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Thread: Heard your name?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Heard your name?

    I was in a shop earlier and two guys were chatting in the queue behind me when i heard one say....."Yeah, i,m gonna see Deborah Jane tonight". I nearly passed out in shock.

    Has anyone else here ever heard their girly name used in conversation?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by deborah jane View Post
    I was in a shop earlier and two guys were chatting in the queue behind me when i heard one say....."Yeah, i,m gonna see Deborah Jane tonight". I nearly passed out in shock.

    Has anyone else here ever heard their girly name used in conversation?
    No, I haven't but then again, I am not as popular and attractive as you sweetie. You are just one popular girl over there in England.

  3. #3
    They call me quiet girl.. Sarah...'s Avatar
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    Yes. Mostly because there are loads of Sarahs around. I have a strange interest in meeting other Sarahs or hearing about other Sarahs. I always like to know what it is about us that's the same and what's different.

    Is there a common "Sarah-ness" that we all share. Hmmm. That sounds like a familiar sort of a thought...


  4. #4
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    Almost every day... We have a Karen (with one R) in our department and someone will always yell... "Hey Karen" and I'm always spining around and saying "what?".... I think overyone thinks I'm just hard of hearing!! Hahaha
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  5. #5
    Such Is Life Jessicaparkson's Avatar
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    Never lol
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  6. #6
    Gold Member
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    I have but Erin is not a real uncommon name.
    The name I used to use I would always be shocked to hear it cause it is real uncommon.
    It takes a true Erin to be a pain in the assatar.

  7. #7
    Gender Outlaw! vikki2020's Avatar
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    Vicky is fairly common, I guess, but on two seperate occasions while I was out shopping, dressed, I heard "Vicky" paged over the store intercom. I took this as an omen.
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  8. #8
    Brazen Hussy Darlene Dippy's Avatar
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    All the while, it 'Darling this' and 'Darling that'. Now if only they learn to prenounce my name correctly.....
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  9. #9
    Silver Member trannie T's Avatar
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    I use the femme name Vanessa. One reason I chose the name is because I do not know anyone with the name. A girl recently enrolled in a college class I'm taking, her name of course is Vanessa. When her name has been called I have not responded but it has got my attention.
    Hearing your femme name while you are in drab is no big issue, I nearly jump out of my skin, though, when I am en femme and hear my male name.
    It takes a real man to wear a dress.

  10. #10
    Silver Member Jilmac's Avatar
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    Yes, unfortunately Jill is quite common
    Luv and Jill

    Straight, into Fantasy Land

  11. #11
    Swans have more fun! sandra-leigh's Avatar
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    This thread reminds me of a question I was thinking of posting a few days ago:

    To what extent does your femme name "grab your attention"?

    You know how it is, you can be in a noisy place with multiple conversations and someone says your guy name at a normal volume and you immediately pick it out and focus on it to listen. Or someone down the hall mentions your guy name and although you would normally not be able to make out anything they were saying, you pick that out. You just about can't help it -- and if you someone mentions your name and you don't want to react (e.g., you want to pretend that the other person has not recognized you and called your male name), you have to specifically hold yourself back.

    So how accustomed are you to your female name? Do you only answer to it consciously ("Tess? Oh, that's me!"), or do you pick it out even when you aren't "listening" and it isn't loud/obvious ? (And for those who legally change their name, especially those who transition, how long until you stop picking out your former male name?)

  12. #12
    Living and Enjoying Life Kristen Kelly's Avatar
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    [SIZE="3"] I was out to a store and heard a father yell, "Kristen get over here", he had my total attention [/SIZE]
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  13. #13
    Semi Sane innocent angel
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    At work some was talking to a Niya. I almost answered back
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    9 out of 10 Dr say I'm sane. The 10th one never made it to the hearing. Did you know that California has drop bears ?

    First a groom then a bride. Never again.

  14. #14
    Silver Member
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    I have heard my fem name mentioned a few times while out in public but never thought it was directed at me. I used to work with a lady named Susan and heard her name mentioned numerous times every day. It would always get my attenion when I would hear the name.

  15. #15
    Hot Geezer Girl docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    U mite find this hard to believe,---

    as common as my name is, but, no!
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  16. #16
    Girl next door Cristi's Avatar
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    I decided against the first three femme names I came up with because I realized that there were women I worked with or knew socially that had those names.

    Not only did I NOT want to hear 'my' name all the time at work and get jumpy about it, I also didn't want to have the feeling like I was trying to emulate that particular GG by taking her name.

    So, Cristi is not my first choice (and may change at some point) but at least it it unique among the women I know.
    In a society in which it is a moral offense to be different from your neighbor your only escape is never to let them find out.
    -- Robert Heinlein

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