Sharon, I understand your reaction. Are you over-reacting... well, reacting is always a manifestation of our feelings which are always valid. How we react is where conflict develops. Sulking speaks to more your personal method of reacting, in general. You can, if you chose so, to work on the "how". It sounds like reality might had "hit you upside your head", as we say in Texas. . If I received a concussion every time I got "hit upside the head", I'd be bit "Via Loco" (ok, now you in the peanut gallery, you hush up right here. .) It happens. Our masculinity is so unique, even among all of us her in the forum. I do not know how much your dressing is prominent in your life. You stated you were dressed, watching TV with your wife, so it's not a secret, at least to the most important person in your life. While facing the world as a man is something that can be at times, challenging, annoying, exhausting, it is something we do, every day. But I can tell you every man you see in your daily life, whether or not you know them face the same doubts, challenges, annoyances, and is just as exhausting (it could be the reason why many men are just cranky all of the time.) The thing about traditional masculinity is that it is very limiting for the male. Traditional masculinity more often than not, direct us what we "cannot do, say, act, say, wear, etc..., the list it is exhausting.) What men such as us must do is re-define masculinity for ourselves. It's not a matter of being "less", that is the traditional measure, we cannot measure ourselves in traditional ways. You are in touch with your feminine side, so am I, as all of in the forum are.... that's an awesome, beautiful, exciting and desirable thing. Embracing the man you are, the feminine nature you are, your dressing, is freeing, liberating, and hopefully bring you relief from the stress and angst of striving for a masculinity that is just not present in you. Does this mean you will never go out kill for dinner, build your house yourself, sweat and grunt and smell and never allow a tender notion ever to spark inside you. PROBABLY. Does it mean you cannot provide the support (emotional, physical, financial, or any other) to your wife, family, and friends, DEFINITELY NOT. There's a lot more than grunting and scratching one's family jewels to make up a man. So you're to the traditional "Alpha Man', very few males are... so what. You are the man you are, as much as the woman you know you are. You're Beautiful.