I think I woke up in the Twilight Zone yesteray - but I'm not complaining. I went to a chain drugstore while I was downtown yesterday to pick up some stuff and also asked for a pack of cigs (I know, I know, it's bad for me). Anyway, I used a store coupon I had to get $5 off my total and when the salesclerk rang up my stuff he asked me for ID. Here's how the conversation went:

Clerk: I need to see some ID

Me: ID? Why, I've never been asked for ID for a store coupon before.

Clerk: No, not for that, for this (points to the pack of cigs)

Me: *hysterically laughing* What? Are you serious? How old do you think I am?

Clerk: *very seriously* I don't know . . .

Me: *pulling out my driver's license (covering my pic with my thumb 'cause it's still too girly) and putting it in front of his face* I'm 46, but thanks for making my day!

He didn't think it was funny, but I was still laughing as I walked out of the store. Unbelievable! I was never even carded when I WAS a minor! Haha . . .

And here's part two of my Twilight Zone day:

I then went to the nursing home to see Mom and chatted with her for about an hour (I would have stayed longer 'cause I haven't seen her in too long, but she was in a weird mood and very argumentative about silly things). As I was saying goodbye to her, another resident that was sitting nearby asked her, "Is that your little man?" I couldn't believe my ears! I looked at Mom and she answered in a VERY annoyed voice, "No! That's my daughter!" I resisted the urge to laugh, patted the other woman on the back and ran out of there.

OMG, what a weird day. I was only wearing shorts, sandals, a black T-shirt, baseball cap and shades. Nothing different from what I normally wear. And I had even trimmed my chin hairs (though I won't shave it all off), which normally makes people call me "ma'am". My son says it's the baseball cap and shades 'cause apparently that's what most minors wear. I just think I must be dreaming - but I'm sure the high will wear off as soon as I get my next "ma'am".