Last year sometime I worked up the courage to go out to my car and go for a drive late at night. The windows are tinted so I didn't worry much about people seeing me. During this little drive, I stopped at a dark school and took a short walk around. I didn't stay long because I knew the police potrol schools regularly. Well, I set out tonight to duplicate the experience. I went out to my car when it was late, my gear already in a bag waiting in my car for me. I had pantyhose on under my pants. I went to a park that was dark and changed in my car. When I was done, I had on nude pantyhose, a bra with fillers, a little black mini skirt and burgandy turtle neck. Unfortunately, it was raining, and by the time I was all dressed, it was raining quite hard. But I had come that far, I wasn't gonna let some rain stop me. I drove to a more secluded area where I figured I could take a little walk around. I got out of the car but it was raining too hard, I was getting soaked in no time. I finally get the courage to have some fun and I got rained out. Well I drove around some more, I went back to the park where I had changed. I decided to take a little walk around while I was there alone, and the rain had slowed down. As I was walking toward a pavilion at the park, a car approached on the road and I paused to see if it was going to turn into the park. The car did not turn into the park, but I was standing right under a street lamp that, at that very moment decided to turn on. So there I was, standing right in the spotlight. I just hoped the driver of the passing car didn't turn their head to the right at all. They would have seen some guy dressed in drag standing right in the light, scrambling back to his car. Anyway, that was about it, I changed back and went home. I know it's not much, but it was fun for me. I may try again tomorrow, we'll see. I just hope it's not raining.