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Thread: Did I leave them behind?

  1. #1
    Gold Member Helen_Highwater's Avatar
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    Did I leave them behind?

    Since getting back from my week away I've been unable to find several items the most important of which are two rings, the one's I wore most days while on my hols. Also missing but not of such importance is a small roll-on glue which I use to aid my tucking.

    When leaving a holiday property I'm quite anal about going though drawers and wardrobes making sure nothing is left behind. All bags and boxes are put in the hallway next to the front door ready to be put in the car. I scan and re-scan rooms to make sure there's nothing left to round up. So it should be the case that everything I take comes home with me.

    However for the life of me these three articles remain hidden. Did I miss the obvious? Was a bag sat there starting at me in plain sight which I missed? Did I leave other things that as yet I haven't noticed as missing? The randomness of these three items also has me confused. Either the rings or the glue on their own would have a certain logic so how did their disappearance become linked?

    I suspect that in my hasty unpacking I put these things somewhere temporarily out of sight, well that's my hope anyway, and sooner or later there'll be that " Oh there you are moment" similar to one I had a few days ago when a pair of black knickers I'd been looking for suddenly revealed themselves hiding in a pile of other items.

    I know this seems quite trivial in the great scheme of things but the rings were/are some of my jewellery favourites and the notion that I've left a little bag of clues as to my week in the house also bugs me.

    Wish me happy hunting in my search for an answer.
    Who dares wears Get in, get out without being noticed

  2. #2
    Member Samantha51's Avatar
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    Good luck! Hopefully you'll have that "aha!" moment. The rings are presumably much more valuable, but I imagine the tucking glue might amuse the cleaner if you left them at the property!

  3. #3
    Aspiring Member Debs's Avatar
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    I always have at least one item missing when I get home, its always something of non importance that can be replaced, but like Helen I even scour under the bed when I leave a room, usually its makeup remover, cotton wool, shaving gel, razor blade, but I could swear I checked every part of the room before leaving, Helen I certaily didnt find your rings in my room in Manchester when I left after you borrowed the room to freshen up.

  4. #4
    Member StacyG's Avatar
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    I used to work security at a motel. There was a always stuff under the bed, in the sheets and behind the nigh stands. My favorite travel bag has so many different pockets and I always think I've emptied them all when I get home. The next time I get it out and start packing, I find a pair of panties or bra or something in a pocket I missed. Usually a fun surprise.
    Good luck.

  5. #5
    Platinum Member
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    It's been literally decades since I took Stephanie on the road for an overnight work related trip. I do my best to make sure I packed all my femme garments away before my wife returns from an overnight trip or a day's outing. It's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and she never says anything rude or makes a snide comment. I just feel uneasy ruffling the feathers. There have been occasions when she has found a panty or bra that somehow escaped my eye. Or, she has seen the browser on the computer open to this site. I suppose there could be a crossdresser's nightmare occurring if a hotel were to call and leave a message on the answering machine that the man left a pair of panties in the hotel room; "Please explain that, dear husband!"

  6. #6
    Silver Member Sandi Beech's Avatar
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    I feel your pain. My biggest thing is loosing clip on earrings. Some were fairly expensive. Most of the time it is when I am out and about and discover I lost one. Then one time I also lost one of my magnetically attached bracelets which I paid about 80 US dollars for. I assumed I lost it somewhere away from the hotel. Months later I was vacuuming my car and found it had popped off and landed between the seat and the door. So there is always hope ; )


  7. #7
    Hot Geezer Girl docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    Don't fret, Helen, they'll likely turn up.

    I'm misplacing things all the time. Altho, with my mountains of fem junk stored in 4 buildings in 3 different locations, including 2 garages, 4 spare rooms, and countless closets and armours and cabinets, I often don't find these "lost" items for years!

    I'm hoping you'll find yours a lot sooner!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  8. #8
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    Things have a way of turning up when you stop looking for them. If not, its an excuse to go shopping
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    Eleanor Roosevelt

  9. #9
    GG Wife
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    As soon as you buy replacements, you'll find the originals. :-)

  10. #10
    its important mykell's Avatar
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    just remember that they always turn up in the last place you look....
    i dressed like a girl and i liked it! crossdressing...theirs an app for that

  11. #11
    Gold Member Helen_Highwater's Avatar
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    Midlands UK
    When I left the property to head for home I set off as I arrived, dressed but sans makeup. I still had on my false nails which along with my femme clothing I took off in a cafe car park returning to drab on the way home.

    The nails ended up in a zipped pocket in my handbag and I'd hoped to find the rings in there too but not to be. As with Stephanie's and Sandi's posts I keep thinking my SO will find them tucked away down the side on a seat or rolling around on the rear passenger floor.

    I suppose my best chance of finding them is to search for something else. Then you always find the thing you're not seeking.

    Edit: Yippee I found them. I'd looked in my male wash bag but had another look and found them in a small side pocket mixed in with my interdental brushes. That's put a shine on an otherwise grey day. Still no sign of the glue but that's easily replaced. No so easy for the rings.
    Last edited by Helen_Highwater; 12-12-2023 at 07:16 AM.

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