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Thread: Fetish

  1. #51
    Aspiring Member Rayleen's Avatar
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    i like to put on my bra , breast forms , panties and skirt most days, love not to wear stockings because of able to rub shaved legs , a fetish i guess. I go sit on the patio and gazebo to enjoy the feeling of the air under the skirt

    Wanting something is a fantasy which on a long time period clouds your mind and makes you think you need it.


  2. #52
    Silver Member Aunt Kelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by docrobbysherry View Post
    After all the above comments I think we can agree that fetish means sexual, in some form or another, if nothing else, Paulie!
    I do not agree. Yes, more often than not, in the context of discussion on this forum, the sexual component is present, but conventional definition is a bit more inclusive...
    Calling bigotry an "opinion" is like calling arsenic a "flavor".

  3. #53
    Member BaliGirl's Avatar
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    I looked up the definition of "fetish":

    "a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing..."

    Like some (many?), in the beginning my desire to wear women's clothing was very sexual. So by the definition, yes it was a fetish - gratification was linked to wearing a bra, leotards, etc.

    As time went on, I changed. I began to be fascinated by stories of men being suddenly and unexpectedly transformed and living as a woman, especially through magic. I fantasized about being such a man being transformed and living as a woman. This was during the time when I stopped cross dressing because I was ashamed of it, especially the sexual aspect of it.

    After quite some time I started cross dressing again. Yes, it was still partly sexual. But part of it is the desire to be a woman.

    And now? It is still sometimes sexual. I do sometimes get turned on by seeing myself dressed. Autogynephilia is the general term. But every night I wear something feminine to bed and I don't get turned on. And when I underdress, it is because I want to feel feminine during the day, not to be turned on.

    So I'm somewhere in the middle. It isn't all sexual or a fetish. But I would be lying if I said there wasn't a sexual aspect to my cross dressing.

  4. #54
    Member Mackem Sue's Avatar
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    Crossdressing is classed as a parphillia and on the scale of what is considered the normal range of sexuality.

    Fetishism is very specific, attached to an item, including items you'd never think of as sexually alluring, or act (BDSM).

    Is crossdressing fetishism? I guess it's a personal opinion. But looking at the two threads on this, I see a range of answers.

    Some items of clothing may well cause arousal, some not. I admit I like stockings and garter / suspender belts and find them sexy (on women as well as me), but I also have practical reasons in that tights / pantyhose are clammy and uncomfortable around the crotch for me - hold-ups dig into my legs. But would we find those items arousing on women as on ourselves?

    My start was seeing how items of clothing looked on women and wondering how they'd look and feel on myself. That unlocked it for me. I think many can relate to that statement.

    At that stage, as a teenager just about anything gets you going so I think you need to take the teenage years with a pinch of salt. Looking at others, some started before puberty so how are they fetishists?

    After teenage years, is it linked in with sexual arousal? It can be it's easier to become sexually aroused under the right situations and that might include crossdressing (noting women dressed up can find it easier to become aroused too). But crossdressing doesn't necessarily cause arousal (same with women dressed up) and I can continue to function dressed up without the act being all consuming or even my mind thinking about being dressed when I'm doing something else. I can be aware of being dressed while concentrating on something else, while concentrating on something else and it not get in the way.

    This is where I see a big difference with fetishism. With full-on fetishists (and this includes women), it's all about the act when engaged in it. Fetishists from what I see are not engaged in other activities except perhaps acts that help act out the fantasy while engaged (an example, dressed as maids and doing nominal domestic duties - not me before you ask - just an example). They're not functionally engaged in outside or unrelated acts.

    There may be some crossover or fuzziness at the boundary, especially in instances where you might dress up with the intention of committing a (consensual) sexual act. But do I dress up normally with that specific intention?

    The answer is no. It's a compulsive act though enjoyable one as it makes me feel better about myself. And as I've already said, I'm continuing to function as a human being and the act does not stop me functioning. So to me, it's not a fetish. Certain items (stockings for example as already said) as said may be sexier than others, but that's a brief thought while getting changed in or out of female clothes. Once dressed or undressed, that is not the focus of my thoughts.

    If women's clothes, especially dressier ones were a fetish, then I'd expect some women to be having similar issues.

    How can the same items become a fetish simply because a member of the opposite sex is wearing what is not normally expected of their birth sex?

    To summarise, I dress up because I need and like to, but not normally or specifically for it to be a sexual act.

    That's as honest as I can be.


  5. #55
    Member Cacique82's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BaliGirl View Post
    So I'm somewhere in the middle. It isn't all sexual or a fetish. But I would be lying if I said there wasn't a sexual aspect to my cross dressing.
    This is me. When I put on a nightgown, chemise or some stockings I am definitely aroused but even after that wears off I will keep the clothes on because I enjoy them. I?ll wear panties to work or women?s jeans when I?m out and about. (Wish I had the confidence to wear a blouse out)

    So while I may get excited initially when putting clothes on I can also wear them without being in a sexual mood.

    I?ll wear a nightgown to bed most nights and will def be aroused but will sleep in them and waking up in one is very nice!

    Wen my wife and I are intimate I?ll often have an outfit on. She fully accepts my wearing which make that time very special. Which of course arouses me. She?ll usually have something on as well but sometimes it?s just me wearing, which is very exciting.

    So I?d say I?m in the middle somewhere. I find it unbelievably sexy to wear women?s clothes but also enjoy them as clothes because they feel right on me. The women in the ads/catalogs looks so beautiful and I feel like I can capture some of that when wearing the same thing-probably sounds silly :-)

  6. #56
    Silver Member franlee's Avatar
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    After 50 years I must admit it is still a very strong fetish along with a long list of more reasons. But there is no reason to be ashamed to admit it is a fetish. I am and always will be heterosexual but there is no reason to be ashamed of that either, it is what it is.
    It's worth something just being around to Fuss!

  7. #57
    Member Lori Ann Westlake's Avatar
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    Even if crossdressing is motivated by sexual arousal, is it necessarily "fetishistic"?

    I had many thoughts on this. I especially appreciated the Wearside wisdom of Mackem Sue on this subject.

    In general, crossdressing can be driven by any mixture of motives, some of which I'll call "erotic" (rooted in sexual arousal and gratification), and others I'll call "aesthetic," meaning "nonsexual" in this sense. Those could include comfort, the wish to experience or express femininity in some form, or to escape the perceived burden of masculinity. The terms I've chosen don't matter; it's only the meaning that counts. Depending on the individual, the time and the circumstances, there can be any mixture of "erotic" and "aesthetic" motives for dressing, ranging from zero to 100 percent. There is of course a great deal of overlap and intermingling between the two, so it can be hard to distinguish where one ends and the other begins.

    Just the same, I don't believe the "erotic" motive, when present, is necessarily "fetishistic," or anyway not entirely so.

    As Mackem Sue observed, when "pure fetishism" is the driver, it's all about the act, and nothing but the act. Once the act is over, there's no reason for dressing any more. This was my own experience when I first started dressing shortly after puberty. Back then, I did consider myself a "fetishist." The word was a convenient hook to hang my identity on. Despite my irresistible urge to crossdress, I knew I wasn't gay--it was only girls that interested me--and I was happy enough to be male. The thought of being female full time had never entered my head--not that transgender conditions were on anybody's radar at the time anyway. At least being a "fetishist" gave me a way to categorize myself so that I was a "known quantity," not some bizarre alien creature hitherto unknown to humanity! No matter how some people hate "labels," sometimes any label is better than none.

    Dressing in those days was exclusively an erotic, sexual activity. Although I prolonged the pleasure by staying dressed as long as I could--or until my libido overcame me!--once it was over, I felt embarrassed and ashamed at the time, and couldn't wait to get safely back into male clothes. Until the next time!

    However, that did change as years passed by, and I grew to enjoy dressing more for itself--the "aesthetic" reasons--independently of any "erotic" motive. In adolescence, the insistent, primal power of sexuality can be a "gateway drug" driving us to discover and even enjoy feminine parts of our psyche that would otherwise have remained unexplored. The key to further exploration is the growth of self-acceptance. Today I can toss on a skirt and panties just because I "feel in the mood" without necessarily being aroused. This too is the experience of many members here.

    Fetishism is an attraction to a specific object (including body parts) or material that by reason of some association we find sexually arousing in and of itself. It's natural enough that women's clothing would constitute popular "fetish objects" for many, since clothing can appear to be visibly part of a woman herself. And what is called "intimate apparel" can for obvious reasons have a very special appeal. No wonder panties are among the favorites, though not exclusively so. I started crossdressing by trying on a skirt, but I quickly found that slipping into silky panties brought the most intense thrill. I have no doubt that was purely fetishistic at the time, though that feeling has faded with passing years even as the pleasure of dressing "for the sake of it" has emerged.

    In spite of that, the erotic arousal from wearing women's clothes is not necessarily all fetishistic. For one thing, fetishists in general don't necessarily need to "wear" a fetish object, as we "wear" clothing, in order to become aroused by it. For many it's enough to see or touch the fetish object, to stroke it or otherwise be in contact with it. Indeed, many fetish objects are not capable of being "worn" in that sense. One man, a lifelong fur fetishist, could only obtain sexual gratification by stroking a piece of fur. (A sad case, since he was incapable of normal relations with a human partner.) More to the point, another man I read about, although like many he was a panty fetishist, didn't actually wear the panties, and likewise merely held and fondled them while "getting his jollies."

    True, those attracted to specific materials--fur, leather, rubber and silk fetishists--often wear garments made of their favorite fabrics in pursuit of sexual arousal. However, although it's a fine distinction, I'd say that's because it's physically arousing in a tactile sense to be "enveloped" by the fetish material, as anyone might be excited to feel themselves in the arms of a lover. In contrast, "wearing clothing" can have a far broader significance, including emotionally and sexually.

    Just as significant, a number of crossdressers started by wearing only the garments they found arousing--panties, hose, whatever--and didn't bother to wear any other female clothing for some time. That much is "pure fetishism."

    On the other hand, my own experience was that as soon as I was "triggered" into dressing as a teen, I immediately wanted to dress entirely as a girl. Granted, there was a strong fetishistic element driving it, panties being especially erotic, but I wanted the whole package: bra and panties, girdle and nylons, slip, skirt and blouse (or a dress), shoes... This sounds similar to Mackem Sue's experience, especially since she mentioned "seeing how items of clothing looked on women and wondering how they'd look and feel on" herself. The first item of clothing I tried on was a skirt--the most visible outward symbol of femininity--and I wanted to look and feel like the girls I saw and admired around me in their clothes, an idea I found exciting in itself.

    Aside from the fetish element, where does that feeling of arousal come from? There is the notion of "autogynephiiia," which Sue touched on in passing: that if we're heterosexual, we can "turn ourselves on" by looking sexy and alluring ourselves. We can "become our own lover," like Narcissus falling in love with his own reflection in the pool! I've no doubt that too can play a small part, but like many others, I don't put much stock in that theory.

    Instead, to me it's the need for appropriate clothing to help us play a role, to assume an identity. This is more gender-related, though it has implications for sexuality along with it. As Sue observed, "crossdressing does not cause arousal"--not necessarily. Yet crossdressing can certainly facilitate arousal, and can even be necessary for arousal. As she went on to point out, "women dressed up can find it easier to become aroused too." This reminds me immediately of a treasured girlfriend from long ago who once said to me: "I feel so sexy in my slip." (To me she was, too.)

    Does that make feminine underwear a "fetish object" to a woman? I don't suppose so, as Sue observed, any more than male underwear is "arousing" to me. It's just underwear, that's all! However, clothing can make us "feel dressed right" to play a role--which includes "feeling right" and attractive enough to play a sexual role with a partner. And for me personally, "fetishism" aside, what excited me from the start was the notion of having sex with a partner in a female role. It's a fantasy that swiftly appeared along with my earliest crossdressing.

    It wasn't a "gay" fantasy. I pictured myself having "lesbian" sex in various forms. The clothes certainly played a part: having a girl take them off one by one, starting with my blouse, then my bra... To feel "ready" for that role was exciting. Overall, I could identify with a crossdresser I read about--not on this forum--who said that his fantasy was to be "taken, like a girl..." Whether he had a male or a female partner in mind I don't know, but the central idea is the same.

    I can still enjoy fantasies of this kind, especially when dressed. In summary, the motives and pleasures of crossdressing are many, mixed, and varied. There are "pure fetishistic" motives at one end of the spectrum, and matters of plain gender identity at the other. In the middle can be a mixture of motives where the sexual and erotic implications of gender can hold sway.

  8. #58
    New Member rosie09's Avatar
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    It is not easy to put a word on things that are emotional, so I rather go by what is the feeling or the journey. Crossdressing for me was at first only sexual but as the time went on, I began to appreciate the feeling of the lingerie on me before and after being sexually satisfied. Overtime, even though I am still attracted by women, I discovered my attraction to other crossdressers and the desire, still unfullfilled, to have some sexual encounter with them.

  9. #59
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    For me, i started not too long ago. I bought these huge breast forms. I love huge boobs, so i wanted to try these. Once i did i loved it. I loved they felt, how they looked in clothes and all. I felt sexy and wanted to be desired by guys. TMI . I just feel so so good with them on. I get turned on shopping for clothes thinking about what I'll look like with it on. I dont know what to call it lol. Like tonight, i know when i get home tonight, i get to dress up again
    Last edited by Di; 06-29-2021 at 12:35 PM. Reason: TMI this is a support forum/ not for you to go into detail about your sex life

  10. #60
    Member Alexis00's Avatar
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    Not so much since early teens, but then, yes for sure.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jay St View Post
    For me, i started not too long ago. I bought these huge breast forms. I love huge boobs, so i wanted to try these. Once i did i loved it. I loved they felt, how they looked in clothes and all. I felt sexy and wanted to be desired by guys. //
    Out of curiosity, what do you mean by “huge?” I experimented with up to F cup but even D cup still feels immense to me - and there’s no hiding them!

    Went through what I called my “Barbie” phase in my 20’s. Really went for over-the-top feminity, long blonde wig, fake eyelashes, long nails, large breast forms, short skirts, fishnets, etc etc. This was exclusively around Halloween activities or private parties.

    A counselor explained that many CD’ers are like teenage girls: they are immature with expressing their femininity and go to extremes. She thought I’d grow out of it and was mostly concerned that I didn’t get STD’s….

    At some point my attitude changed and over time I’ve become much more focused on being my authentic feminine self. Now I dress much more conservatively: trying to be attractive to the country club / tennis club crowd, so to speak.
    Last edited by Alexis00; 06-29-2021 at 08:54 AM.

  11. #61
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    It's absoultuely is the case with me. So much that another fetish triggered my crossdressing in the first place when I was 27. I loved to express my feminine side through sexually submassive acts, because I have to be dominant in my life. I don't dress anymore but still if I have an urge it's usually when I'm that's another point to the fetish nature of my dressing.

  12. #62
    Administrator Di's Avatar
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    Fair warning

    This is a support forum, not here for you elaborate details of your sex life.
    For you to insert your pictures.
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    Answer the OP question
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  13. #63
    Senior Member DianeT's Avatar
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    To the OP: no. Although the dressing can be exciting to some level, and there may be an element of fetishism in it (debatable, but I don't really care), it isn't the driver, never was. My driver always was the curiosity and awe towards women's bodies and looks, some in comics, some in real life, and the fact that at 11 or so I started wanting to steal some of that mojo. I had to choose between the old warrior tradition of eating their brains to acquire their powers, or dressing like them. I chose the second. If you think crossdressing is frown upon, geeez try eating people's brains. The looks you get...

  14. #64
    GG ReineD's Avatar
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    People aren’t born with fetishes. Fetishes are formed when we associate certain behaviors with positive rewards. Our brains become wired to derive satisfaction or pleasure from the behavior that we’ve associated with a strong feeling of well-being, such as sexual release.

    So anyone who has masturbated while putting on women’s garments as a youth, has set themselves up for a lifetime habit of or craving for the behavior of putting on women’s garments. And for many people, the addictive process requires more and more of a good thing to obtain the same level of satisfaction or pleasure, progressing from just bras, nylons, or panties to other clothing, long hair, makeup, etc, and even to perceived female behavior. In time the need for sexual release abates depending on the individual, but the comfort/habit/compulsion/fetish (or substitute any word you wish) of wearing women’s clothing or otherwise emulating a woman’s appearance or behavior remains.

    Unfortunately, the word "fetish" has gotten a bad rap in our rather puritanical society, and so it has become popular to describe the need for men to wear women’s clothing as an expression of gender identity. This seems so much more palatable. Given the human race’s rather extraordinary ability to justify and rationalize, and the fairly recent trends among the more politically correct segments of our society to respect differences, there are lots of people here who have become convinced they are not the gender that matches their sex - even if what they experience is merely comfort/habit/compulsion/fetish (or substitute any word you wish).

    I’m not saying that people, who from an early age know they are not the gender assigned at birth, do not exist. Just saying that it’s a much rarer thing than many here want to believe.

    So bottom line, it’s OK to want or need to wear women’s clothing. Just enjoy it! You don’t need to rationalize or explain it away.

  15. #65
    Senior Member DianeT's Avatar
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    Interesting third chapter Reine. Regarding the second, I still think we build our dressing experience in many different ways and don't consider the building of a fetish by reinforcement by means of sexual pleasure to be the only mechanic at work. I often tell my wife that I think I probably am a fetishist, but enjoying a fetish for me (like seeing my wife's legs in hose) doesn't have to be combined with sexual pleasure. It may, or it may not. It may be just the joy of watching (and sometimes touching) something I like. And yes, there's a sexual subtext, but not necessarily sex per se. For dressing that is the same. This is why I don't mind "fetish", but "sexual fetish" as the alpha and omega, no, that is too narrow. I like to think that I am, that we are, a bit more complex beings than that. Supposing that the sexual fetish is the driver for the dressing would imply that the end purpose is masturbation, and in that case, I can get that same particular pleasure with much less convoluted and lengthy methods than spending hours getting dressed and lounging first... The way I see it, very honestly, is that masturbation, every time I did it, was just a by-product of the relaxed and self-focused experience brought by the dressing, complementing it, and not its purpose.
    Also, when I started at 10-11, my dressing was very much the same experience as it is today (I have very vivid and specific memories of the first times), and I was immediately hooked. So I doubt I built any fetish. If fetish their is, it was there, alive and kicking with full strength, from the very beginning. No reinforcement needed.
    But I'm just speaking for my case, so, not saying this as a general thing. Interested to see what others have to say.
    Last edited by DianeT; 06-30-2021 at 05:21 PM. Reason: Sorry for the multiple edits. These things are complicated to express properly.

  16. #66
    Member nancy58's Avatar
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    It's a good question. Certainly there is a strong sexual component of it, but I believe that it's also a form of escapism. I am more prone to want to dress up when I feel stuck in a rut.
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  17. #67
    Resident Polymath MarinaTwelve200's Avatar
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    I think the sexual pleasure element helped start my CDing, but after a while I discovered the core of my dressing was ESCAPISIM----taking a "vacation away from myself"----And also "maleness" and become an entirely different person.------Free from my male self and my worries and responsibilities----where I can COMPLETELY "unwind" and relax. The sexual thing is just a "fringe benefit" as is my elation of "Feeling Pretty".

  18. #68
    Senior Member mbmeen12's Avatar
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    I am surprised this thread is still open because Miss Jane has not been back in almost a month. But Miss Reined /GG
    (So bottom line, it?s OK to want or need to wear women?s clothing. Just enjoy it! You don?t need to rationalize or explain it away)
    is spot on.
    Last edited by mbmeen12; 07-01-2021 at 02:22 AM. Reason: typo
    Escapism isn't necessarily bad, but is definitely unhealthy in the long term. While helpful in the short term, things will degrade over time. At some point, the escapee will have to face the issue. Things simply blowing over isn't really going to happen in many situations.

  19. #69
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    I?ve had a huge panty and lingerie fetish since I was a young teen. Now I love every kind of women?s clothing. I feel good.

    I don?t go full en femme on the street but I do wear entirely women?s clothing on the street. Some pieces are more obvious than others but it feels right,
    Last edited by char GG; 07-08-2021 at 06:12 PM. Reason: TMI

  20. #70
    Silver Member franlee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarinaTwelve200 View Post
    I think the sexual pleasure element helped start my CDing, but after a while I discovered the core of my dressing was ESCAPISIM----taking a "vacation away from myself"----And also "maleness" and become an entirely different person.------Free from my male self and my worries and responsibilities----where I can COMPLETELY "unwind" and relax. The sexual thing is just a "fringe benefit" as is my elation of "Feeling Pretty".
    You echo my feelings and I have said as much both on here and in other discussion groups.
    It's worth something just being around to Fuss!

  21. #71
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    Thank u for you're explanation, Reine!

    People here refer to me as a "fetish dresser" because it often turns me on! However, others disagree because there's not one particular item that excites me.

    It is the finished product looking back at me from my mirror that does the trick!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

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  22. #72
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    This is how I feel exactly! I love feeling myself as a girl. I enjoy the feeling of becoming my true self. I can be free to enjoy how tight tops fit and playing with my hair and feeling so confident in my body. Maybe not as sexual as you but that?s just me girl

    [SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE]

    Has anyone ever watched Sapphirefoxx videos? I love ones about people transforming into who they?re meant to be. When I am Olivia I am transformed. I go into a autopilot mode when putting on my large breast forms and clothes, wig, nails and I awake as Olivia, my voice has changed and everything about me is feminine. It feels natural and I cherish my Olivia time. I wish my SO would be on board like she was once so I can have fun with her but that?s not an option. So it helps truly transforming, I even listen to mtf transformation hypnosis videos too!


  23. #73
    Member DanielleCD's Avatar
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    When I first started dressing it had a huge sexual excitement aspect to it... part of which I attribute to going thru puberty at the time. The older I got, the more understanding I got of the feminine side of my personality, that faded away. Now it's just me expressing my fem side.

  24. #74
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    I dont think there is a unique answer to that question. To each his own, I am confident as who I am, from time to time though, i like to spice things up!

  25. #75
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    Not sure if I have a fetish. Or that it necessarily will grow into makeup - possibly hair as i hated losing mine. I sometimes have phantom feelings of having hair still and will adjust the aircon in the car to try to emphasize that when it occurs.
    The other day I put a pair of panties, hold ups and a satin komono on pulled out my decks, positioned a fan under my dj desk firing up and got on with a couple of hours of smashing some bangers out and doing a marilyn...
    I dont think i looked in a mirror once but the sensations eventually led to the inevitable not rushed and tactile stimulation enjoying the fabrics.
    Maybe if i get a wig ill have some interest in the mirror but theres no pleasure to be got from looking at my potato shaped head. I also wouldnt even consider forms, padding or anything else that interferes with touch.

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