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Thread: Gone more than three days all fem? Why?

  1. #26
    Resident Polymath MarinaTwelve200's Avatar
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    I've done that--At home and a bit over 3 days. By the beginning of the 3rd day one gets used to one's ''new dimensions" and almost unconsciously adjusts one's angles of approach and movements to avoid hitting one's boobs on door frames or cabinets, etc., as one passes by, and is careful that the long skirts, gowns or fancy sleeves don't get caught on other objects while walking about the house.

  2. #27
    🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺 Patience's Avatar
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    Omg, I don't know why (and maybe I am alone on this) but I love it when I feel my boobs accidentally brushing against something my usually flat chested self would not touch.

    It is sort of a little reminder I'm not the man I used to be.
    Last edited by Patience; 11-27-2022 at 11:22 PM. Reason: I was mistaken. This is post #2222.
    When haters hate, I celebrate!

  3. #28
    Reality Check
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    One of the beauties of being a crossdresser (as opposed to a transexual) is that you have the choice every day of dressing as a woman or not. So, if you feel like dressing, dress. If you don't, don't.

  4. #29
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    one would imagine that any "buzz" would quickly dissipate as you get acclimated. My longest opportunity to present as a woman extended for thirteen days. It felt very natural and "right".

    My own experience probably isn't a great example for you because I have intermittently integrated presenting as a woman into my day to day life. Intermittent in the sense that I am not out to all members of my family, so there are frequent ocassions when I am obliged to be in male mode, and some days when i just don't feel motivated to get dressed up.

    To your question, "what do I get out of it"? Thats hard to explain, isn't it. But for family considerations I would most likely live all or the majority of my life presenting as a woman. Its not a buzz, its more like feeling at home and comfortable with myself.

  5. #30
    Heisthebride Heisthebride's Avatar
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    Sometimes dressing doesn’t mean just the clothes. It’s more of the experience of being female for me sometimes. As a crossdresser I don’t have to get a full body wax. It hurts but it’s part of the female experience. I don’t have to get gel nail extensions and wear them for two or three weeks but I do, because I have to learn to type or open a can of soda or be extra careful pulling on stockings. Women can’t just take off their breasts, what is it like to wear a bra for the third or fourth day in a row? Now I understand why women feel relief removing their bra. What’s it like to sleep with breasts day in and day out? Taking off makeup at the end of everyday can really wear on your skin especially around the eyes. Changing purses to go with a different outfit, maybe you need to plan for a smaller purse, what do you bring or not. The list is endless.

    I sometimes go for longer periods just to experience what it might be like to be female for an extended length of time.
    Rebecca Bas

  6. #31
    Junior Member
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    I would certainly like to try. I have dressed three days in a row, but never 24/7. I’ve always had some sort of issue that prevented me from doing so.

  7. #32
    Sallee Sallee's Avatar
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    Yes I have at a Calif Dreaming convention back in the 90's What fun I believe it was a 4 day convention I came early and stayed dressed for about 4 days But by the end I was growing tried of it. On the last day several of us arrived in boy mode and it was hard to recognize each other. I found that interesting. I would do it again and I have around home when it was possible, but you gotta get out and interact with the rest of the world. Like GGs do. I guess that is what makes me a CD and not a transexual. I am not full time and when it grows routine the thrill is gone, so why bother

  8. #33
    Senior Member Heather76's Avatar
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    I wish I could answer the OP question at this time; but, I've never been 100% en femme for more than 10 - 12 hours. However, in mid-March my wife will leave home about noon on a Thursday and won't return until early evening on Monday. I can almost promise I will be en femme most all of the time. I know I will get a makeover as well as a mani-pedi. There are some opportunities a girl simply can't let pass by.
    It's never too late to enjoy a happy childhood.
    Live each day as though it's your last 'cause one day you'll be right.
    I'm finding the more feminine side of me...and I ❤️ this adventure.

  9. #34
    Member nancy58's Avatar
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    Sir Donna, what I have most enjoyed about multiple days dressing as a woman has been when I reached the point -- generally about three days in -- that reaching for the girl underwear instead of the boy underwear felt pretty mundane. As I've started going out more, I am most enjoying my interactions with people. My goal in dressing up isn't to look hot -- a pretty impossible task for a 64-year-old -- but rather to assemble an outfit that looks nice and is, more than anything else, credible. Judging from the reactions I've seen so far, I feel like I'm succeeding.

    Your goals may be different, and that's fine. I believe you are wise to assess things before committing your precious vacation time to this enterprise.

  10. #35
    Aspiring Member Joanne108's Avatar
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    Yes I dressed as a woman for the entire time I was awake for 5 days. I did because I was alone at home for a week. I did not dress the last two days because I used those days to clean the house!

  11. #36
    Member Lea's Avatar
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    Except for Halloween I have not dressed outside of the house.
    Usually when I dress it would be for two or three days. Once a year I would take one weeks' vacation and dress for the entire nine days. During the lockdown I dressed for fourteen straight days.
    Since I do not leave the house, I keep busy by deep cleaning, playing board games and jig saw puzzles with the wife and other items. I keep busy to avoid feeling stuck in the house.
    After a few days the dressing becomes routine. The choosing my outfit, applying makeup all becomes just part of getting ready for the day. When it becomes just part of getting ready for the day, for me, it is comforting that this is who I am, and I feel whole. The feeling complete is what I get out of it.
    As far as clothing the worse part for me is wearing the wig all day and the clip earrings.

  12. #37
    Member Betty70's Avatar
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    I happened to spend a few days in women's clothing.
    Without something special, a simple dress around the house, a comfortable nightgown for the night.
    I felt great as a housewife.
    I cleaned up a bit, put on a frilly apron and got down to baking cookies or cooking something else good.
    When the opportunity arose again some time later, I waited impatiently.
    But now it works differently.
    Since I started going out in public, other types of activities no longer seemed appealing.
    Fatigue also began to appear - after a few hours I got fed up, felt tired and felt like going back to the male image.
    It looks like I've processed everything that came my way and I started to get bored.
    Maybe this is a way to quit cross-dressing, because I would like to.
    But I probably don't have anything to count on. A moment's break and the temptation will come back all over again.

  13. #38
    Member Shiny's Avatar
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    Back in my working days I got stuck weeks on end not-dressing. Finally, with a holiday coming up I totally dolled up, the works for 4 days total. Dresses or skirts and blouses by day, nightgowns by night. Yes it was a total stress reliever and amazingly at least to me "cured" this problem for over a month later! Like doing it till you are sick of it and all the fuss seems to help you put the condition on the back burner much longer than just quickie-dressing.

  14. #39
    Silver Member Rhonda Jean's Avatar
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    I have, but not dressed to the nines all day every day. I've done several 5 day business trips where I dressed every night, but obviously not all day. For many years I did my monthly girl's thing, two nights in a hotel. Although I always hated the detransition always done in stages along the drive home, by the time I was leaving I had run out of things to do. Shopping, just to have something to do while dressed, got old. I was always alone, and some things are just awkward to do by yourself, dressed or not.

    Typically I'd either dress at home or along the way when I headed out on Friday, run a couple of errands like picking up snacks for the room, have dinner, and head to the room. I almost always had my hair and nails done as early as I could on Saturday. The highlight of the trip was always getting my hair done. I liked the nail salon, but even that was more or less something to do once I'd had my hair done in some elaborate style. The rest of the time was shopping and eating out. Sometimes I'd go downtown and just walk around trying to catch my reflection in the windows. I mean, seriously, how much of that can you do. It's weird and it's boring. The third day I'd spend a lot of time on my hair, trying to recreate the style from the day before. By the time I got my makeup done it'd be time to check out. Lunch, more shopping, and start the detransiton on the way home. I'd pull off somewhere and put on male clothes, then take off my makeup and nail polish while driving. If I was going to get home before the kids got home from school I'd go home with my hair still done, but I'd usually pull off at a rest area and wash my hair (not with shampoo) under an outdoor faucet. Even in the winter. And, yes, I know how weird, pitiful, and desperate that sounds. I'd go home with wet hair, and yes, my wife knew why my hair was wet.

    So, although I put off detransition to the last possible moment, on the third day I was done. Sometimes I was able to add a couple of nights of girl time to a business trip where I could get a day head start on the hair and nails, and that was always nice, and frequently I'd get my hair and nails done on Friday instead of Saturday, but by Sunday it was time to go. Another night/day would have felt forced. For me, there was a limit to how much pointless shopping and eating in restaurants (when I usually didn't even want to eat) that I could make interesting.

    When my wife and I were out of town together (didn't happen many times), that was a different story. Dresses and skirts, never. But, I'd get to roll my hair and do a little makeup, and if we could do that together at a double vanity and a big mirror, that never got old! Also, it didn't matter what what we were doing, it was always fun and exciting. I knew she didn't get as much out of it as I did, but it was way after the fact that I learned that she hated it. In fact, I actually believed that doing that made us closer! That was a delusion.

  15. #40
    Gold Member Helen_Highwater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heisthebride View Post
    Sometimes dressing doesn’t mean just the clothes. It’s more of the experience of being female for me sometimes. As a crossdresser I don’t have to get a full body wax. It hurts but it’s part of the female experience. I don’t have to get gel nail extensions and wear them for two or three weeks but I do, because I have to learn to type or open a can of soda or be extra careful pulling on stockings. Women can’t just take off their breasts, what is it like to wear a bra for the third or fourth day in a row? Now I understand why women feel relief removing their bra. What’s it like to sleep with breasts day in and day out? Taking off makeup at the end of everyday can really wear on your skin especially around the eyes. Changing purses to go with a different outfit, maybe you need to plan for a smaller purse, what do you bring or not. The list is endless.

    I sometimes go for longer periods just to experience what it might be like to be female for an extended length of time.
    Really well put. Life takes on a different rhythm when lived enfemme. Wearing nails as you say creates a need for a different skill set. So many nuanced aspects to even the little things we take for granted in our drab lives.
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  16. #41
    AKA Lexi sometimes_miss's Avatar
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    Rather, do I feel that I need to 'get' some special feeling out of it?
    I don't. What I feel, is 'normal'. It's when I'm dressed as a male that I feel just a little 'off', that I'm not what I'm supposed to be. It's kind of like a mild itch that can't be scratched, which doesn't happen when I'm dressed as a girl; so, my natural desire is not to have that itch, so I dress as a girl whenever I can.
    I understand that some get a thrill from dressing as a female, but I don't. NO buzz, no exuberation, no high, just feel normal. Perhaps my id is just permanently stamped 'female', so I have to try to reconcile that with my physical state, which BTW, I wouldn't be able to fix by transitioning, as I wouldn't magically become a female, all I would become, is a MtF transsexual, as that's how the world would see me, and treat me; there's no hiding from that, at least for me.
    I love to feel normal for as many days in a row, as I can. Nothing like it. And so I sit here in some of my pretty clothes, and bask in the feeling that I am what I dream of being.
    That's the best I can hope for.
    Some causes of crossdressing you've probably never even considered: My TG biography at:
    There's an addendum at post # 82 on that thread, too. It's about a ten minute read.
    Why don't we understand our desire to dress, behave and feel like a girl? Because from childhood, boys are told that the worst possible thing we can be, is a sissy. This feeling is so ingrained into our psyche, that we will suppress any thoughts that connect us to being or wanting to be feminine, even to the point of creating separate personalities to assign those female feelings into.

  17. #42
    Girl Power! CrossKimmy's Avatar
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    I can?t attest to spending more than 24 hours em femme but I find male clothing unnatural and uncomfortable on me.
    Last edited by CrossKimmy; 12-08-2022 at 05:01 PM.

  18. #43
    Senior Member Diane P's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScientiaMetallum View Post
    I have, on several occasions, but I did not leave home on those occasions.
    As such, it was clothes only, no wig, no breastforms (and thus no bra) and no makeup.

    Why? Because I prefer those clothes, and therefore wear them as often as possible. There needs be no more complex reason, really.
    I have to agree with ScientiaMetallum. My cross dressing is at home and probably will be for the foreseeable future. I wear bikini panties every day, under whatever I'm wearing, because they just feel so comfortable and right. I sleep every night in a night gown, most of them being about knee length, some shorter, because I love the feel of them against my skin. I tend to wear shorts and tops most of the time and occasionally I put on a dress, usually in the evening. I have three wigs, Blonde, Brunette and Red-Head, I wear them once in a while, usually when I decide to take a picture of myself. I enjoy dressing as a woman, it's not 24/7, but it is the majority of the day and especially when sleeping.

  19. #44
    Silver Member Natalie5004's Avatar
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    I have not gone 3 days all day dressed ever. I do not own any casual clothes. I like to dress nice and fancy. I am sitting here now in my usual look. Dress, full makeup, all my shapewear, both set of nails painted red, long wig.

    I can sit on my patio outside for some fresh air while dressed. Neighbors can see me but I do not really care.

    I can dress 5 days a week now and even on a weekend day when I ask my wife if she minds if I do. Last time I got some complements on my look.

    By 6 pm my time all of it will come off so I can go for a nice walk with my wife.

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