Please accept that I?m not criticising anyone with what I?m saying This is purely an observation on what I?ve seen online and I hope helpful to those who may be planning to go out.
I?ve put ?crossdresser public? as a search in YouTube and unsurprisingly I get vids of members of our wider community out and about shopping, travelling or socialising etc. Watching these vids I?ve come to categorise them into those that do and those that don?t and by that I mean walk like a GG.
Everything is good, hair, makeup, clothing, standing still they blend. It?s once they start to walk that the illusion is at risk.
It?s written here so often that mannerisms play such a huge part in passing/blending so getting the walk right is something all new outandabouters need to focus on. The main failing I?ve seen is walking with legs too far apart. I call it the John Wayne cowboy walk. There needs to be only a small gap between your knees when striding, in heels each step should be on or close to a centre line. Flats not as important but nevertheless the deviation off the centre line should be kept to a minimum. Steps that fall a foot or more apart will just draw attention. Folks notice the odd and ignore the everyday. And standing still, heels together is the safest bet.
So, my advice would be observe both GG?s out in the wild and look at vids on YouTube of CD?ers. Compare those look right, that blend with those who, well, just don?t look as convincing. It?s one of those skills GG?s grow up with. We have to learn from scratch but with a little effort we can acquire those skills.
Oh, and part of walking is how arms are held and move. GG?s arms never just hang straight down and motionless. Another tell-tale that?ll help give you away.
As I say, I'm not trying to be catty. It's just what's out there for all to see and hopefully learn from those who've gone before.