I guess the last time I posted was back in December. I have been having a rough time but its better now. Autistic burnout is real and it is rough. Im working a good job agan and might be getting a closer one soon, but not sure.
I have had to go on testosterone full time now as estrogen causes me to have mental health issues still. Im on as low a dose of testosterone as possible to just barely be non-eunic with my orchi. I never told the doctors that I had issues on estrogen as I was afraid they would cut off my estrogen and orchi and then I would be stuck with male body parts. I have honestly just dealt with 10 years of crazy in order to transition. I lost a lot and only now realized I dont need the medicine, but now the damage has been done and I am rebuilding. I am working to learn to how to identify as a woman without estrogen or progesterone anymore and the emotions that came with it. I was litterally like another person and that person was not the greatest sometimes as i caused lots of pain, but they were pretty great at times to me when working on projects as I had so much energy. Now I am just chilling out trying to understand the call of the Great Queen that I feel to try and heal the world and understand my purpose in life with my various interests.