I have been cancer free for twenty-five years. I never experienced any symptoms of prostate cancer. It was discovered after that recommended PSA test when you turn fifty. Today I likely would have been advised to take the now popular "watchful waiting" route.
Instead I experienced the side-effects from biopsies (three sets of ten), radiation treatments (thirty-five), brachytherapy (radioactive needles), and hormone therapy (testosterone blocking). I seemed to have almost weathered it, but my prostate was like a pincushion and the physical impact was noticeable. Instead of ED meds dressing up became my stimulation having dressed since my early teens (mostly off rather than on). Before the diagnosis my wife had finally introduced to that part of me.
The radiation created scar tissue in my urethra at my prostate and after eighteen years of incontinent misery I had surgery. Originally it was to make a repair using check tissue, but the micro-surgeon found that it would not work and I was left with a permanent supra-pubic catheter and a bag on my leg. I have adjusted to it, but now there is no chance to go swimming en femme or not, and short skirts are out. My wife thinks my legs still look good so stockings and thigh-highs are still part of my wardrobe. Now that I am beardless and have done a full session a make-up artist and its resulting unexpected freedom that is acceptable to my wife, I am feeling much more relaxed and whole. The stress and mild depression from the cancer diagnosis has been and continues to be relieved while I am dressed?still for the most part at home. Now a wig and make-up add to the pleasure and picture of who I am.
My wife has gone through menopause?I experienced the hot flashes, mood swings, and temporary body changes to know more about what she went through. However, in interest in the physical aspects of sex is greatly diminished. We hold hands a lot, kiss and touch affectionately. She is open to my pleasure from dressing both sexually and just as enjoying the moments being feminine in actions and thoughts. I am fortunate in many ways and since we both collect nineteenth-century clothing and she sell vintage clothing at our antique mall booths I have had plenty of opportunities to find clothing, stocking, lingerie, and undergarments that fit me. Plus we seem to share more time talking about the latest as well as historic clothing.
I am happy to share more here, or respond to PMs.