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Thread: How can someone who suppresses crossdressing in himself find other ways to express it

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  1. #1
    New Member
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    How can someone who suppresses crossdressing in himself find other ways to express it

    I mean are there any professions like hairdresser that allow you to live out some of your femininity? Ignorant people might think you are gay, so there could be no escape either way. Or are there any such hobbies you can pursue which could be invisible, undetectable to others?

  2. #2
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    I played ice hockey for decades and always wore gear specifically made for women (womens protective hockey shorts). Wore exactly what the other women on our team wore including a bra. Plus items are named very feminine including the girdle, stockings, and garter straps. All hidden under all those pads and outerwear! No one ever suspected! I only had to be very careful in the dressing room before and after the games.
    Last edited by Karren H; 06-23-2022 at 03:48 AM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member dawnmarrie1961's Avatar
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    We can be surprisingly creative in what we do and how we do it.

  4. #4
    Platinum Member Crissy 107's Avatar
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    I think when we suppress crossdressing, at least in my case, it is out of my life and in my past. This went on for years and I thought it was over, never going to happen again.
    That said there was no community like this to let me know it would be back stronger then ever.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Kris Burton's Avatar
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    I'm not so sure you can truly suppress this, no matter what you try. I thought I had suppressed, indeed beaten, my impulse to crossdress for 35 years or more. All it took was watching a couple related You Tube videos and some time to myself and the next thing I knew I had several dresses, heels, breastforms and a full fledged and ever developing female persona. And I'm the better, happier and more well adjusted person for it!

  6. #6
    Senior Member April Rose's Avatar
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    I learned to cook and sew, took up cross stitch and satin stitch embroidery, learned to be a gentle, nurturing parent, read many women's novels and biographies and about women's history in general, took art classes and spent hours trying to paint floral still lifes. I watched my wife give birth and nursed her when she lost her health, and it, along with everything else, gave me some sense of how much a woman's life is defined by pain and self sacrifice and putting others first without getting full appreciation for her efforts, or political respect.

    You would think, with all of that, I would be able to be grateful for my maleness and leave this longing for some ill-defined ideal of a feminine life alone, but somehow it just doesn't work that way.
    I am a vessel of the goddess. Let me express my calling to a feminine life through nurturing love and relatedness.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Debbie Denier's Avatar
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    Suppressed it for 14 years when children born . Came back stronger than ever. Underdressing is the most obvious answer to your question. Or maybe joining a ballet class.

  8. #8
    Just another 'Gurl'
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    I find doing housework and cleaning a good standin for cross dressing TBH. Mainly because cleaning it is viewed as women’s work by our chauvinist, and increasingly theocratic, society. Not only am I performing a so called feminine task, but I am also completing chores my wife finds useful.
    Last edited by Kitty Sue; 06-23-2022 at 09:54 AM.
    Just another man in a dress

  9. #9
    Platinum Member
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    I am betting I am going to read some stereotypical replies and have already. I like to bake and cook. Of course, those activities seem to be identified as "women's work" by many. How about laundry and ironing? I do a lot of the domestic chores around the house. Of course, I'd prefer doing those chores a la June Cleaver in heel/hose and a dress, but, it is not to be. I do not know if it would be classified as undetectable, or at least until I expire into dust, but I do "collect" my favorite styles of Vanity Fair panties in as many colors as I can find; 15712 (146), 13109 (119) and 13001 (48).

  10. #10
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    Are you into fitness? During the winter I wear leggings/yoga pants to the gym. As long as the pattern isn?t too obviously feminine no one even bats an eye. As a bonus womens leggings are much cheaper and easier to find than ones made for men.

  11. #11
    Member Shiny's Avatar
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    Read Fictionmania. Thousands of stories all CD related. I write under "Anonymous Writer" and have over 130 stories now. Something to do anyway.

  12. #12
    Hot Geezer Girl docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    I found the perfect way to suppress it!

    I made a deal with myself to dress every time I felt the urge. Then, for three months I dressed in a spare room at work, my car, in motels on short trips, and at midnite when the family slept!

    I got so sick of dressing I suddenly lost all desire to do it! Of course it returned in a few months. But, since then I find I only need to dress 3 or 4 times a month now!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  13. #13
    Senior Member Davina2833's Avatar
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    I just read your: Fly the Friendly Skies and The Pink Nightgown!!! Loved both of them am going back for more.


  14. #14
    Gold Member Sometimes Steffi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michelle colson View Post
    Are you into fitness? During the winter I wear leggings/yoga pants to the gym. As long as the pattern isn't too obviously feminine no one even bats an eye. As a bonus womens leggings are much cheaper and easier to find than ones made for men.
    I'm into yoga, and I don't wait for winter to wear leggings or yoga pants to the gym. I also wear a tank top or a racerback top. And the color and pattern is obviously feminine. I've gotten to the point that I don't care if people figure out if I'm wearing clothes from the pink side of the store.

    Plus, I have a couple of good excuses.

    1. I got tired of my only choices being black, navy and gray.

    2. I've I'm going to sweat and hurt, shouldn't I be able to look pretty doing it?
    Hi, I'm Steffi and I'm a crossdresser... And I accept and celebrate both sides of me. Or, maybe I'm gender fluid.

  15. #15
    Junior Member leliani's Avatar
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    I do t suppress my cross dressing, I dress up as often as I can. That said I do collect dolls (namely smart doll by Danny choo and Volks dolls)

    Even though I?m in the hobby, I know that it?s almost a 50/50 split between people that find them cute and people that find them creepy (there are definitely dolls that I still find creepy)

    But dressing them up in their cute little bras and panties, designed their outfits and choosing which dress and skirt to wear is super fun. And a lot of the time I do find myself dressing them up in something and wishing I had the exact same outfit lol!

  16. #16
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    I don't think of this as suppressing, but I have little rituals that I do when grooming that scratch the crossdressing itch somewhat. I like to keep my fingernails on the long side, and polished. Also, I keep my legs shaved.

  17. #17
    🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺 Patience's Avatar
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    When I was a kid, I wanted to go to a costume party dressed as a scotsman to have an excuse to go out wearing a skirt because even then I realized that asking to go dressed as a girl would have been a non-starter.

    The scotsman costume didn't fly, either.
    When haters hate, I celebrate!

  18. #18
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    I too do many things that are "invisible" to others. I love to cook and house clean. I will gladly strip the bed and wash the sheets along with all the other laundry. My wife travels a lot and when we speak on phone I'll tell her I got in my maids outfit and dusted the entire house that day to which she replies "great, thank you" because she hates to dust. I keep my toe nails trimmed and painted at all times. I wear panties every day, some days very pretty or lacy ones under my jeans . I also use women's Suave deodorant. I'm reminded of this just about every day when at work when I do have to lift something above my head and I smell the nice fresh scent of my "Tropical Paradise" deodorant.

  19. #19
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    It seems unhealthy for me to suppress it. Only because it started with panties every now and then. Then I would suppress it. It came back with a vengeance.

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