Hi everyone,I'm new to this forum, and I would just like to say thank you to all that have given me such a warm friendly welcome. I'm already loving it here!
I've been CDing at various levels for about 25 years, but an very much in the closet. I have never told anyone about this and would be just too self conscious if anyone saw me dressed. Perhaps this forum will change that over time, who knows? My SO has discovered a few items over the passed few years, probably me carelessly leaving things out, so she does know something is going on. I also once fell asleep with this site on my tablet, which she discovered and resulted in an awkward discussion. I ended up saying I was just curious, but she made it clear she was not happy about it. She did eventually say that if that was the life I wanted, she would not stand in my way, but made it clear it would be on my own. This is definitely not what I want, so my dressing is very much in secret with no discussion at all. Don't think you can even call that DADT!!!
I'm happy with this and have no intention to stop dressing,and as I say, I do it in private and am not hurting anyone. However, sometimes I feel guilty, like I'm sneaking around or betraying everyone. Should I feel guilty? Has anyone else felt like this?
Obviously,this is more for those of us that are not in an accepting relationship, but would love to hear your thoughts.