I have been on the waiting list for an appointment at Leeds (UK) GIC, regarding my transition, for several years now and not getting any closer to being seen. My doctor had applied to get me transferred to the Manchester GIC, Indigo, which is closer to home and, I understand is way better than Leeds in terms of care, as they are run by trans and enby people who have lived experience.
I started to give up hope, when in January, I had a letter to say I had been accepted to Indigo, but I still expected a long wait, even with them.
Three weeks ago, I had a phone call from them to introduce me to the service and for them to make sure they had all the correct details for me. That cheered me up, but I was still thinking I would have a long wait. Then last week out of the blue, I got a phone call to invite me in for my first appointment with the clinician. I am so excited and nervous, both at the same time.
I can hardly wait for things to start moving, but, and I know this is a very common fear, I am still afraid that they may find a reason not to put me on hormones.
Just thought I would share my good news with everyone.