Warning! Rant dead ahead!
I dislike having a feminine name. What I mean is, I dislike the idea that among CD circles, one is expected to assume a feminine name as if it were an alter ego. For me, I'm the same person no matter what name I use, so why should I be expected to go by two names in life?
My name on this form is Byllie, but the name I was born with is (surprise) Bill. Can I not be feminine and still be called Bill? What is wrong with us that we actually believe we cannot feel feminine enough unless we take on an entirely new personna, as if we were donning a costume so the world could not see the person behind the screen?
In some way it feels dishonest, as if to say, "there's the drab me and then there's the femme me." Well I'm just me, and I'm trying desparately to feel comfortable with that.
Rant off!