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Thread: Love Dressing up but still very attracted to woman.

  1. #26
    Girlygirl Tomboy Wannabee Toni_Lynn's Avatar
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    In a message elsewhere around here I told of how I saw CDing as a what I'll say is a hyper-romantic love of women, a love that is so deep that it goes beyond the need for companionship, but a worship, a desire to emulate them. Okay, that's the 5 cent psychological stuff. The real deal is, hey, you're normal, so enjoy!

    That said, though, obviously it doesn't explain why you have gay CDers too. But then, I can't explain why some people like yucky stuff like liver, even though I like haggis!

    But - seriously, I'll put this to you, my wife adores my CDing. Does that means she's a lesbian? No! After I told her about my CDing, I told her that I was totally turned on by GGs wearing men's briefs and jockstraps - which she has agreed to during our 'fun' time. Does this mean I like guys? Not on your life! Has all of it lead to great pleasure for both of us. Most totally!

    again -- all I can say is -- Enjoy!


    --I'm TN (transnationalist) - a Canadian born in an American's body! I stand on guard for thee!

  2. #27
    ~Caliente Latina~ Parse Leeve's Avatar
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    OK.. I think I'll be the first one on this post to state that when I dress and bring 'Claudia' to life, she does have feelings toward the opposite sex(men). I have never acted on them or anything but I do think about how fem it would feel to flirt with a male or accept a drink from him..etc..

    However, I enjoy my hetro boy side who has a wonderful accepting girlfriend. It is only when I dress that I would get those 'other' feelings.

  3. #28
    Lady in Waiting. DameErrant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prene View Post
    It seems I am a male who loves dressing as a female but wants to still be with a female.

    I am confused.

    Sometimes I feel I want to be female but I am not turned on by the male body.


    I just love the look and feel of the female body on me.
    As you can see from the earlier posts, you are far from alone in this. The way you describe yourself could almost be the definition of a heterosexual cross dresser. It certainly is for me.

  4. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darlene Dippy View Post
    Perhaps how you feel is contagious - because I've got just the same symptoms!

    Damn Darlene, i think you,ve started an epidemic

  5. #30
    Junior Member DeSkirt's Avatar
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    I also love to dress in women's clothing but have no interest in men. I'm not even curios. The fact that I feel this way makes it easy to understand why a women wouldn't be turned on by the sight of me dressed. I wish my wife was turned on by my dressing, but I understand why she isn't. This makes the dressing a private matter for me.


  6. #31
    Making a life for Tina! suchacutie's Avatar
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    Ok, genetically I'm a guy. I know all about guys and guy stuff. I love women (well, actually one woman, to be specific) and all that guy stuff is pretty...well...boring at best and disgusting at its worst.

    Given that, I see it as totally consistent that I want to understand more of what it is to be a woman. I enjoy how women think and act (usually...there are exceptions). So, after spending all this time learning how to project a feminine persona, with all that it entails, my interest is still the female gender. Totally consistent .

    Also, let's not forget that this "hobby" as Karen puts it, is something I share completely with my wife, making us closer, giving us more time together, and giving us the focus to talk about how she thinks and acts, helping Tina do the same thing. I clearly understand her so much better since Tina appeared!

    Last edited by suchacutie; 10-10-2008 at 02:02 PM. Reason: typo

  7. #32
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    I have no rules on this. I'm flattered if any gender flirts with me, whether I'm dressed more/all/male/female. If I see the beauty in someone, that's enough, but my heart belongs to only one.

  8. #33
    Faith's Girl Kimberly Marie Kelly's Avatar
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    Smile I Simply like dressing, but I'm straight.

    When alone I may fantazize about being with a man, what it would feel like. Being dressed increases my sexual desires to some degree but I wouldn't act on them.
    With Love,

    "Count it pure joy when the world comes crashin
    hold your head up and keep on dancin" MercyMe

  9. #34
    Silver Member Jilmac's Avatar
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    You're not alone with those feelings. I love to dress too. I love the way I look when I'm dressed. I love the way the clothes feel on my body. I could go on about all the great things I feel when I'm dressed but it's all been said before.

    I was confused for many years but I have learned to accept the fact that I love women and have never been attracted to men sexually. Even though dressing enhances the feminine side of my life I have never had any desire to be a girl.

    You are no different than a lot of the people on this forum. Many of us just love to dress for the pure pleasure of it but still love and cherish females as only men can.
    Luv and Jill

    Straight, into Fantasy Land

  10. #35
    Join Date
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    Hi Prene, me too I feel I want to be female but I am only turned on by the female body.

    Love the look of the female body and feel like one when I wear dress and heels..

  11. #36
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    All these definitions are really making me even more confused.

  12. #37
    Another T-Girl! Lisa Catherine's Avatar
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    You sound just like me. I was in denial about being a crossdresser until the last few months, and I finally went out in public en femme for the first time at SCC!! After getting in touch with my femme persona, I enjoy being my male self like I never have before, and I have a lot more fun talking to and flirting with women as well when I'm en drab!! ( I get a thrill out of making them laugh when I'm talking to them!) I used to regard myself as some kind of freak, but NO MORE, I now realize that there are many more out there like me!! It's a rare gift that not many have, I will continue to enjoy going out en femme, and the inner healing that I experienced at SCC is something I've never had before!! I love getting "dolled up" and going out with other TG friends, but I'm a 100% heterosexual male at the same time! Another couple of side effects: 1) It's given me a whole new appreciation when I see a woman with a freshly shaved pair of legs, and 2) I will never again get frustrated when a woman I'm dating needs "just a few more minutes" to get ready!

  13. #38
    A California Girl Rachel Morley's Avatar
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    Love Dressing up but still very attracted to woman

    Quote Originally Posted by prene View Post
    Love Dressing up but still very attracted to woman- It seems I am a male who loves dressing as a female but wants to still be with a female.
    Err ... of course ... why wouldn't you be? Sexual preference has very little to do with gender expression. Ok some people like the whole "bi when dressed thing" but please don't be confused, just be happy that you are very "normal" (whatever that means)
    The River City Gems - Northern California's largest and most active crossdressing & transgender support group!

  14. #39
    Senior Member vivianann's Avatar
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    I am also only attracted to women. I have no desire to be with a man.

  15. #40
    Member Petra1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deja true View Post
    The attraction to the feminine is for me a big part of why I dress. It's not a desire to attract anybody, per se, but a desire to become closer to that which I admire...

    (Much the way that non-athletically inclined couch potatoes emulate their sporting heroes by wearing their favorite player's jersey, maybe! To get closer to that which they know they cannot ever really be... )
    This is probably the closest to why I dress. I love the female form, especially a certain part of the female form. So, I try to emulate that which I admire and adore.

  16. #41
    Junior Member Monica Santos's Avatar
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    There is nothing wrong with wanting to be a woman and being with women. I love my wife, love sex, but love being a woman.


  17. #42
    New Member jessica_jmt's Avatar
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    its amazing how different i can be when en-fem
    not like i want to be with just men when I'm Jessica
    I have just always loved the soft silky feel of a women
    I've dreamed of being with men at times but i just think back that being brought up as a male there is so much i dislike about the way the majority of men act, look, feel, smell, sound.
    i don't think i will ever be with just men,therefor i am a trans-lesbian

  18. #43
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    When I dress I do get closer to my feminine side whick I love but tend to be rather feminine in guy mode.Don't know why exactly.
    I adore women for the most part and find them sexualy arousing.I flirt with lots of women in guy mode but don't flirt in a sexual way.
    My SO is OK with me flirting with girls he dosen't feel threatened by it at all.I don't do it around him that would be wrong.As far as being attracted to men not really just Glenn for his personality and demeanor.He is very manly as far as looks but is hopelessly gay.
    He is the first guy I had a relationship with in a Bi sense, no gay sex is my rule and we feel no need to engage in it.
    He dosen't understand my need to feel my feminine side or to do the CD thing but has no problem with the whole idea.A very odd relationship but its seems to work.

  19. #44
    naughty nurse Billie Jean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prene View Post
    It seems I am a male who loves dressing as a female but wants to still be with a female.

    I am confused.

    Sometimes I feel I want to be female but I am not turned on by the male body.


    I just love the look and feel of the female body on me.
    My ex dressed like a man most of the time and she still wanted to be with a male. Billie Jean

  20. #45
    Living Dead Girl Schatten Lupus's Avatar
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    I'm the same way. I find the thought of being with a guy to be a yucky thought. One thing to take into consideration though, the gender you identify with and the gender you are sexually attracted to are two completely different subjects.

  21. #46
    Silver Member victoriamwilliams1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Janet Bern View Post
    I would suggest that about 80% of us on here are men that love dressing in ladies clothes and are not one bit attracted to males. Love dressing up and I love being with women.
    I am one more in the bunch

    Quote Originally Posted by Darlene Dippy View Post
    Perhaps how you feel is contagious - because I've got just the same symptoms!

    Me too Not looking for a cure either!

    Quote Originally Posted by ifeelsonaughty View Post
    All these definitions are really making me even more confused.
    it will become clear with time and hanging out here.

  22. #47
    Senior Member emmicd's Avatar
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    If you polled most crossdressers which I'm sure has been done many times here you would see that you are in the majority here. It is a well known fact that the majority of crossdressers are real men who fancy women. I am a very feminine crossdresser and I fall into the same category. I am a straight heterosexual male who loves women and fancies wearing pretty clothes.
    I can't explain why crossdressing is looked upon as a bad thing. It makes me feel good and I am not threatening anyone if I wore a dress. It makes no sense why this is a hangup for so many. I believe crossdressers are real men who fancy women and also admire them and admire pretty clothes. There is nothing wrong with that in my book.

    It takes a real man to wear a dress as I saw one of the girls use as a phrase.

    It's true!


  23. #48
    New Member Marky's Avatar
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    Prene, your words describe me perfectly. Heterosexual but love pretending to be a women. I sometimes wake up in the morning wishing my forms have turned real. My confusion though is not so much about myself but about others. Almost everything nowadays is acceptable or at least tollerated. I don't understand why so many think so badly about CD's.
    Follow the white rabbit.

  24. #49
    Junior Member RobinScott's Avatar
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    While I am attracted to and would rather be with women, I also admit that more often than not I also find my self wishing I could dress like her. I see a woman in a pretty dress or top, and I wonder if I could pull off the look (of sigh is depression that I can not )


  25. #50
    Join Date
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    i have zero attraction to the male body.

    i have zero desire to be permanently female.

    and yet i'm on this board.

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