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Thread: Well time to man up

  1. #26
    Super Moderator Raychel's Avatar
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    Bangor Maine
    Wow, that sounds like an amazing day out. That would be such a conflict of the mind
    Actually doing something you always wanted to do but the nervousness of actually doing it.

    What an amazing wife you have. I am so happy you did go out and had a great time.
    my sister's reply when I told her how I prefer to dress

    "Everyone has there thing, all that matters is that you are happy, love what you do and who you do it with"

  2. #27
    Happy 2 B Here Mercedes's Avatar
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    Southern Alberta
    Thank you for sharing Maria. It is obvious that you are thankful for the support and it sounds like your wife truly understands how important this part of yourself is. It must be an amazing feeling to get this level of support which I get the sense was not necessarily expected. I do hope one day my spouse could take this step, but it is very unlikely. Therefore, I look forward to hearing about your next shopping trip and imagining I was in your heels (next time?).

  3. #28
    New "old" girl Suzie Petersen's Avatar
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    I am lost, and I like it. Don't find me!
    I am glad to hear that you actually followed through with this, Maria, good for you.
    You have shared a lot over the years, showing us that your wife in large part is OK with your dressing at home, and with your Friday drives. However, her actually going out with you like this is definitely another level.
    It is clear that you were not quite comfortable with this yourself, but as you do it more, confidence will build and you will be able to enjoy the experience a lot more that you did this first time.
    Thank you for sharing!

  4. #29
    Member JesseVF's Avatar
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    Congrats on your brave step Maria. The communication between you and your wife is amazing.

  5. #30
    Aspiring Member Brynna M's Avatar
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    That took courage. And to see someone supporting another person like that is also inspiring. Not just because she accepts you but the lengths she went to to gently help you.

  6. #31
    Member Meg's Avatar
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    I am so happy for you for more than one reason. You have a remarkable wife, you went outside your comfort zone and you are obviously very honest in your relationship. I must chuckle a bit though, NjJamie hit it right on target. My first thought was, "Does she have a sister?". Wishing you well as you move forward. Hugs, Meg

  7. #32
    Banned Read only
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mercedes View Post
    It must be an amazing feeling to get this level of support which I get the sense was not necessarily expected. I do hope one day my spouse could take this step, but it is very unlikely.
    I have accepted that I will never get that level of support from my wife. I have carefully cultivated a support group that does not include my wife, but includes both trans and cis girls (or women).

  8. #33
    Member Petra1's Avatar
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    Like others have said, congratulations on a dream day out with your wife. I'll admit to being a bit envious.

  9. #34
    Junior Member
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    I can only imagine. Your wife agreeing to a day like that you must have felt like the dog that caught the car. Congratulations on seizing the opportunity.

  10. #35
    Aspiring Member
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    Middle of Oregon, on the West side, but my feet aren't wet!
    Sounds like an excellent day out, Maria! Starting to live the dream!

  11. #36
    Member SophiaRose's Avatar
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    Happy to hear you had a great day and inspired that you found the courage to go way out of your comfort zone. Congrats to both of you on a great milestone!
    Ichigo Ichie...every interaction is once in a life time, unique, and should be cherished. Bring along your En Femme and live with joy.

  12. #37
    Aspiring Member Debs's Avatar
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    Maria !! Amazing, well done girl, see its amazing to be out dressed !!, and the more you do it, the comfortable you will become, people dont chase you down or approach you, its a wonderful thing to open your cage door and fly free, I think your gonna find it hard to shut that door now, but you dont have to, just enjoy it.

    Debs xxx

  13. #38
    Silver Member Sandi Beech's Avatar
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    Nice Maria, glad you did it. It is kind of funny that we feel as if there is a neon sign over our heads that says CD Here, but as so many have said before, people are generally too busy with what they are doing to take notice unless you have to interact with them.

    By the way, high end malls are great for getting a free squirt of perfume to try out. Add that to your list of things for the next time ; )


  14. #39
    Member Cassiek's Avatar
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    Maria first off you have an incredibly amazing wife!!!! You may not have known or realized it when first met her but she is extremely special and one of a kind. The kind of girl most of us wished to have. Your day out with your wife sounded amazing. I hope one day to be able to get out of my shell and be out and about. Its stories like yours and other girls here that inspire and motivate me. Thank you!! I agree with NJJamie maybe a new business venture for you and your wife girls day out for scardy cats.

  15. #40
    Silver Member SherriePall's Avatar
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    First, I am glad that you went and didn't chicken out. Before I read about your going out, I was going to suggest that you go full femme since your pic show such great looking legs. Second, you should get your wife a thank-you gift because you were treated royally. Keep us posted.
    Sherrie Lynn Pall

    Sometimes I make sense and that frightens me.

    Please don't let me be the last post on this thread

  16. #41
    Junior Member
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    This is so great! Congratulations on being brave. You took a big step, and indeed have a wonderful wife. Thank you so much for sharing. I can really identify with the mix of fear and excitement doing what you have dreamed of, the nervousness/terror. But you did it. It went well! And your wife has invited you to do so again. What an amazing place to be. Celebrate and best wishes moving forward, what a triumphant success. I am proud of your courage and grateful for your open honesty to share with us, it?s so encouraging and means a lot.

  17. #42
    Silver Member BrendaPDX's Avatar
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    You are going to have so much fun! Oh and start a new post.

  18. #43
    Super Moderator DAVIDA's Avatar
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    Maria, just a bit of information about starting a new thread or adding to this one.
    If the thread is still open and you are updating about things having to do with this thread, then add to this thread.
    If you start a new thread regarding this thread, then it will be merged with this thread anyway.

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