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Thread: The Art of Tucking: v2.0

  1. #101
    Life is more fun in heels Genifer Teal's Avatar
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    I can't imagine using tape in such a sensative area. If you must, try 3M Transpore medical tape. It is desinged to be less irritant to the skin.

    If you are handy with a needle and thread (no need to be an expert) here is how I do it without tape.

    Start with a piece of fabric (stretchy fabric is best) about as wide as your member is long (but not including tip) at rest and long enough to wrap around it.

    sew opposite velcro to each end of fabric so when the ends meet it holds itself closed like a tube. I made my fabric long enough to wrap one and a half times around. This makes it easier to hold in place while I wrap it around.

    on the exposed top side (if your shaft was pointing straight foreward) of fabric sew one more piece of velcro (the rough type). Please do this before putting it on! (g)

    Now sew the smooth (matching) pice of velcro to the inside of underwear/G string/ whatever. This should be at the bottom of the panties in the crotch area. As you read the rest it should make more sense - I hope. It also helps to use tighter fitting underwear. I mostly use a thong which holds more securely than some panties Ive used.

    How to use:

    push balls upward into body - as explained in many other posts.

    while holding balls in place (this gets tricky) wrap empty sack around member like a "pig in a blanket" (those mini cocktail franks <--Google it if you must).

    now, while holding all this and your balls in place, wrap the fabric around member and sac. Mate the velcro to hold closed. It is important that this wrap is below the ridge near the tip of member. This ridge will keep the "tube" of fabric from sliding off. It should be tight but not uncomfortable.

    at this point you should have balls in your body (pushed up), and member wrapped with velcro. The exposed piece of velcro should be on top - facing foreward along the length of you shaft. When you tuck your member under, this velcro will face the ground.

    Put on uderwear with velcro sewn in. Now you should better understand where to sew it in you panties.

    tuck member under and pull up underwear.

    align velcro and attach member to underwear velcro.

    adjust as necessary.

    Perhaps this sounds complicated or painfull. Well, as long as you avoid any pinching, I find it very comfortable and very concealing. It is also very easy to undo in restroom and redo again. What I like most is that is uses a mimimum of extra material - just the fabric to wrap abound member. You were going to wear underwear anyway - right? (g)

    I have used this in a bikini and it can look fairly convincing. The best part is that there are no bands or extra strings or gaffs to hide. If there is enough to cover your member, then the fabric securing it is hidden too.

    I wish I could convince all how successfull this method has proven for me.

    Ask if you have further Q's. I have been very brief here in dscribing it.

    Hugs - Genifer

  2. #102
    Aspiring Member Cindi Ann Kelly's Avatar
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    I have not mastered the art of taping yet, for me, feminine
    protection in size ultra plus works fine.

  3. #103
    A California Girl Rachel Morley's Avatar
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    Ok, here's my problem. All of what you posted is so great except that you say that the first thing we have to do is:

    "Manipulate the family jewels upward under your abdomen skin."

    ... but what if I can't do this? I have tried so hard (and for quite a long time) to try to find my body cavities but no matter how I hard I try I can't seem to find anywhere to put my "jewels" or where they should go. Do you have any advice on how I can find a way to put my "jewels" back into the cavities of my body, because not being able to do this, kinda leaves me back at square one!
    The River City Gems - Northern California's largest and most active crossdressing & transgender support group!

  4. #104
    Gold Member Julie York's Avatar
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    I don't do this as I am worried they may never come down again! (They have been known to get stuck in adults )

    Feel the pubic bone at the base of your 'tackle where it meets your stomach. Now follow that bone round down to the inside of your leg between your gonad and your leg. Well the hollow bit is just there, on the gonad side of the bone, in the crotch area. That's the cavity, as such......but in an adult it is more of a depression.

  5. #105
    Aspiring member ColleenShivas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rachel Morley View Post
    ... but what if I can't do this? I have tried so hard (and for quite a long time) to try to find my body cavities but no matter how I hard I try I can't seem to find anywhere to put my "jewels" or where they should go. Do you have any advice on how I can find a way to put my "jewels" back into the cavities of my body, because not being able to do this, kinda leaves me back at square one!
    I had a lot of trouble finding the places to begin with, but now that I know where they are it is not so difficult to get the fellas there. My problem is that they do not want to stay put.

    The best way that I can describe it is that they do not really go "inside." The channels are really just under the skin and perhaps a layer of fat - upwards, and slightly outwards. So they end up on a line between where they normally hang and roughly halfway between the hipbone and the navel. One way to get them close is to push down on the "part" in the middle and lift them to the sides. Then any tight clothing, gaff or even control top, may ease them the rest of the way. Even if they will not stay all the way up, this gives a look that is flat enough for all but the tightest clothes.

    I cannot help thinking that forcing them too far out of the way is not a good idea from a medical point of view.

    Good luck,

  6. #106
    Full time NY state girl MarciManseau's Avatar
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    I've had the "girls" up inside me for over 6 years and I find I'm much more comfortable. I tuck back and then wear a tight pair of lycra panties, and nothing shows all day, plus it's so easy to cross my legs or hold my knees together so I can maintain my modesty (when I'm not flirting). The tight bikini panties made of lycra are getting hard to find now tho.

    Hugs to all my t-gfs

    ps: I always wear an Always maxipad to smooth things out, non-wings version to avoid any additional bulk. This makes me feel even more feminine, and it's also helpful if someone who isn't into t-girls happened to put a hand up under your skirt. I doubt many men would want to explore under a maxipad.
    Last edited by MarciManseau; 11-29-2007 at 05:58 PM.

  7. #107
    Silver Haired Member Phyliss's Avatar
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    I've read and re-read all of the postings and while all are quite interesting in the various methods, (including the "super glue" ) , I just haven't seen any comment about Particular "mechanics" of everyday life.
    What I'm getting at is, occasionally one has to pick up something that has dropped. Now I know enough to NOT bend over but rather to bend at the (held together) knees. (Think wearing a tight fitting skirt and wanting to maintain modesty). I'm not a "taper", just a tight clothing wearer. Don't own any swimsuits or bikini bottoms, and my jeans look rather presentable as it is. Any skirts I have aren't so "skin tight" as to give any sort of "revelation".
    Like I've mentioned the "thigh shaper" from Barely There works well for me. "tucking" isn't a problem for me, (they go where they belong) and as for the "stick" I reach behind myself and into the shaper pulling the end between my "nether cheeks". While this may not be fully satisfactory for some, it works well enough for me. I've even tried the "control panties with front panel stand up" method and have had some success. Much rather the "stuff and tuck" idea.
    Anyhow, more to the point. I've found that when bending to pick up something or even when sitting for any length of time, "it" slides forward. OMG, I so hate talking about this without sounding too crude.

    Here I am with a nice looking "tuck" thing going on and ooopppsss I drop something or have to bend down to adjust the strap on my heels, and "he" slides forward a bit because of the natural physics of that act cause your "cheeks" to spread a bit. I've tried practicing a "squeeze" act when bending or sitting to hold "it" ( kinda like when you "gotta go" ), this seems to help, but wow, all this work just to have "the look".

    Hopefully I've explained myself well enough. I don't think I'm asking for any suggestions here, just sorta making an observation, but if anybody has a thought as to how to stop "the slide" without resorting to tape or glue (eeewww) I'd be happy to learn.

    Side note: Three years ago I used to simply "stuff 'em" and do a "push in" thing, folding the extra skin over "it" . Worked ok but left a large lump. When buying my first pair of "tight fittin jeans" the S.A. says to me, "You really should learn how to make it go away, the jeans look bad on you with that bump" Actually thanked her for the honesty, That evening I started learning "how", been doing it ever since.
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  8. #108
    Life is more fun in heels Genifer Teal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phyliss View Post
    I've found that when bending to pick up something or even when sitting for any length of time, "it" slides forward.
    With my method, the loop of fabric and especially the velcro, prevent this from happening. There is enough give for this to be comfotable. Whille many different tight fitting shapers can also hold things in place, I do not wish to wear something bulky when wearing a skimpy outfit. You are going to(hopefully) wear underwear anyway, so utilizing it for support, eliminates the need for an extra garment to be worn. This can be especially helpful when a bikini bottom is all that you are wearing at the beach, sunbathing, or pool.


  9. #109
    New Member Lisa Hawes's Avatar
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    Dance Belts

    I have found that lycra dance belts (worn by men under tights) work quite well for tucking. If you are not too large to begin with.

  10. #110
    Aspiring Member shannonsilk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ColleenShivas View Post
    The best way that I can describe it is that they do not really go "inside." The channels are really just under the skin and perhaps a layer of fat - upwards, and slightly outwards. So they end up on a line between where they normally hang and roughly halfway between the hipbone and the navel.
    Good luck,
    I have the same problem on my right side. My doctor tells me I have a small hernia. The left goes up and in nicely, but the right is all alumpy and bulgy.
    I am told that if I have the hernia operation I will not be able to do it at all. This brings me to Rachel's question. I wonder if she has had hernia operations!

  11. #111
    Aspiring Member tommi's Avatar
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    I had a hernia operation a year ago and I can still get a decent tuck but I'm not well endowed even when arosed.
    Staying in the closet isn't so bad as long as you know why your in there.

  12. #112
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    while this may work for you and many others, i have found that tucking it back and pulling up a pair of pantyhose works very well also

    btw.....i am averagely endowed i guess
    Last edited by T_gurl_tia; 11-22-2007 at 05:40 AM.

  13. #113
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    I have tried everything in this thread. Have one question , I use the pull back and tight undies more then the tape. I am getting sore from pulling back. Any suggestions? The guy down there would appreciate some advice....

  14. #114
    Life is more fun in heels Genifer Teal's Avatar
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    I have already given my suggestion, which does not require tape. Seems like you didn't try that one.


  15. #115
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    too complicated for me would need to see a diagram

  16. #116
    New Member becky london's Avatar
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    Think I might have gotten it a bit wrong. I am now tied in a knot!

  17. #117
    Vegas Domme rickie121x's Avatar
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    Post Wow - Taping... interesting, but difficult

    For those of us, [SIZE="4"]ME[/SIZE], who had trouble with and never learned how to program a VCR, Felicity's detailed and complete description of how to tape was ...well, a similar situation. I got some tape and tried to follow, but just could not!

    Considering the literally millions of pictures of peni on the Internet, it would seem that one of us could figure out how to take a few pics, get them published, and make this process really pretty simple.

    So for now, for me, it just has to stay plain old tucking and panty girdle time. But, you know, it does seem to be so much sexier to do that taping thing! Just think, half an hour of extra "fiddling around" and you haven't even gone out yet.

    "Who's around your TV is more important than how big it is...." Dr. Phil

  18. #118
    Join Date
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    how about tucking in OUR channel that is there when the male equipment popped out after 6 weks in our mommies womb. it works quite well and the jewels will stay up there and tape can make the tucking better. also, if you dare, drop the little things in cold water w/ some ice cubes. that will shrink them and make it easier to tuck. if you do this, only leave them in for a maximum of 5 minutes.

    my thoughts,

  19. #119
    striving for perfection CAROLINE FROST's Avatar
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    Dear Felicity,
    what a wonderful article, i found this incredibly helpfull.i have tried out both techniques with some success . thanks a million for a wonderful article. Caroline Frost

  20. #120
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    This is a great post/topic. I always tuck and as I discussed here having a 'flat' front is VERY important to me.

    My tucking technique does not involve pushing any external body parts up into my body nor does involve the use of any tape. I am 'lucky' in that I have fairly small male genitals (penis and testicles) so achieving a flat front does not require too much effort (although I probably go overboard). I do shave my genital area but that really has nothing to do with tucking/flat front per se. I generally wear a snug fitting (but not overly tight) 'brief' style panty with a fairly wide crotch. In my panties I always wear a feminine pad. After putting the pad in my panties I fold my male genitals back (no tape or anything) and simply pull the panties up. That generally gives me a pretty flat front. I also make sure that I place the tip of my small penis directly in the center of the pad as this helps push my male parts up flat against my body. To help 'hold' the tuck I generally also wear a pair of tight fitting control top pantyhose (Im also a pantyhose lover) over my panties/pad. I sometimes also wear a high waisted firm control panty girdle. The girdle definately helps to hold the tuck and give and even flatter front and smooth crotch area. The pad and panties alone generally give me the flat front I desire but I like the extra smoothing and shaping of the pantyhose and panty girdle (and I love the way my legs look in pantyhose too!).

    Patti Remick

  21. #121
    Member Ellisia_Lynch's Avatar
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    Just thought I would share my experience

    I have never really had a problem with tucking & hiding everything away.

    I have tried every method imaginable & they all work, but some are really not that comfortable or practical.

    However recently I have stumbled upon a method that works so well & is so comfortable that I just had to share. I use a pair of latex panties like this one:

    I can't even begin to describe how comfortable it is and how well it works. It's the only method I have used that allows me to stay tucked for hours at a time without even knowing it. The material just seems to hold everything perfectly and of course it's so easy to put on & take off. It's also very sexy knowing you're wearing shiny latex underwear, if you like that sort of thing
    Caught your hand inside the till,
    Slammed your fingers in the door.
    Fought with kitchen knives and skewers.....

  22. #122
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    Hi Girls!
    A new member here enjoying all this amazing stuff .... Happy Chrismas from "Down Under " Australia.

    I love the last post above with the latex ! Thats Great!

    I am 77 kilos ( about 12 rocks ) and pretty fit, with no loose fat. I am 5' 9"" (as I remember that system) and I have big hands, big feet ( size 13 )and .... You guessed it! .... Not too easy to deal with !!

    I made myself a leather G string with wide (4" ) black elastic bands around the hips sewn to a leather front. The front part has a hole in it, at the strategic spot, onto which I sewed a soft leather cone shape with a longer tail on it ... The bit near the tail has an opening.
    When I put it on I tuck the testes into their place, as described previously in above posts, and pull the member into the cone shaped sack, with the loose skin as well. All of that can now (When relaxed ) can be pulled back between the legs, and a press stud secures it back there. It is comfortable, and accesible.
    It can remain there for as long as required, wont slip, wont pinch or get caught in things.
    The resulting shape is smooth and flat. A nice pair of panties or a G string over the top and hey presto! Everything fits .. even a swimsuit.
    Last edited by Andine; 03-13-2008 at 12:48 AM.

  23. #123
    Exploring NEPA now Cheryl T's Avatar
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    Wow...tape A sticky to Tape B sticky, wrap, fold, pull, voila...

    Almost makes surgery sound easier...

    I don't wear women's clothes, I wear MY clothes !

  24. #124
    Join Date
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    Hi, Andine, A picture of the g string would be handy ,

  25. #125
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    Tried taping and dont like it, generally dont have much of a problem as im quite small down there and it seems flat enough when folded back with knickers and tights on.. Might try some of the latex pantys though ( always wanted some in any case) lol.

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