About a week my wife was really worked up that I had left a door open and hot air blew inside. Open for no more than five minutes. She was steaming mad. I admitted I had forgotten to close the door, and thought to myself ?so what?? and assumed she was just having a bad day. So I went out for a run (in the sticky heat - yuck) and when I came back she asked if I really wanted to know why she was angry, and of course I said yes.

She said she?s tired of me wearing bras and sleeping in nightgowns, but panties are ok. This is after she gave me my first bra years ago. I was/am devastated. This hit me without warning.

I can live without wearing bras/nighties around her, but not sharing this part of myself with her diminishes our marriage. I think this is just how it?s going to be. You all know I?m never going to stop being a cross dresser, and my marriage means a great deal to me so I?m to even contemplating separation. I guess we?re in a DADT type arrangement, and my hope of more than that is unrealistic.