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Thread: Fantasies While Dressed

  1. #51
    New Member
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    I picture myself being the star of a drag show, the whole crowd loving me. But I'm not talented or sociable enough for that sort of thing😄.

  2. #52
    Junior Member
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    AmeeJO, I think we all have that fantasy. I wonder how many (few) here have actually had it happen.
    Last edited by Joannie; 09-22-2023 at 01:18 PM. Reason: Needed context

  3. #53
    Banned Read only
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    As a kid, I used to have an unusual fantasy. I knew that CDing "was wrong" so I tried to invent forced or accidental ways to be crossdressed, so I "could claim" (at least to myself, that I couldn't help it.

    One of my favorite fantasies was that I found this strange elevator hidden in the woods. If you walked into the elevator and pressed the down button (there was no up button), you would get younger and younger as the elevator went down. Eventually you reached the bottom where you were a single cell. The Y chromosome would change to an X and the elevator would go back to the top. When you exited the elevator you would be a full-fledged girl.

  4. #54
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    I have quite a few: walking down the aisle in a beautiful bridal gown, going to cocktail parties in stunningly elegant dresses etc, even just going to work in formal office women?s attire. I do also imagine having the necessary surgery and living full time as the woman I know is in me.

  5. #55
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    My fantasy is to feel comfortable about other people seeing me dressed. Less than a handful of friends have seen me dressed. I do not like the secrecy of my dressing, but I do not yet have the courage to reveal myself to family, friends, co-workers and neighbors

  6. #56
    Ms. Pantyhose Kathi-Anne's Avatar
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    Being a teacher and having the students having a peek at my pantyhose clad legs.

  7. #57
    Aspiring Member Leohose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lois Lane View Post
    To be lois lane. Tied gagged classic damsel in distress. And dressed to the nines
    With Superman rescuing Lois be wearing a leotard and pantyhose ?

  8. #58
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    I've been wearing romantic bridal lingerie to bed since my teens and prior to having a boyfriend the fantasy was to have a boyfriend/husband and experience him making love to me on our wedding night. Since having a boyfriend I get to experience the fantasy on a regular basis (well the lovemaking, not the wedding night yet lol)!

  9. #59
    Life is more fun in heels Genifer Teal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CeCe View Post
    My fantasy is to feel comfortable about other people seeing me dressed. Less than a handful of friends have seen me dressed. I do not like the secrecy of my dressing, but I do not yet have the courage to reveal myself to family, friends, co-workers and neighbors
    You live in NYC. There is so much to explore! (And it's friendly) message me. Let's talk. I had a ton of fun in New York City in ny 30s. Of course all the while I wish I had found it all in my 20s. Regardless how old you are life never stops moving.
    I'd love to help you find you're happiness sooner rather than later. Like they say about real estate location location location!we've got the best location. Make use of the opportunity. I am saddened I hear what people in small towns have to deal with..

  10. #60
    Silver Member Maria 60's Avatar
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    When I was younger I would go to work with my father on summer break. His job involved going into offices and I always loved seeing all those secretaries dressed so perfect, all with skirts and dresses and would alway catch a view of lacy slips hanging down. It was so different back in the 70s women working in offices it seemed more professional, my wife never wears a skirt to work and she doesn't even own a pair of pantyhose and she gave me all her slips years ago. So to answer your question if I do any fantasizing it would probably be a secretary back in the 70s look.

  11. #61
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    My fantasy was my gorgeous aunt Alice . She was 38, had a wonderful sexy figure and often wore black pantyhose and heels. She was a receptionist at a printing so she was always stylish and dressed beautifully. I was 14 and asked to feed her cat twice a day while she was on holiday. Ventured upstairs and my heart was beating out of my chest when I tried her bedroom door. I sat on her bed and admired her rows of heels, coloured frocks and dresses while a beautiful black silk slip hung over a chair next to her bed. I had to look in her lingerie drawer and it took my breath away. Black lace bras, silk panties, slips and all colours of pantyhose. There was a beautiful aroma too, her distinctive perfume and woman musk made it a highly charged sexual atmosphere for a raw teenager who had never seen such beautiful lingerie. I locked the door, pulled the blinds down and picked up her pantyhose, she had left on the floor. I'll never forget the brand; 15 denier, barely black. Gosh, it felt so good. Naked except for her beautiful pantyhose I chose a pair of her black sling backs and a mini skirt. It was sensual and overwhelming. I knew what the conclusion would be, but I was determined to enjoy this new experience. I was wearing some of aunt's most intimate lingerie and I closed my eyes and thought of her. Standing in front of her long wardrobe mirror I thought about aunt dressing where I was stood and exploded in appreciation of aunt's beautiful figure. That afternoon began a lifetime of cross-dressing. Aunt was my ultimate fantasy.

  12. #62
    Sarah Adams Vintage4sarah's Avatar
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    Once I accepted that I was a crossdresser and started on my voyage to be as femme as possible, my earlier fantasies changed. About twenty years ago, I would dream that I was as feminine as possible and I would be on a dinner and show date with a wonderful gentleman. Well, I once shared this with one of my Tgirl friends about seven years ago and she said that she would would help me achieve that fantasy.

    The fillowing spring an opportunity arose while I was returning from a business trip and it came true. Well almost as there was no show; but an absolute wonderful dinner date with flowers, wine and a gentleman who treated me like a lady. It was a grand evening for both of us. As the years passed since then, I would be able to play out that fantasy into reality with other gentlemen with equally wonderful memories.
    Sarah Adams, mature girl from NH. My photos are on Flickr under vintage4sarah !

  13. #63
    Oh to be an English Rose Jane G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karren H View Post
    Yeah. I am June Cleaver with a BDSM dungeon in the basement of the Cleaver home. Do not tell Ward! Lol
    If only I knew who June Cleaver was.

  14. #64
    New Member Anissa's Avatar
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    I think Margaret Brennan of "Face The Nation" is so beautiful and commanding. I've often thought what it would be like to wear her beautiful dresses and be made up for television. She also clearly wears couture shoes. Jimmy Choos at times, I'm sure.

  15. #65
    Member Samantha51's Avatar
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    I'd love a machine that changes me into a real woman including emotions and the full workings - good AND bad. Not just a man in a woman's body. I know this isn't unique. I started writing a story but deleted it during a purge. I'm no novelist and of course I don't know what it really, deep down, means to be a woman, with a maternal instinct and a full female life story. My story was trite and didn't really go anywhere - no plot!

    But a sex change machine would be awesome! I might not want to change back TBH. So much more than having sex.

  16. #66
    Junior Member Breezy's Avatar
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    Totally get this Samantha! I?ve started writing so many fantasy stories like you described, then threw them away. You?re not alone & it?s not trite, you?re writing down a pure emotion but your words & time get in the way!
    I?ve done it and I think I know the feeling!

  17. #67
    Member Samantha51's Avatar
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    Yeah, maybe I should try again but I don't know what it's like to really be a woman so it would be limited to my imagination. I need a decent story first.

  18. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jane G View Post
    If only I knew who June Cleaver was.
    June Cleaver was the mom on "Leave It to Beaver" television show played by Barbara Billingsly. It was aired 1957-1963.

  19. #69
    A Brave Freestyler JohnH's Avatar
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    I don't have any fantasies at all when I'm "dressed" as dresses are part of my everyday attire. And my having large breasts is not a fantasy as my bra cup size is DD without any filler. Of course that means I have to wear a woman's swimsuit. I have a tankini that has "boy shorts" to give room for my boy bits.

    Last edited by JohnH; 12-06-2023 at 11:32 AM.
    John (Legal name)

  20. #70
    Silver Member prene's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prene View Post
    My fantasy:

    to go out and pass easily, and live feminine all day
    and all Night feminine

  21. #71
    Exploring NEPA now Cheryl T's Avatar
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    Well, I suppose I have the usual. French Maid, Bride, Princess.
    They were there from the beginning when I was little, well, maybe not the French Maid, but the other two surely were there.
    Other than that I would just love to have an evening out. Yes, a date, but not a physical one, just a night where I can go all out. A lovely gown, beautiful heels, a gorgeous escort and an exquisite party. Full dinner, dancing, cocktails and a night where I don't turn into a pumpkin at midnight LOL.
    I don't wear women's clothes, I wear MY clothes !

  22. #72
    Andrea Andrea1964's Avatar
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    I'm happy as a man and have no desire to change so mine is to just be able to dress and act as I want without fear of ridicule.

  23. #73
    Member Vale's Avatar
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    I am with Cheryl for that night out. . . . Vale

  24. #74
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    One of my fantasies is to be held by a rich woman....I'm free to wander around a vast house but must be dressed en Fem all the fact I have no access to male clothing. Sometimes I made to wear a maids outfit and wait on her and her female friends others its normal female attire . Then theres times I'm in a full on ball gown and dancing with her. Someone does all my make up & hair etc to transform me into some who passes. She loves every minute of and I have no desire to escape. lol

  25. #75
    Aspiring Member OrdinaryAverageGuy's Avatar
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    What Samantha said. A machine, or (as I've mentioned before) a Harry Potter type spell, to make me an actual woman for a day or a week. That would truly be awesome. BUT, as they say, "Welcome to Fantasy Island!"

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