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Thread: us older crossdressers how do you feel still after all these years

  1. #26
    Member Jackie27's Avatar
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    I have found that as I grow older the desire to dress and be feminine is stronger than it ever was. I enjoy the time that I do get to dress and support that I get from the younger generation of ladies. I may not have a lot of time left on thus earth and I intend to take advantage of every opportunity I get.

  2. #27
    Hot Geezer Girl docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    Exclamation You're as young as u feel! I'll be 80 next year!

    I'm only a CD but:

    Even tho my parts have begun falling off, I feel good and Sherry is getting prettier and sexier the older I get!

    What keeps me feeling and acting young is my energy and enthusiasm! Even when I'm out without my masks and look an old man in a dress, my sexy figure and activity make people believe I'm much younger. If not a female.

    And, I'm noticing a new acceptance of trans in the bars and clubs I visit in SoCal. Not all of which r LGBT friendly. But, the clientel in them r very young folks many of whom make a point of making me feel welcome. Which encourages me to dress all the more!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  3. #28
    Silver Member Maria 60's Avatar
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    Well I didn't know there was so many older sisters here, I quess just like fine wine we get better with age by the looks of many of your avatar pics. I feel more mature with age and dress more complete and for the relaxing feeling more then the sexual aspect. Don't get me wrong as nature takes it part my body isn't so fitting as once but still I try to keep it up.

  4. #29
    Member FrannGurl's Avatar
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    I'll be 60 in a few months, and although I can't say I'm looking forward to it, I'm still in pretty good shape and about the same size I was when I was 20. I stay active and in pretty good health so far, although I know I should give up smoking.

    I'm much more comfortable in my own skin, and the older I get, the less I care what people think of me. I'm also planning to make this the year where I get out more. I haven't gone out dressed in over a year honestly, because I don't like to go out by myself. Most of the women friends I have now are married or in long term relationships but I now have a boyfriend again that I've been seeing for about 5 months so I'm hoping that we can start getting out now and then especially since the weather is warming up.

    Getting older isn't so bad I guess. I can and do dress almost daily, unless family is around. My mother knows but isn't cool with it, but my two daughters know and are very supportive. I haven't been married in many years, but I can imagine what some of you older girls go through.

  5. #30
    Member Misty_cder's Avatar
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    At 51, I feel like I've finally entered into my prime with dressing. I'm taking care of my skin and paying more attention to my grooming. Some health scares have been a wake-up call and motived me to get back into shape. The taking care of myself for health reasons and the efforts to present more feminine when I dress is a symbiotic effort.
    I am just a guy who enjoys wearing women's clothing and there is nothing wrong with that.

  6. #31
    Member Lori Ann Westlake's Avatar
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    At my age I don't have the same intensity of erotic thrill from dressing that I did in my teens, but it's still there, and I enjoy dressing as much as ever for its own sake. One advantage of being older is that thanks to years of work, I have more money, and far more clothes, than I ever did in my teens. There's an old saying that "it's a pity we can't put an old head on young shoulders." What a pity we can't put old money in young pockets!--or purses, rather.

  7. #32
    Oh to be an English Rose Jane G's Avatar
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    I feel much more accepting of my self than I ever could when I was younger. What I look like is less important, though it does still matter.

  8. #33
    Junior Member
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    I am turning 57 in June. My time to dress is about the same, which is less than I would like. I underdress most weekdays. I think doing that has made me feel better, but it does also make me want more time to be fully dressed. My taste has changed over the years and in my mind I dress more like a women of my age. I like simple and comfortable things. My health is steady with more medications than I would like to be taking. A part of it being as steady as it is would be attributed to daily exercise. I need to do better with my diet also. I do have some regrets in this whole process. I have needed for many years to be more true to myself. That has called for confidence that do not always seem to have a great grasp over. I am working more on self acceptance through out this year.

  9. #34
    Member Mary Loo's Avatar
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    I am 55 and in better weight and shape than I have been for a number of years. The dressing bug has rebitten me as of late, but my journey is no where as far along as many here and will be hindered by my wife, Though she is well aware of my desire to dress, she is currently in a DADT type mode because she doesn’t like seeing me dressed, Though I don’t think the concept bothers her, the visual does.

    So far not too many aches and pains, but I am sure they are coming for me, eventually.

  10. #35
    Platinum Member
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    I am 65 going on 18

    That said i still get that omg heart pounding rush when i find a pair of way too cute shoes that have omg to die for. come fu#$ me this who i am ....i am WENDY so yar kinda reallyove dressing in Wendy's clothes

  11. #36
    Junior Member JustJennifer's Avatar
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    Echoing what Karren and others have said, I feel like time is running out.

    If only I had today's bank account and yesterday's body.

  12. #37
    Aspiring Member msniki48's Avatar
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    .at 70 trying to fill the time with things to do and places to go.. but i so miss my niki living in a 55 + community... ZERO privacy....Thus no real time for getting pretty....Occasionally Karen , my wife notices , i'm down and insists i put on something soft and silky to bed or around the house....but i have not been out in yrs.....still have my memories though ...
    Last edited by msniki48; 03-09-2022 at 10:53 PM.

    Hugs, msniki48

  13. #38
    Senior Member TheHiddenMe's Avatar
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    My philosophy is getting older sure beats the alternative.

    I'm fortunate that approaching 65 I've been retired for almost 10 years, I'm in excellent health (zero medications, tons of physical activities), my wife is reasonably tolerant, and we're financially secure. My girl side has made friends and I like clothes that are probably age inappropriate, but I don't care. I get to spend two additional months of summer here in Australia too.

    As I like to say to myself, my life doesn't suck.
    I'm Sun-Dee at Kandi's Land; read about my outings here:

  14. #39
    Lady By Choice Leslie Langford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustJennifer View Post
    Echoing what Karren and others have said, I feel like time is running out.

    If only I had today's bank account and yesterday's body.
    Well said - LOL! My thoughts exactly...

    Whoever came up with the saying that "Youth is wasted on the young" really nailed it. Then again, as Yogi Berra once put it, "It ain't over until it's over".

  15. #40
    Sarah Adams Vintage4sarah's Avatar
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    I will be turning 74 by the end of the month and my desire to dress has not waned one bit. I am active and healthy (no medications), but still burdened with some of my covid weight. I am rarely alone at home as my wife tends to be a homebody, but I do get away at least once a month now that the "plague" has passed !

    There are so many snippets from the previous comments that are so valid for my Tgirl side of my personality that it would be too long to mention them. Basically, I strive to dress and act as a classy mature woman and enjoy the company of other Tgirls and even gentlemen. Except for a few wrinkles, my goal is look 10 to 15 years younger and enjoy my outings as Sarah. The best have been those wonderful 2 and 3 day trips away where I can be a full time Sarah.
    Sarah Adams, mature girl from NH. My photos are on Flickr under vintage4sarah !

  16. #41
    Junior Member
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    Thanks for this interesting thread. I will be a very youthful 69 in less than a month. I have only in recent years accepted my identity as a crossdresser. No more purging or repression!
    I dress only for myself at home, with absolutely zero interest in public display. Hence, I have no real concern about looking more like a woman to myself or anyone else. Besides, I love my facial and body hair.
    I live alone, so I can wear what I want whenever I want. I feel very free.
    One of these days I will graduate from wearing foam breasts to exploring silicone forms. I wish I had a "big sister" in the neighborhood with more experience to be my guide.

  17. #42
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    It is interesting to see how we change as we grow older. I still have cyclic periods of low self-acceptance, but if there is a trend line, the trend continues towards greater self acceptance, more frequent and open self-expression. Despite the ravages of time, I really do enjoy being a woman more than I ever have (or allowed myself) before.

  18. #43
    Senior Member April Rose's Avatar
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    At 71 I live alone and dress everyday unless I am going out. I go out dressed occasionally. I have had a lot of life experience, but I still seem to be exploring my own identity. I guess that's a good thing(?) If you're not busy being born you're busy dying.
    I am a vessel of the goddess. Let me express my calling to a feminine life through nurturing love and relatedness.

  19. #44
    Member Jane P's Avatar
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    I don't like to think about it, growing older every day, but I would like to think that I look younger than I am when I present enfemme. Most of the time I just feel like an old man who has no business pretending anything else
    I don't know why , but I am .

  20. #45
    Member JuliannaS's Avatar
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    I am 55 now, and i think about it more than ever. Still dont fo it as often as i would like to, .but probably more than i ever have. Always thinking about the next time i go out dressed. Maybe tomorrow, i hope.
    Julianna Frances

  21. #46
    AKA Lexi sometimes_miss's Avatar
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    I'm still stuck at 'waiting to become the girl I thought I was supposed to be'; as if I'm on the verge of an adolescent female life. I spent about seven years really believing that when I was a child, and I just guess it's permanently stuck in my mind to feel that way, even though I learned it wasn't true back in my twenties. All my girl clothes are things that a younger teen would wear (when real girls are growing into their more womanly figures); and despite now being in my 60's, those clothes still feel normal to wear.
    Some causes of crossdressing you've probably never even considered: My TG biography at:
    There's an addendum at post # 82 on that thread, too. It's about a ten minute read.
    Why don't we understand our desire to dress, behave and feel like a girl? Because from childhood, boys are told that the worst possible thing we can be, is a sissy. This feeling is so ingrained into our psyche, that we will suppress any thoughts that connect us to being or wanting to be feminine, even to the point of creating separate personalities to assign those female feelings into.

  22. #47
    Hot Geezer Girl docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    I went thru that stage when Sherry was a teenager 10 years ago, Lexi. But, now at age 25+ Sherry's all grown up. Too mature for teen garb any more!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  23. #48
    Silver Member Maid_Marion's Avatar
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    I dress pretty young and show a lot of leg for my age. I shave my legs all year.
    My skin tone is still pretty good as I avoided excess sun exposure for decades!

  24. #49
    Member Liz Jones's Avatar
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    Hmm i must be a real "oldie " on here ! Didnt start dressing till i was 74 , I am now 80 & still --er-- indulging ! true the "tide has gone out" ( a bit ) but next week its the Grand get together at Harrogate ( England ) & i am not only attending ( with Wife ) but will be coming out of the closet .Dont know how many are attending but could be 80 +......... If you are wondering about my story have a look at my about page !

  25. #50
    The 100th sheep GaleWarning's Avatar
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    Like Carla, I am happy just to wake up each new morning. Having passed three score and ten years, I am on borrowed time!
    I am blessed to be pain-free and need to take only one tablet each day.
    I do find it increasingly difficult, though, to put on a pair of stockings!
    Life is wonderful.

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