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Thread: Did you tell your Mother?

  1. #1
    New Member Stefanie Taylor's Avatar
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    Did you tell your Mother?

    When I was younger and my mum was still around I was petrified about telling her about my crossdressing urges.

    Having said that, I was rubbish at hiding stuff like worn tights, so she probably had an idea!

    The older I get, the more I regret confiding in her about my needs and desires.

    Anyone else feel the same? Or maybe did tell and had good/bad fallout.

    (Still deciding on my fem name)

  2. #2
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    Felt very much the same, of course, about hiding stuff. I know she found them, but she was too calm and reticent to bring it up. She was probably relieved and satisfied that I grew up, got married, had kids and a job.
    O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us
    To see oursels as ithers see us!

  3. #3
    Member Joanie CD's Avatar
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    I never told my mother (or, to this day, anyone in my family), but I think she would have been OK with it. Not sure about my father. We had a close relationship, so I think he would be been accepting, but confused. :-)

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    she knew of my invading her drawers when I was little and was never harshly judgmental about it. I wish I'd come out other as an adult. I think she would have been accepting.

  5. #5
    Aspiring Member Debs's Avatar
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    Didnt have to, I could tell she knew

  6. #6
    Senior Member Debbie Denier's Avatar
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    My mother discovered hidden tights when I was a teenager. A wig , dress and high heel shoes were found by my father in my early 20s. My mother told my father they were hers, even though the size 9 stilletos gave the game away. She knew from my teens. When my wife discovered my stash in my 40s . I thought it was game over for me. When I told my mother she suggested I store femme clothes in my then late fathers wardrobe. She allowed me to dress at her home for 10 years until she passed away. .She showed me unconditional love and support. Wish I came out to her a lot earlier than I did.

  7. #7
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    I told her after being caught and caught again that I just liked it better. That shocked her?still got me in trouble but when I started my own collection she never seemed to notice but we know she did, they always do.

  8. #8
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    I never told my mom, but I am sure she knew. Mothers have a sense for they things. She did make a few "offhand" comments that I am sure she was trying to prompt me with. I wish I could have told her when she was still around. She would have been very accepting. We also can never tell the people around us that we love them enough.

  9. #9
    Silver Member BrendaPDX's Avatar
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    Like others here I never told my mother, but I know she knew.

  10. #10
    New Member Stefanie Taylor's Avatar
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    Reading all of these replies is making me a bit sad. I so wish I'd have told my mum before she died.

    Her acceptance would have been so good.

  11. #11
    Super Moderator Raychel's Avatar
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    My wife (now Ex-wife) was in the hospital for an operation, My mother was there for support.
    While we were waiting for the operation to be done, My mother and I got into a pretty deep
    conversation. She told me that my sisters ex-husband was a crossdresser. I did not know that.
    But I did know that my uncle was also. We took the conversation outside of the hospital where
    there were no listening ears. I told her that I was a crossdresser as well, She said Huh, I thought it was your brother.
    So that made me question if one of them may be a crossdresser as well.
    But either way I did tell her, She was very accepting.
    my sister's reply when I told her how I prefer to dress

    "Everyone has there thing, all that matters is that you are happy, love what you do and who you do it with"

  12. #12
    Aspiring Member Steph_CD_62's Avatar
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    I never told my mom about my crossdressing.
    I vaguely remember being caught by her wearing her panties around 5 or 6.
    As a teenager, I thought I hid it from her, but according to my current wife she knew.
    While married to my first wife, she threw all my lingerie in my parent's front lawn, and they had to pick everything up. We never discussed it though.

  13. #13
    Platinum Member alwayshave's Avatar
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    I have commented on this before. My mother over dinner one night about 20 years ago, asked me if I was still a crossdresser. I replied yes. Nothing more said. So I never told her, but she knew.
    Please call me Jamie, I always_have crossdressed, I always will, "alwayshave".

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Stexxl; First, WELCOME! Glad you're here!

    I never confided in my mother, but she found my (limited) stash of pantyhose when I was ~14. I got a verbal lambasting that last for quite a while, including being read passages from the Bible. She was completely unaccepting of it. My mother was, from my view, otherwise an absolutely amazing mother. I could not have asked for a better mom, even with this. She was a single mom, and doing the best she could in a world where there were a lot of potential threats to our family unit. Her anger at finding my stash didn't do anything to stop my crossdressing. What it did do was teach me to hide it better. My new hiding location for my stash was in a cold air return vent in my bedroom. It was perfect. Easy to access and virtually no chance of detection.

    I realized years after I left home that prior to getting my own stash, she probably knew something was up when I raided her drawers but didn't know if it was me or my brother.

  15. #15
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    My mother is the last person I would have told. She had severe prejudices against anything that she didn't consider to be "normal".
    She was dead against my first marriage just because my wife had a child from a previous marriage. ("Why are you bringing up someone else's kid? Where's his real father?)
    She didn't accept inter-racial marriage - especially with black people.
    I think I would have been completely disowned if she knew I was a crossdresser.

  16. #16
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    I told her when I was 17, nervous as hell but I wanted to take away the aspect of getting "caught" and not have her find out that way. She was very accepting and in fact bought me lingerie for my 18th birthday plus bought me lingerie again when I told her I was ready to make love to my boyfriend and needed something special to wear to bed for him.

  17. #17
    Member susan jackson's Avatar
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    Not having any sisters, my mum was the first person I told when I was about 8 years old

    She was my biggest champion and a great help to me
    People try to put us down
    Just because we get around

  18. #18
    Member Sabine7's Avatar
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    No, I did not tell my mother. I have however as a boy explored her closet including silver evening knee-long dress, heels, garter pass and nylons. She had to be unwillingly my femininity influencer. I happened once that I broke a strip in her heeled sandals. She was surprised and how it could happen.
    If it makes you happy / It can't be that bad
    If it makes you happy / Then why the hell are you so sad?

  19. #19
    Junior Member Myra Thomas's Avatar
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    My Mother definitely knew when I was young, around four years old, as she would help me dress up in my sisters clothes. However when I got older I would hide my stash of her old underwear/clothes, but I am sure she knew. My one big regret is not telling her when I was in my teens and living at home.

  20. #20
    Aspiring Member CharlotteCD's Avatar
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    I'm sure she suspects or knows, but there's no way I ever want to tell her or my father.

  21. #21
    Senior Member Lacey New's Avatar
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    I think at one point, she suspected that I was using her panties because she made a remark about how young boys were attracted to the scent of a woman. After that, I decided to lay low for a while. Nothing else was ever said.

  22. #22
    Junior Member Karen Wilder's Avatar
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    Hi Susan, wow how lucky. Could you tell us some stories of your mom's help?

  23. #23
    Platinum Member
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    Only Shared my Secret with myWife,

    And a few Hundred friends on this wonderful Forum,
    Having my ears triple pierced is AWESOME, ~~......

    I can explain it to you, But I can't comprehend it for you !

    If at first you don't succeed, Then Skydiving isn't for you.

    Be careful what you wish for, Once you ring a bell , you just can't Un-Ring it !! !!

  24. #24
    Member Monique65's Avatar
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    I came very close to being caught by her but she never mentioned it. Of course, I didn’t bring it up either.
    Honoring the woman within

  25. #25
    Senior Member SaraLin's Avatar
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    Eventually, yes I did. It was when I visited her from out of state. I was around 40 at the time.

    Her reaction? "Oh. I thought you were going to tell me you were gay." That was it, basically a shrug. I think she went on to ask me what I'd like for dinner.

    The only time she actually ever saw me dressed was one Halloween when I was about 8. She dressed in my sister's things since we couldn't afford a real costume.
    While I loved it, it wasn't a big deal for her. In her eyes, it was just a costume, after all. It never happened again, either.

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