My fiancee is awesomely supportive. We've been out together as girlfriends several times and such.

This fall she is going away for a couple of weeks for a family obligation. I joked that she should secretly hide all of my male boxers and leave me with only panties.

The other day, I said she probably should leave me one emergency pair of my regular underwear. She replied firmly, "If you need them, you could go buy some."

For some reason I found that response pretty hot.

Meanwhile, she left this morning for a weekend away with her best friend. She'll be back tomorrow.

I slept late, got up, and opened my dresser drawer .... no boxers!!! Lol I guess she did this as a teaser test. Only a few pairs of frilly lacy panties in there, plus two pairs of black tights.

Okay then.

Nothing stops me from doing my laundry where there are a few pairs of my regular underwear, but I'll happily play along. It's a panty weekend for me.

I texted her a huge I Love You gif just now.