Really impressive delivery service.

Maybe Mr. X should call them back and explain that when he wants a delivery he expects it to arrive at his DOOR! and if they can't manage that then he will find someone who can!

Ah, well it's good practise I guess, and like you said makes you realize you just want to get to a place where you don't feel like you're pretending all the time. May I suggest that you start by FORGETTING the notion you ARE pretending? You're not. What you are doing is trying to get the rest of the world to see you as how you see, and feel, yourself. ( no, I don't mean you should be feeling yourself! Stop it! ...and quit sniggering young man....) where was I ....I was making a serious point you know.

Ah yes, you will be seen as who you truly feel inside with more success if you do believe in your true nature as you are presenting it. Like method acting, where an actor doesn't PRETEND to be a character, he IS the character, and everything he does is believable because he comes from that place. You already do it a lot with us here I think. You just need to develop the confidence and self-belief in expressing your true nature to people standing in front of you, waiting to hand over the groceries at the CORRECT ADDRESS like they should be! (sorry I don't like to see my friends dissed)

You're a work in progress Poc, we all are, and we always will be if we're truly alive and vibrant, so onward and upward young man! (now why are you sniggering? honestly! boys! )