After some time away from therapy I've started back. The gender dysphoria simply got too strong. It's been good to be able to open up again about my feelings about being a woman.
Today my therapist asked me a simple question "what is is that stopping you from living full time as a woman?"
I gave my standard answer about lack of guts but now I'm really thinking, " what is is that's stopping me from living full time as a woman?"
I'm thinking alot about that.

So for now I've decided to take a bit a a step. I've travelling before as Stacey, a short train trip, even took a short flight as Stacey but now I would like to take a whole multiday trip as Stacey. Maybe ride the train from Texas to D.C. and back. It would be quite the test but I think I can do it.

Anyway I really do need to start living more as a woman. It's what makes me happy.