My brand new plaid grey dress I'll never get to wear. Yup, my wife took it. I have been on the hunt for a plaid grey dress Torrid used to carry. I found a few on eBay but whoa the prices. So I stalked them for a bit eventually find one at a good price with offers accepted. So I offered really low to start. BOOM...the seller accepted and the invoice was sent.
Wow I got it and promptly paid. It took forever for it to arrive. Finally, seven days later my wife came in carrying my eBay package from the mail box. She asked what did I get? A new dress, go ahead and open it. So she did. She tore open the package and held up that beautiful plaid grey dress. Oh I like this one and off she went with my brand new plaid grey dress in hand.
Moments later there she stood in my new plaid grey dress. It looks so great on you. Yes, I love it she said. I can't wait to try on, I said. Nope said she..this ones mine. Through out the rest of the day I teased her on how good she looked in my brand new plaid grey dress as she would continue to state its hers. Keep my hands off. We have several that we share, some she won't wear and some that I won't wear cause they are her favorites. Like this brand new plaid grey dress of "hers".