The Secret Comedy of Women is a delightfully hilarious look at being a woman in contemporary America. It is a series of comedy sketches by two older women, finding humor in everyday female life from childhood a half century ago through late middle age today. I saw it twice two years ago on consecutive days. It was well worth going back and seeing it again.
As we here on this forum all know to varying degrees, there are things that women experience that crossdressers can also understand. The sketches of Secret Comedy address light heartedly many of these things. I really could relate. Going en femme is a different experience than going in drab. I went alternate ways on consecutive days. The audiences when I attended were nearly all women.
It is the best comedy of its kind since In Defense of the Caveman three decades ago.
It returns to the Herberger Theatre in downtown Phoenix January 2 through January 26 with evening and matinee performances.