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Thread: Long v Short and Blonde V Brunette

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Bev06 GG's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Hairstyles, long, short, blonde, or brunette?

    Hi Girls,
    My partner and I have a great time experimenting with her look. We have numerous wigs, lots of makeup and jewellery and when we get the chance we really play around with different styles.
    One of my very favourite looks on Jay is a Brunette Bobb which with plenty of back combing is quite full and has height. I like her to wear fitted clothes with this look with either lycra dresses (knee length) or fitted skirt suits. I know this sounds like I control her look but believe me I do not I just like to be involved.

    We belong to a CD support group and obviously Jay gets comments from the other girls because she does change her look quite often. Any how, the look that I actually adore the best is the one that gets the unflattering remarks. People always say that they prefer Jay as a blonde with longer hair and that the brunette does nothing for her (well thats what they think but then they dont see what goes on behind closed doors do they). My question is though do you think that long and blonde is a man thing because honestly I think she looks drop dead as a brunette.
    Would be very interested to hear your comments.
    PS BTW it doesn't bother me what other people think because I know what I like. And if Jay had a problem with it I'd turn into a Dominatrix and make him do as he was told. ONLY KIDDIN
    Last edited by Bev06 GG; 07-01-2008 at 01:49 PM.

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