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Thread: Girl watching

  1. #26
    Gold Member JenniferR771's Avatar
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    It is natural for young women to want men to notice them. That is what fashion, style and clothes are all about. And also hair and makeup. (Perfume--maybe). Married women not so much. Older married men--should have better things to do.
    Last week I counted women coming through the building. Sad--only 25 percent were wearing dresses.

  2. #27
    tiptoeing thru the tulips ellbee's Avatar
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    Well, I guess I should probably be the one to say this...?

    GG's, if any of y'all have been reading all this & are now totally creeped out or whatever? Please don't be!

    Seriously, the overwhelming majority of CD'ers who do this? Entirely innocent, regardless how it may come across. (And we're sorry for those, too! )

    Listen, we really dig the GG community, ya know? And we want to be a part of that -- as limited as it may be, of course. We just want to play along a bit, to enjoy some of the things that are usually (and unfairly!) "restricted" to GG's. Obviously some of y'all enjoy doing whatever, at least some of the time, yeah? Well, so do we!

    What, just because we're natal males, now means we can't, or wouldn't want to?? Please.

    We ain't letting you have all the fun... We're joining in too, LOL!

    But in order to do that? We kinda need some help sometimes And what better way to go about that, than going directly to the source?

    You know, they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

    Anyway, there's a GG who lives in the building next to mine. Probably late 20's, early 30's. Sitting out in my car, which I usually do fairly often (for other reasons ), I can see when she's coming & going -- and I'm always sure to look. Fairly attractive & fit, sure. But you know what *really* catches my eye?

    The fact that she can put together & wear a completely different kind of outfit every day, and it always looks fantastic on her. Seriously, she's a total fashionista!

    I've been trying to figure it out, yet I'm having a difficult time! I really don't know how she does it... Well, I've picked up bits & pieces, but still. Serious envy of her fashion sense -- and the balls to wear it & own the heck outta it! It's never a dull or average look, and I'm always hoping I get to see what she's wearing any given day.

    Yeah, I'm sure she's built up quite a wardrobe. But that still doesn't explain it all! She really does have a knack for that... And while that probably can't be totally taught? I still try to learn what I can, so I can then apply it to own dressing.

    Oh, and CD'ers aren't the *only* ones to, well, "watch."

    Just yesterday, there was a mid- to late-20's GG-visitor in my building. Never seen her before. Looks like she was helping her grandmother(?) with her laundry in the common laundry-room area.

    Well, if the laundry-room door is open all the way, as it was? There's a direct line of sight when someone comes in the front door/lobby/hallway.

    And guess who "enters the chat," strutting her bad-girl self back to her apartment? It's me!

    Yes, I looked pretty cute & femmy wearing nothing but my clothes from the women's dept, including dark tights & shorts to show off my shapely gams, ha! Did I mention I was in guy-mode?? Though I did have the hood up from my lightweight hoodie, so it kinda looked like long women's hair? LOL

    Oh, this granddaughter-GG checked me out for probably longer than I would have liked, for sure! It wasn't bad or anything, just probably not something she saw every day? She obviously knew it was a natal male, I wasn't trying to hide that. Yet at the same time, I did look pretty feminine, too, ha!

    She did the friendly-GG smile (you know the one!) as she surveyed my eye-catching-&-holding outfit -- as well as the very sight, itself, before her eyes. Eeeek!

    Nah, she seemed cool with it, from what I could tell. And I seem to have gotten her approval of my presentation? I really don't do a half-shabby job of it, ya know, from what I've heard!

    But yeah, she was totally "tranny-watching"!

    I simply returned the friendly-GG smile. I didn't mind that she was *really* looking at me & studying me. Whatever. I not only just dress for myself, ya know.

    Besides, what's good for the goose is good for the gander!

  3. #28
    Junior Member MoniqueAsh743's Avatar
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    Since I began to more embrace my crossdressing I have to admit I do really look at the women I see to appreciate how they are put together, how effortlessly beautiful some look, a degree of jealousy as to their beauty and also wondering if their underwear is like mine.

    Also as a hetero male there is the natural attraction but like most people out there that don't know our secrets they just don't realize what we are looking at.

  4. #29
    Junior Member
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    I think we're all guilty of doing this! I love observing how well dressed women put their outfits together and find myself daydreaming of wearing the same outfits and jealous that I can't look as good as them. It does give some inspiration as to what to wear and might look good. I have occasionally been caught looking and hate the fact I might have made any of the women uncomfortable as they probably thought I was leering at them, when I was really just admiring their outfit, women compliment each other on their outfit all the the time and I'd love to that too, but, that would probably come across as creepy.

  5. #30
    Member JesseVF's Avatar
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    Actually I don?t really do this girl watching thing probably because while I?ve underdressed my whole life I?ve only started having the opportunity to buy and wear clothes the past year or two. It?s been difficult to find things that at least look reasonable but I?m learning trial and error - lots of returns to Goodwill.
    I?m going to start observing more (discretely) so hope to learn more.

  6. #31
    Platinum Member
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    Hi Shannon , That is the best way to learn how to Blend in, >Orchid**OO**
    Having my ears triple pierced is AWESOME, ~~......

    I can explain it to you, But I can't comprehend it for you !

    If at first you don't succeed, Then Skydiving isn't for you.

    Be careful what you wish for, Once you ring a bell , you just can't Un-Ring it !! !!

  7. #32
    New Member
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    I also find myself looking at women. Admiring thier outfits, makeup, hairstyles etc. I also notice thier mannerisms and the way they conduct themselves. I don't stare or anything like that. Just notice certain things I would like to emulate. I love women, they are gods perfect design IMHO.

  8. #33
    Join Date
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    One of the things I sometimes do on my commute to work by train is watch the GG's put on their makeup to see if there's anything I could possibly learn and use. One of the things I have not figured out from these peripheral views is how they keep a steady hand with all the bumps of the train.
    Last edited by melissalynn; 09-06-2023 at 05:51 PM.

  9. #34
    🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺 Patience's Avatar
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    I am part of everything.
    I like to see what outfits women are wearing so I can try to reproduce them. It helps with blending when going out.
    When haters hate, I celebrate!

  10. #35
    Gold Member Sometimes Steffi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by docrobbysherry View Post
    Now, why would a trans or any straight man for that matter look at women, Shannon?
    I don't think I've ever done that in my life!
    Doc. I'm not sure if this comment is serious or facetious, but I'll answer it anyway.

    I guess that I'm a "trans-lesbian". Even when I'm en femme, I'm still attracted to GGs. I often flirt with them. Since they know I'm a CD it isn't threatening to them. At Keystone, the night clerk at check in was very cute. Yes, I flirted with her. Yes, I asked for advice putting on my eyeliner. Yes, I asked her to put eyeliner "wings" on my eyes. Yes, she did.

    Quote Originally Posted by Becky Bloodstone View Post
    Sometimes I'll be looking at a women, not necessarily checking her out like that but looking at her clothes or attitude and she'll notice and give me a, eewww what are you doing? look. Then I'll be embarrassed the rest of the day. Happens often actually. Guess when I do that I need to go into the checking them out like that mode and be sneaky about it.
    I look at the newscasters and weather ladies to see if they're using a different shade of lipstick. Is this one more orange than her usual red?

    I also give complements to women who really have it all together. For example, I set next to this woman on the bus and told her that I really liked her unusual green nail polish. She actually put he phone in her purse and we talked for the 20 minute ride to work. I told her about some of my daughter's nail polish designs, and I told her about mine (Green on the big toe and red on the little toes signifying Christmas holly), but I told her that it was my daughter's Christmas style.
    Hi, I'm Steffi and I'm a crossdresser... And I accept and celebrate both sides of me. Or, maybe I'm gender fluid.

  11. #36
    Join Date
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    I’ve always noticed what females were wearing. From an early age I envied the impracticality of girls clothes hair makeup and shoes. I have often copied the style of others.I always notice if a woman is wearing a dress like one I have already!

  12. #37
    AKA Lexi sometimes_miss's Avatar
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    Now retired, I spend many of my lunchtimes at a local office park which has restaurants nearby, so I pick up something to eat, and go sit on a park bench in the warm sunshine. I always wear sunglasses and some sort of baseball style cap, so as to enjoy watching the ladies walk by on their way to eat, without giving a clue that I'm looking at them. 11am until about 2pm is prime girl watching time.
    During colder weather, the mall has plenty of benches to sit on, to watch the world go by, and since it's nearby the local college, there's plenty to watch there, too; as there's plenty of women's clothing shops there, it's always fun to watch the girls pick out new clothes.
    Some causes of crossdressing you've probably never even considered: My TG biography at:
    There's an addendum at post # 82 on that thread, too. It's about a ten minute read.
    Why don't we understand our desire to dress, behave and feel like a girl? Because from childhood, boys are told that the worst possible thing we can be, is a sissy. This feeling is so ingrained into our psyche, that we will suppress any thoughts that connect us to being or wanting to be feminine, even to the point of creating separate personalities to assign those female feelings into.

  13. #38
    New Member
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    I watch women all the time, i take note of their clothes, hair, make up and mannerisms, I try to copy them, it's not at all sexual as i am sexually attracted to men,

  14. #39
    Member steffigirl37's Avatar
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    I have always admired the way women dress. The clothes, the shoes, the jewelry. How they wear their
    hair and makeup. It has always intrigued me and many times I have tried to emulate their style. Although I have tried to be inconspicuous, several times I have been caught looking. Most ended with a smile and a wave from them. I have worked in the construction industry for many years and can remember at one point having to sign papers indicating that if we were seen looking too long or harassing women with look?s or ?catcalling ? we would be removed from the site. I seen it happen several times. This was particularly true around college campuses and office buildings.

  15. #40
    Sarah Adams Vintage4sarah's Avatar
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    I have always observed and appreciated women who dress with good taste or have a certain appeal. Since I strated going out to places about 10 years ago, I have been far more observant of all of the little details that go into making a lady pleasing to the eye. I try my best not to leer, but casually observe and remember all of the styles details and mannerism of woman. If I want to be out as a woman in public I need to mirror them and their behaviors.
    Sarah Adams, mature girl from NH. My photos are on Flickr under vintage4sarah !

  16. #41
    Senior Member April Rose's Avatar
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    I'm always looking at women, hoping for fashion cues, or how they carry themselves. Lately, if I see someone with a nice outfit, be it dressy or completely casual I don't want to stop looking until I see what they've done for shoes.
    I am a vessel of the goddess. Let me express my calling to a feminine life through nurturing love and relatedness.

  17. #42
    Senior Member BrendaPDX's Avatar
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    People watching is a great pastime. Some people dress and act, wanting to be watched. Some people dress to be overlooked. Some people dress to blend or be accepted. I dress and act to blend.

  18. #43
    Member OrdinaryAverageGuy's Avatar
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    There are 2 kinds of straight guys.
    Those who have sometimes let their eyes linger on an attractive woman, and liars.

  19. #44
    Junior Member Sabine7's Avatar
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    I love watching women for hours, in reality, online, on webcam, pics. How do they look, how do they dress, how do they move. Watching their hairs, makeup and legs, how high are their heels, etc.
    It will never be boring to me but the opposite, always inspiring and exciting.
    I even don't know at what point in time, I had started to watch them not as a man but just woman, their sister, willing to copy their patterns.

  20. #45
    Aspiring Member Bea_'s Avatar
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    i was in a conversation with 2 or 3 other men and one woman at work years ago. The subject turned to which feminine attributes caught the guys attention. One guy had a foot fetish. I think another mentioned breasts. In general the answers were in a predicable range of attributes. I said that I noticed a woman's style and tried to explain that whatever the size or shape, a woman's style could enhance any of it. I was totally serious but i got some really odd looks and the conversation stopped there.

    So yeah, I always admired style, long before i started dressing.

  21. #46
    Member Teresa.Smith.VA's Avatar
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    I like the comment of OrdinaryAverageGuy

    "There are 2 kinds of straight guys.
    Those who have sometimes let their eyes linger on an attractive woman, and liars."
    I honor my wife's request that I not post pictures.

  22. #47
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    I am always looking at women. My wife knows I admire good-looking women and doesn't say anything. We also will talk about women on tv programs and how their outfits look.

  23. #48
    Junior Member Elizabeth1980's Avatar
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    I went out early this morning, and it was interesting watching the types of sportswear that women were wearing while out walking their dogs, cycling, etc. A lot of them wear yoga pants and sports bras. The bright colours interest me as well as the materials of the clothes such as lycra, polyester etc.

  24. #49
    Administrator Di's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ellbee View Post
    Well, I guess I should probably be the one to say this...?

    GG's, if any of y'all have been reading all this & are now totally creeped out or whatever? Please don't be!

    Seriously, the overwhelming majority of CD'ers who do this? Entirely innocent, regardless how it may come across. (And we're sorry for those, too! )

    I remember Sher and I getting coffee and we would discuss different styles of clothing.
    Downtown was always busy and we could check out the newest trends and see what we might want to try.
    So I am not creeped out.
    Sher was Sher and other relationships I had before I would have been creeped out but it truly was about the clothes and how stylish some were with her.
    If you are a Genetic Female (Female at Birth) and would like to join us in the F.A.B. Forum, please follow the link.

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    Sherlyn,My beautiful sweet girl
    You forever and always will be my one and only true love . ❤️


  25. #50
    Member EmilyShy's Avatar
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    I'm a watcher probably too much lol. I always notice women and first check out what they wearing (or more so that catches my eye) I tend do a top to bottom sweep and always check out the shoes (very very rare they are heels of any kind) then I re glance back up rechecking everything. Hi used to think there was something wrong with me but I find it's more common that people let on, I suppose the difference is I'm Honest about it lol. This is not just when out n about I do it on TV shows as well

    I think I'm discreet but probably not, my SO knows I do it

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