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Thread: Crossdressing and Jury Duty.

  1. #1
    🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺 Patience's Avatar
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    Post Crossdressing and Jury Duty.

    Hey, ladies.

    So I got my habitual Jury duty summons for the beginning of the new year and I'm seriously considering going enfemme on my first day at least. I have served in a jury once, but that was a long time ago.

    Right now, I'm in the middle of weighing pros and cons, especially if I get selected. I can certainly put appropriate outfits together, but then there's other questions, like the issue of the restrooms, whether I will be required to use my legal name throughout, seeing as it will be a legal procedure or if I may ask to be called a certain name? It's a serious procedure and I want to mind my P's and Q's, no pun intended,

    Does anyone have any pointers? Thanks!
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  2. #2
    Member nancy58's Avatar
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    As far as dealing with courts and such, I'd suggest sticking with what's on your legal documentation. Thinking about it, if I were going to show up in court for a summons for "Bob", I would give that name to the clerk of court representative checking me in and answer to it when called. The one time I was seated on a jury, I don't remember anyone calling anyone else by name, but I would use Nancy in communications in the jury room. As far as restrooms go, check your state's laws about bathrooms. Whatever applies in the state laws will probably apply in your courthouse. If it's a U.S. federal court, there is probably no issue. (I am not a lawyer.)
    "If you are lucky enough to find a way of life that you love, you have to find the courage to live it." -- John Irving

  3. #3
    Senior Member Laura912's Avatar
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    Jury duty is really a serious responsibility in our system of government despite what movies and political pundits suggest. Play it safe.

  4. #4
    Platinum Member
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    Do you think you would be a distraction?

  5. #5
    🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺 Patience's Avatar
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    I should hope not. My presentation definitely will hopefully show that's not the effect I am after.

    Quote Originally Posted by Laura912 View Post
    Jury duty is really a serious responsibility in our system of government despite what movies and political pundits suggest. Play it safe.
    I am. Hence this thread.

    Thank you for your replies.
    When haters hate, I celebrate!

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    i would go as male ( unfortunately ) but lean toward girl, you dont want to you get a total jerk of a judge or lawyer and be called out in front of everybody,

  7. #7
    Senior Member Jean 103's Avatar
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    I would go with however you dress most of the time.

    If you're full time like me then I would say yes. When I present my identification I'm in full makeup so I would look the same.

  8. #8
    Hot Geezer Girl docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    This is a easy one, Patience.

    Want to experience jury to the max? Go as Bob.

    Rather have a root canal than sit around for hours and probably accomplish nothing? Just throw on a dress before u go out the door! They'll send u home rite away!
    Last edited by docrobbysherry; 12-29-2022 at 02:38 PM.
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

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  9. #9
    Gold Member Helen_Highwater's Avatar
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    Is it possible to contact the clerk of the court beforehand and ask what the situation/rules are? That way you should avoid any risk of crossing a line that might see you fall foul of a judge.

  10. #10
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    They probably have a dress code, and it probably does not allow people who are legally male to wear skirts or dresses (that might have changed in some places, replacing it with a non-gendered dress code that allows skirts or dresses, but I would definitely check if you opt to come dressed.) Even if you wore pants, they may not like it if you wear makeup or a wig (if you wear one) or prosthetic breasts (if you wear them).

    If there is a dress code you break and/or you ask to be referred to as a woman when you are legally still male the judge, in theory, could hold you in contempt if he wanted to. That is not something I would ever, ever risk! It might be more bearable if you are dressed, and as far as I am concerned you should be able to dress however you like given they are literally forcing you be there against your will, but I still wouldn't risk any potential legal consequences.

  11. #11
    Platinum Member alwayshave's Avatar
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    Patience, I am going to put my lawyer hat on here and say, don't crossdress. Judges courtrooms are their fiefdom. If you offend them personally, and not everyone accepts CDing, they will tear you up. I have seen judges rip jurors and lawyers a new one over what they have worn to court and I practice in a pretty liberal states. That being said, Helen's advice is on point. Before, arguing before a judge for the first time, I'd ask his/her clerk, where I should stand, how they like to be addressed, how they like to hear objections, etc... and would get advice I would use. So ask the clerk.
    Please call me Jamie, I always_have crossdressed, I always will, "alwayshave".

  12. #12
    Reality Check
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    I would go to jury duty as a male. Don't mess with a judge.

  13. #13
    Silver Member Aunt Kelly's Avatar
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    In a "less enlightened" jurisdiction, it's conceivable that showing up cross-dressed could earn a contempt of court judgement. If you want to make a statement, by all means, go dressed. Just be prepared for the consequences.
    Last edited by Aunt Kelly; 12-29-2022 at 04:19 PM.
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  14. #14
    Exploring NEPA now Cheryl T's Avatar
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    Unless you are full time and have ID I wouldn't dress for jury duty. Just my opinion.
    I don't wear women's clothes, I wear MY clothes !

  15. #15
    Girl Power! CrossKimmy's Avatar
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    This might get you eliminated rather quickly 🤭

  16. #16
    Aspiring Member OrdinaryAverageGuy's Avatar
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    Gotta agree with Doc and CrossKimmy. If you wear a dress you'll likely be perceived as making fun of the process and sent home. Which might be your goal, to which I won't judge.

    (See what I did there?)

  17. #17
    Senior Member TheHiddenMe's Avatar
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    As long as you are properly dressed, go how you want to go.

    I live (thankfully) in a progressive state, where LGBT rights are protected. You still have an ID, regardless of how you present. The Supreme Court even ruled in 1989 that sex stereotyping (women have to dress a certain way) was illegal.

    If you show up in leggings and a top--like 90% of the women are going to in the potential jury pool--do you think the court is going to object? On what basis?

    You are required to show for jury duty. However, you have no legal requirement to dress in accordance with the gender on your ID.

    Dress how you wish to dress, as long as it meets the court standards.
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  18. #18
    Silver Member Geena75's Avatar
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    Hopefully a judge wouldn't think you were mocking the court and hold you in contempt!

  19. #19
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    I hope your taste in fashion runs to shirts and pants with broad horizontal stripes and your taste in jewelry runs to silver colored bracelets and chains because that is what you may get if your judge takes this the wrong way.

  20. #20
    Silver Member NancySue's Avatar
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    FWIW, I?m with others. Don?t do it. Maybe underdress? Court rooms are not like Law & Order. Much more intense and intimidating. I?ve been there and there?s only one way. The Judge rules.

  21. #21
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    Now I'm not a lawyer but I hope someone could explain to me. If a person is transitioning and living as the opposite sex but has not changed their ID, do they need to pause their way of life so a man in a Robe won't be offended. Just saying I believe some people would stand out more trying to dress for the court, and not the way they look now. So if a crossdresser wants to present as female IMO I think she should go for it.

  22. #22
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    You know, a lot of this may very well be up to the judge. But, if you're going to go en femme in some way to jury duty, asking the court beforehand isn't going to be somehow worse than showing up en femme. Ask ahead of time. If they say it's ok, and the judge blows a gasket, you've got more on your side.

  23. #23
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    Hi Patience , See Line #4 in my Signature ,
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    I can explain it to you, But I can't comprehend it for you !

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  24. #24
    Aspiring Member Kelli_cd's Avatar
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    I've worn panties to jury duty, but no one is going to notice that anyway. I don't know if I would wear a bra - we have to pass through a metal detector before entering the lobby proper.

  25. #25
    Platinum Member Shelly Preston's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrissy111 View Post
    Now I'm not a lawyer but I hope someone could explain to me. If a person is transitioning and living as the opposite sex but has not changed their ID, do they need to pause their way of life so a man in a Robe won't be offended. Just saying I believe some people would stand out more trying to dress for the court, and not the way they look now. So if a crossdresser wants to present as female IMO I think she should go for it.
    I think if your are transitioning there should not be an issue. However it would make sense to contact the court first as a matter of being polite. I don't think judges will care as long as you are honest with them.

    The last thing you would want is to be held in contempt of court.

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