I work from home and live by myself which means I get to dress how I want pretty much whenever I want. Today, it's a simple lavender top with my favorite denim skirt that's probably a little too short for a girl my age, but so what.
The downside for me is that it's a hassle to change every time I want to go somewhere, even if it's just to hit a drive through and grab some lunch.

Well, not today.

It's raining here and earlier it was raining a lot. I got hungry, specifically for a Schlotsky if you want to know, and was honestly going to skip lunch rather than change.

"But wait, none of my neighbors are home. They're all at work, and it's raining so they won't be outside anyway." That devious little voice in the back of my head that gets me into so much trouble piped up.

"But what if..." My real voice chimed in.

"Grab a rain coat." That little voice is a bitch.

So out I go, in the rain, in my skirt and top, my poor excuse for a raincoat flapping in the wind as I get soaked anyway, I noticed I really run like a girl in a skirt, by the way.
Off the Schlotsky's and back again. No harm no foul. The world didn't end, the girl at the takeout window didn't faint or make a snarky comment about my top, and I didn't see a single one of my neighbors.

And I'm not hungry any more.

Like I said in the heading, just a small victory, but we need to celebrate those, too. Sometimes more than the big ones.