As many likely know, while I generally change into a dress after dinner, I don't put on lipstick, earrings, and a wig until my wife has gone to bed. When I go to bed, generally 2 to 4 hours later, I remove the lipstick, wig, and earrings and put on a nightie. A couple of nights ago, when I took the wig off, there was only one earring still in place. I almost always wear clip on hoops. Okay, it must have fallen on the floor. I had been in the guest bathroom when I put them on, I had sat in my recliner in the family room, I had put the pup in his kennel in the master bedroom, and I had taken the wig and dress off in the guest bedroom. I scoured the floor looking for the missing earring. I looked in the bag I keep the wig in thinking it might have gotten hung up on the wig. I looked under beds, chairs, and tables with no luck. So, 2 days later I took out a matching earring (I had 4 of them) and went into my wife's sewing room where she was busing sewing a quilt. I said, "Honey, I lost an earring like this. If you happen to find it, please let me know." She told me she had vacuumed the day prior and hadn't picked it up with the vacuum. Yeah, I was a bit embarrassed asking her to keep an eye open for my earring. lol