I'm not sure what to think after a conversation my wife and I had last Sunday. I'm hoping that someone of you can share your thoughts on this - especially if you're one of the lovely GG's who are here.

It's a bit long - sorry

First, I'll share a brief background. Feel free to skip this paragraph if you already know my situation.
My wife and I are in what I call a semi-DADT situation. I wear panties all the time and always wear nighties to bed. No problems here.
Yes, I want more, but she isn't OK with anything else - so I don't. I love her and don't want to mess things up with her, so I keep quiet.
In my "away from her time" I'm likely to put on a dress, or more but with my retirement and her mobility issues, these times have dried up completely. I haven't been able to be fully dressed in a very long time and I do miss it.

OK, that said, it's time to talk about what I'm making this post for:

Sundays have gradually morphed into a kind of "blob day" where neither of bothers to change into our day clothes and we both stay in our nighties/PJ's all day.
Last Sunday, she suggested that I take advantage of the beautiful day and grill up some burgers and hot dogs (We both love the taste of charcoal grilled meats).
Jokingly, I said "What? and mess up blob day?"
Her response was "Well, just keep your nightie on while you're cooking."
Now - you need to know that While the backyard is fenced in and it would be a bit difficult for the neighbors to see in, it wouldn't be impossible. She has also always been VERY worried about anyone seeing me in anything feminine, so I was very surprised by this remark.
I said something along the lines of "what if someone sees me?"
Her response was something about how we don't know the people in the house that could see in (next street over, that backs up to us) and that all they'd see anyway was a "really ugly woman." [???thanks???]
I was tempted to take her up on her suggestion, but I decided to change instead, saying that I didn't want to get my "nice things" all messed up and smoky.
I have, since then, gotten bold enough to take trash and recycle out to the bins, and if I need some tool from the garage, I'll just go out and get it no matter how I'm dressed.

But I'm wondering.
Sundays have come to be my no-man-clothes, or "blob around in my nightie" days (her suggestion), but the last few Sundays, she has come up with something that has me changing back. Is this just a coincidence?

Is her attitude towards my dressing loosening up a little bit?

I had thought it might be some kind of "test", but I don't believe it to be true. She's much more direct than that.

I'd like to be able to just ask her, but she doesn't want to talk about it. All I get is some variation of "Can't you just wait till I'm dead?"
I hate to hear hear her saying things like that, so I just don't bring it up any more.

Any thoughts?