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Thread: If you could tell a GG...?

  1. #1

    If you could tell a GG...?

    I've been debating whether or not to actually post this, but I have another question if you don't mind. I'm just curious that if you could tell a GG anything about crossdressing in general, what would it be? It could be about your physical appearance, about what you think, or anything.

    Please share your thoughts, inquiring minds want to know.


    Let the lover be disgraceful, crazy, absent-minded. Someone sober will worry about events going badly. Let the lover be.

    You always admire what you really don't understand.
    ~Blaise Pascal~

  2. #2
    Just trying be who I am. Byllie's Avatar
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    If I could tell a GG about my CDing, and it would be kept confidential, and she accepted me for who I am, completely, I would tell her everything. It would be such a relief.
    Life comes in all colors ... so please be kind to all you meet.

  3. #3
    Platinum Member Shelly Preston's Avatar
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    I wish it was that easy

    My post are normally very short but if I start on this subject we could be into a few pages

    There are so many subjects and aspect to crossdressing it would be difficult to know where to start but you can be sure it would take a while

    Why, How, When, Are you. Words which get used a lot in crossdressing

    Understanding the answers can take even longer

    Super Moderator....How to tell your partner......Abbreviations

  4. #4
    Well I guess what I mean is what crucial things about Crossdressing would you tell her. Different personality quirks, what do you think about, what do you feel either emotionally or physically et cetera.
    Let the lover be disgraceful, crazy, absent-minded. Someone sober will worry about events going badly. Let the lover be.

    You always admire what you really don't understand.
    ~Blaise Pascal~

  5. #5
    Silver Member trannie T's Avatar
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    I don't really know how to express the thrill I get when I'm dressed. I get a sense of fulfillment when I'm in women's clothing. The whole experience is difficult to express.
    It takes a real man to wear a dress.

  6. #6
    Born to Dress Valerie Nicole's Avatar
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    I'd tell this to anyone who asked my why I crossdress:

    I do it because it's part of who I am. I am a writer. I am an artist. I am a university student. I am a crossdresser. It's not something I can change about myself. Even if I stop overtly acting on it, I will always be a crossdresser at heart. Inside, it is simply who I am. I can give it up just as easily as a writer can give up writing, or an artist can give up art. Without it, I wouldn't be myself anymore, and I'd lose an important part of my identity.
    "Why are you wearing those stupid girls' clothes?"
    "Why are you wearing those stupid mens' clothes?"
    --Adapted from Donnie Darko

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I feel your pain

    If I could tell a GG anything, I'd let her know that I empathize with them.

    Guys need to wake up to what a poor girl has to go through. The unrealistic expectations. Putting yourself out there and getting knocked back by such a shallow culture, catty women, rude guys, old farts.

    I appreciate the effort that a GG goes through to be polite and professional when necessary, sexy when she wants to be, a friend, a sister, a daughter.

    I'd tell her I want to do lunch.


  8. #8
    Isn't Life Grand? AllieSF's Avatar
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    Great question. Firstly, I would say that I do it because I like to. It makes me feel good and, more importantly, it makes me very happy with a lot of smiling on my part. I would also tell her that I am not sure where this is taking me, since I have just started. I would ask her to think about it before she responds, and that I would like to discuss her feelings about it all.

    Since I do not have a current SO and I am looking, I am not sure when I would tell her when I found her. Yes, I agree that honesty up front is the best policy. But, I myself need to determine what is more important first, a SO or my CD interest. When I can answer that truthfully, I can be more up front and early with that difficult conversation.

  9. #9
    Live until you die! Carin's Avatar
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    What I would tell

    a gg, or anyone else that wanted to listen..

    that everything is not black and white
    that gender identity variations as as natural as sexual preference variations
    that crossdressing fills a void that would otherwise be a dark hole
    that with crossdressing I feel more complete and more relaxed
    that I like the tactile feel of ladieswear and ladies underwear
    that I like to look petty
    that I like femininity and being able to express my femininity
    that I like what high heels do for my legs
    that I am more in touch with myself emotionally
    that I am more sensitive because of crossdressing
    that I am more sensual because of crossdressing
    that I am the same person I have always been, but I am now more evolved in my understanding and the expression of who I am
    that I still need help with style
    that I need new shoes - hint hint
    that I like the person that I am!

    I have gone on a journey in search if myself. If you find me before I return, please hold on to me until I get back.
    Telling our Children

  10. #10
    Senior Member Felix's Avatar
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    I have been asked and I said it's because I like to dress this way, it makes me feel good and it is me. I am bringing out what is in my head. What I feel about my body, how I would like my body to be more in line with how I think and feel. I have recently been asked if I would have surgery i was like yes i would xx Felix

    Me, Myself and Felix!!

  11. #11
    Mature Member sara_also's Avatar
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    If i had to explain just one thing, it would be that cross dressing gives me the opportunity to be someone different each time I dress. IE: i can be sexy in a mini skirt, I can be classy in a LBD, I can be matronly in slacks and nice top. I can be a blond or a brunett.
    I think you get the idea. If you compare that with my male self, I am just my male self and thats it.. To me, there are so many more choices of texture, color, smells, and expieriences that are avaliable to those of us who have the ability to stop and smell the roses "as they say". This is probably more than just one thing, but it gives you my 2 cents worth.

  12. #12
    Member XDW Nathan-Natasha's Avatar
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    In the Vortex of Entropy between worlds. Well, Minnesota...I guess.

    -How did it feel when I came out to you initally?
    -How about when I started cross-dressing again?
    -Did I tell you enough stuff about my dressing right away?
    -Did I leave anything out at the time that would have been helpful in knowing right off?
    -Is there anything that I SHOULDN'T have told you?
    -Is there anything I could do in your opinion if I came out to another GG ( our mutual friend and my ex C.P. *cackles* She'd 'love' that!) that would make the revelation less akward?

    Sorry to turn the tables on ya, sweetie, but I felt like I could! Plus, it may help answer your own questions here a bit and help out the other girls here know what to and what not to say if/when they tell other GGs about their cross-dressing.

    I don't honestly know what I'd tell another GG, especially one I don't know as well as you.
    I'd probably tell them what they need to know first - that I cross-dress, that I've been doing it since 2nd grade, and that I feel it expresses a part of me that I can't express as a man. I'd probably just automatically throw in: "...and I'm not gay; I'm straight..." because that question kinda seems to come with the territory.
    After that I'd probably just let them ask questions and then answer them to the best of my ability.

    I think the next GG I'd tell about my cross-dressing to would be my sister...but you know how hard that could be...

    Great post, aj! Love ya!
    [SIZE="3"]Do faith and cross-dressing need to cross swords? I believe not... ~XDW Nathan-Natasha[/SIZE]

    [SIZE="2"]"How do you expect my enemies, my friends, and the public in general to understand the meaning of the images that appear suddenly and which I reproduce in my pictures, when I myself, who am the one who 'makes' them, I don't understand them either?"
    ~ Salvador Dali


  13. #13
    Senior Member Kelsy's Avatar
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    [SIZE="3"]I would tell a gg that I love women! I love everything about them. I would also add that I love women as a man and I love being and dressing like one!
    They have said that this is a man's world, I think not! Men have been boxed in and have been denied expression of the softer side. Big boys don't cry! Hey don't be a sissy! Your acting like a girl!! Well so what if I am I love being this way

    Born female intended

    " Don't die with your music still in you!"

  14. #14
    A cheeky GG CheekyAnge GG's Avatar
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    Well said Katheen. You hit the nail on the head. This GG listened and thanks you.

    Angela xxx

    Quote Originally Posted by Kathleen Ann Trees View Post
    If I could tell a GG anything, I'd let her know that I empathize with them.

    Guys need to wake up to what a poor girl has to go through. The unrealistic expectations. Putting yourself out there and getting knocked back by such a shallow culture, catty women, rude guys, old farts.

    I appreciate the effort that a GG goes through to be polite and professional when necessary, sexy when she wants to be, a friend, a sister, a daughter.

    I'd tell her I want to do lunch.


  15. #15
    Adventuress Kate Simmons's Avatar
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    I've done this. I told her about why I felt the need to do it and how I felt doing it and how I related to other people.
    Second star to the right and straight on till morning

  16. #16
    Platinum Member az_azeel's Avatar
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    Waiting to snuggle the woman I love :)
    Dificult one this...I have lost so many relationships where i told my partner at time even in a long term relationship where you think you have built up enough trust. I have even lost a marriage through my crossdressing. It was only after my marriage broke up that I thought in any future relationships I would tell the girl straight away. That way it saves any future heartache, my idea being if they know and stay it will be good, I have now been with my partner now for over three years and she knew from day one. We have a great time shopping together, and I love her to bits. Sorry to go on a bit but my advice is be carefull who you tell.

    Take Care

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  17. #17
    Senior Member Kristen Marie's Avatar
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    I have three GG that know about my crossdressing and they are a support system of sorts. One is my electrolysist and we share the excitement of shopping, I show her my new outifts and she does the same. We never talk about sex or anything too intimate.

    Two other ladies help me with transformation sessions and they see a lot more of me....literally. We talk more openly about emotions, feelings, being more feminine in daily life, what it's like to be a female, etc. We share a lot. It's been real helpful. The conversation goes both's like having a sister or a best friend to confide in. Even though I have to pay for the session, it's almost like therapy. I could not do without them.

  18. #18
    A California Girl Rachel Morley's Avatar
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    Crossdressers (just like everyone else in the world) come in many shapes and sizes and we all have different likes and dislikes about this wonderful thing that we enjoy.

    Everyone here knows that (for us) wearing women's clothes feels nice. They grip you in different places than men's clothes (especially underwear), the textures of silk, satin and lace, and straps etc feel different on your body and that strange different feeling is nice, and we like it. Dressing this way also seems to tap into another side of our spirit, a more feminine side of our personality that we (as guys) if you look at the world today, are not supposed to be expressing, least of all liking it. The only problem we have is that sometimes this can lead to feelings of guilt about enjoying feeling this different way because it's not exactly a mainstream activity and sometimes we feel self conscious about doing it especially if we don't feel accepted by people who otherwise love us.

    Finally, the best thing that could/should come out of crossdressing is that IMHO all crossdressers should take an interest in women's issues in society today. CDers could and should be able to empathize and show support for women way more than other men generally do in the world today. If we truly want to emulate GGs then it's our duty to do what you can to make things better by learning and supporting women all we can.
    The River City Gems - Northern California's largest and most active crossdressing & transgender support group!

  19. #19
    Senior Citizen Mary Morgan's Avatar
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    I would tell her that I truly believe that women, by their nature, are closer God, that they are the nurturing, loving, caring sex and that I envy them for that, that they generally give much more than they take, that they have a greater sense of what is important and what isn't, that they put up with a lot of crap unnecessarily, and finally, that if I could, I would be one of them.

  20. #20
    Banned Read only Satrana's Avatar
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    I would tell her that boys want to look pretty too, this is as natural as girls wanting to look pretty. Being a hetrosexual man, I tend to be attracted more to the sexual/sensual side of femininity but as I grow more comfortable with my feminine side I am exploring the emotional aspects.

    I would also tell her if she wanted to understand me, the first thing she would have to do is reset her brain back to zero with regards to gender and ditch everthing she has learned about what makes a man since it is fabricated hogwash.

  21. #21
    Always be happy Mistybtm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carin View Post
    a gg, or anyone else that wanted to listen..

    that everything is not black and white
    that gender identity variations as as natural as sexual preference variations
    that crossdressing fills a void that would otherwise be a dark hole
    that with crossdressing I feel more complete and more relaxed
    that I like the tactile feel of ladieswear and ladies underwear
    that I like to look petty
    that I like femininity and being able to express my femininity
    that I like what high heels do for my legs
    that I am more in touch with myself emotionally
    that I am more sensitive because of crossdressing
    that I am more sensual because of crossdressing
    that I am the same person I have always been, but I am now more evolved in my understanding and the expression of who I am
    that I still need help with style
    that I need new shoes - hint hint
    that I like the person that I am!
    Wow i think you got it all covered

  22. #22
    Girl incognito Staci G's Avatar
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    That there are more colors than black,brown and blue like the mfgrs tend to make all male clothing.. I love the fabrics,colors,styles,feel fit and every thing about the female clothes I love the smell of makeup and the tast of lipstick.the feeling of nail polish being applied to my fingers and toes the way the sun glimmers off them,. blinking my eyes and seeing that I have mascara on my lashes feeling the swish of a skirt as it brushes my legs and pantyhose.
    I would tell a GG that I respect them and love them as a man and as one of them.

    I envy them but I love them most of all I think..
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into... the Girly Zone.
    [url] Grace

  23. #23
    Girl in disguise Emily Ann Brown's Avatar
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    I would tell her that we are all DIFFERENT, so don't judge me by another sister you might see on TV, and that it's alright to really not understand me fully because I DON'T UNDERSTAND myself fully either.

    Emily Ann

  24. #24
    Member myMichelle's Avatar
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    Wow...Lots of great replies to this question so far.

    Here's what I'd be sure to say to aa gg:

    I'd want her to know that crossdressing isn't something that can be turned on and off like a light switch. I have always been a crossdresser, and I will always be acrossdresser until I take my last dying breath. No matter how much you may wish it to be true, you cannot make a crossdresser change. (Sometimes, a crossdresser will tell you that he's willing to change, to stop crossdressing. I simply think he's only fooling himself when he says this!)

    Anyway, my point is that I'd want to make sure the gg in question knew as much up-front as possible. That way, I believe there might be fewer surprises down the road. Honesty is always the best policy. Hope this helps.
    "poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another." Madonna "Justify My Love"

  25. #25
    All of your answers have been awesome thus far and I appreciate what all you've told me. Thank you very much for being so open and honest.

    Thanks again

    Let the lover be disgraceful, crazy, absent-minded. Someone sober will worry about events going badly. Let the lover be.

    You always admire what you really don't understand.
    ~Blaise Pascal~

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