors and nurses are not going to care what you wear, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your exam. I had to take my bra off for an electrocardiogram and it was a non-issue with the tech. I did come out to my doctor and staff so it’s not a secret for me.

  14. #14
    Member Jess Marie's Avatar
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    There are too many to respond to individually so I will put out a blanket statement of sorts:

    I wear sports bras every day because they provide great support. Walking upstairs results in uncomfortable bouncing. Even though I work in an office environment, I am a logistics coordinator so I end up walking up and downstairs to and from the office frequently throughout the day. I have my own office so people aren't walking behind me. The reason I am wondering about wearing a bra to the doctors office is because it is just a part of every day life for me. It's not related to any sort of sexual pleasure or gratification. It is just a part of my life.

    I do plan on asking my doctor about my weight. I am 5'10 and 220lbs whereas 3 years ago I was about 165lbs. I eat healthy (not many processed/prepared foods, lean meats, minimal dairy, etc.) and I am active (walking, remodeling my house, playing with my dogs, etc). There just is not a logical lifestyle reason that I would gain 60lbs in 3 years. I was thinking a sports bra would also reinforce the idea that something is off. I didn't share this to turn this thread into a medical advice column, just wanted to give the relevant information.
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  15. #15
    Platinum Blonde member Ressie's Avatar
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    I like sports bras because they don't print thru a shirt as much as other bra types. And they're more comfy from my experience.

    I wouldn't wear one to the doctor's office (or to work) but that's just me.
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  16. #16
    Member Kiwi Primrose's Avatar
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    If you have to take your shirt/blouse off they will notice if you normally wear a bra. I have never had a comment apart from my skin specialist. She was interested.

  17. #17
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    Even though I dress full-time I don't wear lingerie to the doctors office. I've heard that doctors and nurses find it distracting.

    If you take your bra off just before the doc sees you they can still see the lines. One, I want him or her to optimize what is the best treatment for me and don't skip over a part of the exam. I have worn lingerie for therapy after they discovered my choice of underwear. At one point the therapist was working on my hip and said she needed to put her hand under my panties. It was actually required to stretch the hip position. I did have therapy for a year before she worked on that hip and knew I wore panties.

  18. #18
    Aspiring Member jacques's Avatar
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    hello Jess,
    I am wearing a seamless bra now as I type, under-dressed, and it is good.
    However, I am not sure that I would ask a work colleague "What colour bra are you wearing today?" - that seems a bit too personal.
    And if I was going to the doctor's and expecting to remove my clothing I would probably wear as little clothing as necessary so I did not take too long undressing or revealing the relevant body parts (e.g. wear a tee shirt when getting vaccinated).
    stay healthy!
    luv J

  19. #19
    Oh to be an English Rose Jane G's Avatar
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    That is a great story. That girl is clearly very curious to know more about you. A long time since I underdressed at work, though I certainly did for a a time. Isn't life fun.

  20. #20
    Silver Member IleneD's Avatar
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    I'm in full transition and HRT.
    I go to the doctors in skirt, bra/panties, whatever. (But always look good).
    The only one "embarrassed" or shy about it was me, So I stopped and just went with my new normal.
    I even had to go to the Urologist a couple weeks ago (to check out a strange lump in the nether region that disappeared on its own). I wore a skirt and panties as I normally do, and it made for easier "access" to my bottom area for examination. The doc also gave me a regular male prostate check (a freebie I didn't come for.) Never never said a word about how strange it was to check prostate on a woman.
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  21. #21
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    Recently purchased a Bestena sports bra on Amazon. $10. It?s stretch so fits quite flat. Comes with removable pads which give a little shape in the bust without being too noticeable.

    Because it is stretch can also accommodate C cup breast forms, though if not attached the shoulder straps stretch some unless they are attached.

  22. #22
    Platinum Blonde member Ressie's Avatar
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    Blonde, I believe all sports bras are stretchy. I only own a couple, yet they have lots of stretch to them.
    "You're the only one to see the changes you take yourself through", Stevie Wonder

  23. #23
    Junior Member JennykBailey's Avatar
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    I recently bought a sports bra with a view to wearing active wear for fun. Wow what an amazing discovery for me. It gives the most amazing cleavage, and helps keep my flabby lats under control. They are definately on my shopping list for more!

  24. #24
    Aspiring Member
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    I would not wear a bra to the doctor's office unless you are out to him/her as trans and are actively in transition, or you have bad gynecomastia and need a sports bra for support or to hide the obvious. The doctor will appreciate it. My wife is a doctor, and I know it would bother her but she would be too professional to bring it up other than perhaps adding "is there anything else you'd like to talk about today" at the end of the exam, in case your bra was a signal you wanted help with gender dysphoria. If you don't take the bait then she'd let it slide.

    If there was the *slightest* indication that wearing a bra to the doctor's office gives you the jollies, you'd be fired as a patient faster than you can do your bra back up after the exam. Where I live getting a family doctor is very difficult so why take that risk? There's no place, IMHO, for even the remotest thing that can be taken as a sign of impropriety in the doctor's office.

    Remember doctors are human too. While they are trained to keep their feelings to themselves, they still have feelings and can be upset! They have a difficult job as it is, why make it harder?

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