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Thread: The Art of Tucking: v2.0

  1. #1576
    Junior Member Dianna_ericka's Avatar
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    I just want to share that yesterday I tuck for the first time ever, and I want to say that was wonderfull, I also wear my pantyhose and a pantygridle for about 10 hours, I allow my male thing suitable to visit the bathroom with the tucking in, and obviouslly I had to sit during that. I had no problems at all, no pain and a lot of nice feelings.
    I am so happy and excited to do it again.
    Greetings to all.

  2. #1577
    Member DianeDeBris's Avatar
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    HI all - I hope this post fits within the rules - I've read this thread and the related earlier ones, and despite my best efforts I still have at least two questions, so I hope this is OK.
    First, when tucked successfully, are the orbs simply hiding partially behind the pubic bone or are they completely internal to the abdomen and fully "out of the way?"
    Second, if the goal is to get them 100% up inside, do we want to help them up inside by pushing them "straight up" vertically or do we gently help them up "diagonally," up and to the rear?
    Bonus question: when we encounter resistance as they rest against what feels like a too-small opening, do we simply maintain constant pressure for 30-60 seconds? Or push a bit more firmly to, well, force them up inside?
    I apologize in advance if my terminology offends anyone; I've read these threads from start to finish and still need your help. Thank and big hugs!

  3. #1578
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    I hide them completely and I don't feel any resistance while doing it besides of the gravity. The want to come back until I fix the leftover skin

  4. #1579
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    My guys rest in the area from whence they came but they don't actually go "inside".
    I'm sure everyone is different as far as the size of the opening and size of the "boys".
    What I'm saying is there doesn't seem to be a one size fits all answer you just have to find out which way works for you.

  5. #1580
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    Hey, wasn't there a song about this back in the early 90's? By King Missal "Detachable ....." his girl took it and he found it in a sidewalk rummage sale. Makes tucking so much easier.

  6. #1581
    Gold Member Helen_Highwater's Avatar
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    I can only speak for myself but when tucked the orbs move upwards sufficiently so as to be fully inside the body cavity. As for helping them on their way I've found that altered over time. As with all things, the more you do it the easier it gets. I now find that the act of stretching my penis downwards almost prompts my orbs to start moving and they only need the slightest of help to get the stowed out of the way.

    When tucking for the first time we've all probably been a bit nervous that it's going to be uncomfortable if not actually painful, it's a man thing. As we're all different it's a matter of experimentation but once mastered it's easy to do and becomes second nature.
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  7. #1582
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    I have used duct tape, but that has really hurt coming off. I find the Smaller size thong, tight fitting works

  8. #1583
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    Baby oil and a hot shower to get duct tape off

  9. #1584
    Ice queen Lorileah's Avatar
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    I have traeted several dogs whose owner used duct tape to cover a wound for tearing skin and chemical reactions to the tape. I wouldn't put that stuff on my body for nuthin
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  10. #1585
    Member Kiva's Avatar
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    I recently discovered Tegaderm Film. I got item 1626W. I end up using 2. It's an adhesive film that they use for keeping wounds clean, as a barrier for IV's, etc. Using it after the hotdog has been wrapped with tape, keeps things tucked away nicely. Then you can continue with the thong, etc for a nice firm fit. The film keeps things from slipping out. It's water proof and breathable. I can create a very nice gap, after everything is snugged up. I saw a video demonstrating it a couple of weeks ago. Sorry, I don't have the link.
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  11. #1586
    Gold Member Helen_Highwater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorileah View Post
    I have traeted several dogs whose owner used duct tape to cover a wound for tearing skin and chemical reactions to the tape. I wouldn't put that stuff on my body for nuthin
    I'll second that. I used it to create cleavage and the damage it did to my skin after only a few hours was extremely painful. It also took a considerable time to heal, the marks still there 2 weeks later. There are much more suitable medical grade tapes available.
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  12. #1587
    Platinum Blonde member Ressie's Avatar
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    has anyone tried gaff tape? (similar to duct tape but not as adhesive, also doesn't leave residue)
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  13. #1588
    Silver Member Devi SM's Avatar
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    Tape is not for me, may be not for you either

    Tape is not for me.[B[/B].
    I found that even good text descriptions work for some people, not everybody understand them, that's my case.

    For the other hand, tape doesn't work for me. It can be irritating for some skins, difficult to use and learn, time consuming.
    If that is your case too, I found a good way, very basic with a home made gaf based in a headband they sell in walmart and target stores, with a rubber head band too and a little practice.
    Now for me is so easy to tuck as 30 seconds or less, then I pull my sexy small panties, thongs or whatever small you want and even with leggies, tight jeans it work. I can even wear bikini on the beach and it works.
    I have a set of pictures available to whoever requested me. Just pm me and I'll give you my email to send you the pics.
    Last edited by Lorileah; 12-10-2016 at 12:14 AM. Reason: don't question the rulez either :)
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  14. #1589
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ressie View Post
    has anyone tried gaff tape? (similar to duct tape but not as adhesive, also doesn't leave residue)
    So as not to confuse it with that garment called a gaff, I think what you're referring to is gaffer's tape or grip tape. It's a cloth-backed tape used by gaffers (set electricians) and grips (set riggers) on movie sets to secure cables and such. Live sound engineers also use it to tape down audio and power cables on stages. It holds firmly enough but pulls up readily after the show, unlike the messy goo that duct tape uses. Duct tape (not duck) was designed to seal up HVAC ducts (hence the name) and gets stickier with the heat. It's meant to be pretty much permanent. Probably a very bad idea on sensitive skin.

    I'll try an experiment with gaffer's tape and report back...
    Last edited by Acastina; 12-14-2016 at 02:56 AM.

  15. #1590
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    When I tried tape tucking I used medical tape.
    Duct tape use would be insanity IMO.

  16. #1591
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    Gaffer's/grip tape seems to be a feasible option. Adhered firmly and stayed put, yet pulled off easily after several hours. Definitely not the sticky mess of its cousin duct tape. Available from all the big online music suppliers for $10-20 for pretty darn big rolls (a lifetime supply for the occasional tucker). Comes mostly in stylish Little Black Tape, but also a few in white and one in an eye-catching yellow-and-black hazard stripe pattern. Two inches wide is standard.

  17. #1592
    Happy Girl ElvenPrincess's Avatar
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    I always use a XS bikini bottom part under other clothing.
    Works quite fine for me.

  18. #1593
    Platinum Blonde member Ressie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Acastina View Post
    Gaffer's/grip tape seems to be a feasible option.
    Thanks Acastina. Yes, gaffer's tape is what I was referring to. (confusing ain't it?) It can be found in more colors and sizes on Amazon (or other places). I have a roll that's 4" wide but I haven't tried tucking with it.

    Here's a random source with different colors.

    And in tan:
    Last edited by Ressie; 12-22-2016 at 08:29 AM.
    "You're the only one to see the changes you take yourself through", Stevie Wonder

  19. #1594
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helen_Highwater View Post

    Tucking is the placing of the penis between the legs such that the gonads move upwards into the body cavity and are hidden from view. If done successfully it allows the CD'er to give a more female impression by not displaying the typical male trouser bulge.

    Many CD'ers use this technique to create a better profile and it also makes them feel more femme as the male bits are not longer on show and hidden away.
    Is it safe for the 'boys' like overheat and kill your sperm?

  20. #1595
    Silver Member Devi SM's Avatar
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    The high temperature could kill the sperm and if you 24/7 tuck probably will esterilize you for the time you keep doing it, but Espermatozoides are constantly being produced on testicles by millions and it takes 14 days to mature and be ready, if you don't use them, they will die anyway and always a new production is coming, so it shouldn't be a permanent esterile damage.
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  21. #1596
    New Member CrystalMatthews0426's Avatar
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    I scrolled through the first page, but there is way too many posts to check and I apologize if this question has been asked multiple times before. I'm still new to all of this and I have one important question. How does the tape hold up if something does cause some arousal? I imagine the strength of the muscle would push the tape away.

  22. #1597
    Gold Member Helen_Highwater's Avatar
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    An erection is caused by blood being pumped into myriad cavities within the penis, a bit like blowing up a balloon but using blood not air. When tucked, while you will get aroused if the circumstances are right, even if using just a pair of tight fitting knickers the tuck tends to stay in place. I've never tucked using tape, those who do may be able to shed more light on this but I could see that in trying to expand itself the penis could start to feel a bit uncomfortable as the skin tries to stretch.
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  23. #1598
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    There are some good videos on YouTube for tucking and homemade gaffs. I use a thong a size or 2 too small and cut the legs out of some control top pantyhose and use the brief part. Works well however my boys are rather large and they do still stick out a little.

  24. #1599
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    Tried today the gaffer tape. It is not sutable for the job. Don't stayn in place and very unflexible and causes discomfort. I use 3M micropore 2 inch paper tape and double sided tape. Also I came up with a technic that allows to go the bathroom without untaping. It is comfortable and stays for a day for sure.

  25. #1600
    -1.#QNaN Lydianne's Avatar
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    I only dress up occasionally, and I'm also naturally skeptical . . about everything! I had heard about the tuck method but never considered finding out more. I always used the really-tight-briefs method that many others have mentioned. I mean, tucking?!?? They're still there, right? How good can it be?

    So yesterday, I was bored, I wasn't dressing up, and I needed to kill 3 hours. My downstairs department is quite ample albeit wasted on me, and I'm not particularly fleshy; so my expectations were low.

    Hurriedly with just a 10 sec #1 dry shave, minimal skin preparation and a dozen-or-so wasted strips of industrial packaging tape littering the floor, I finally nailed it! I needed more tape, though. Pretty much needed to cover the entire delta area with tape. I hope I'll improve with that. But preliminary results were confirmed with a pair of white skinny jeans .

    Thank you so much for this tutorial! Thank you!!! So many new possibilities for stringy panties! .

    Isn't it ironic that such a sexy process involves such unsexy items. Is there anything less sexy than Industrial packing tape, duct tape, gaffer tape, 3M tape, I believe I read earlier about a girl that uses super glue?!?? . That last one is beyond the point of diminishing returns for me, but my sentiment still applies. I kind of like the feel of the tape when it's on, though . But note-to-self: mascara off first; then the tape .

    Stringy panties!!! .

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