After my annual prostate exam, I mentioned to my urologist that I was experiencing some pain or extreme sensativity from a small mass under my right nipple. I have been on solution for several years and had been previously informed that it may cause breast growth. I then made an appointment with my regular doctor who set me up with a mammogram and a breast ultrasound. Later that afternoon I got a call from the nurse with the double good news. Everything was benign and I was diagnosed with gynocomastia. Oh and by the way, they also found a similar, but smaller mass under my left nipple (also benign).
Before I went for my exam, my wife said, "Now you'll get to see what it's really like to be a woman. The mammogram really hurts." Actually it wasn't painful at all.
My right breast is noticeably growing (maybe AA). The left one, not as much. Every morning in the shower, I look at lefty and say "Catch up to your sister."