So there is this place I like to take walks on weekends, usually early in the morning. Sunday, I wanted to work on walking in heels a little more.
So I changed from the tennies to these black high heel sandals I have. The real sexy kind. Anyways so as I am walking around and my feet are screaming, a couple guys who were driving around drove closer to me for a better look. One time when I was sitting in my car trying to adjust the shoes and another time when I was out walking. Normally no one even looks twice at me. I was about a nervous wreck thinking "OK I messed up and did something dumb, this is the kind of thing that gets us CDs killed..."
I was just wearing a tee and short shorts and tan hose with this, nothing big.
I was like SO nervous cause it wasn't really until then that I understood that those type of shoes are a magnet for men. I guess heels put men at attention REAL quick.
Well after my feet were done screaming and I got back to my car, I was thankful to have my faithful ol nasty tennies.
What makes those foot torture shoes so appealing to straight men anyways? Sure they are cute but come on now...