I got the chance to go out dressed Saturday evening it was unexpected and a little rushed as I didn?t know my partner was going out for the evening in fact neither of us knew until her friend rang to invite her out, so I wasn?t really prepared but I didn?t want to miss the opportunity for a drive and hopefully maybe a dive through. As I was in a hurry I didn?t have time to go in the loft to get my clothes and makeup but luckily I keep enough clothes and makeup in the garage for times like this, so I got dressed in my black knee length dress black tights and boots.I wanted to go out just before it got dark so hopefully no one would see me leave the house, so my makeup was a bit of a rush but passable I topped it off with my shoulder length brown wig. I put my hooded coat on as I wasn?t intending to get out the car and I could take it off as soon as I got out of the area, I had one last look through the window and there was no one about so it was time to go I started buttoning my coat as I opened the door and came face to face with my neighbour who was just about to knock I?m sure those of you like myself who are in the closet can imagine the sheer panic that came over my face. She was smiling at me and said why are you wearing a dress and makeup!! I had nowhere to go so I had to come clean. I asked her in and shut the door and she said so why are you wearing woman?s clothes!! I said I?m not trans or gay but I do like to cross dress.
Because my neighbour lives alone I sometimes do odd jobs for her and she is usually really talkative but I think the shock of seeing me dressed took the wind out of her sails eventually she asked me who else knows and I said no one does and she said well no one will hear about it from me as it?s your business, the reason I came across was to ask if you could do me a little job when you have time, I said no problem at all.
as she turned to go she asked if I was going anywhere nice? I said no not really I?m just going for a drive she winked and said enjoy.
As soon as she had gone I jumped in the car and drove to a quiet spot to take off my coat, I drove around the town for a while it was nice to be in full fem mode catching the odd glance from other drivers and pedestrians but in the back of my mind I was still thinking about what just happened and what the consequences could be. I have known my neighbour for a long time and we get on really well so I don?t think she will say anything to anyone. I decided not to go to a drive through as I had enough drama for one day, after about a hour or so I made my way home and by this time it was dark. After I got changed I had chance to reflect on what happened earlier and how the conversation might go when I pop over to see my neighbour.