Some time ago I discovered that people think I am younger than my real age shows. I have mentioned it before. I have not been out dressed up in a few months, and tonight I went out to The Rehab Bar in St Louis and played my age guessing game with 2 sets of 3 people. To give them an incentive to guess my age truthfully, I offered $20 to the person guessing my age the closest. Tonight both groups missed by over 20 years so I love it. All the makeup, etc takes years off your looks. Anyhow it is also a great icebreaker for starting a conversation with others. I had a nice time tonight. Dressing up and going out can be so fun. I also met the owner of the establishment. Very nice. It is worth supporting places like this to have a safe place to hang out and meet people while dressed up.

Just thought I would share.

