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Thread: The girls have arrived

  1. #1
    old enough to know better
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    The girls have arrived

    I hope that is not offensive.

    And I had a hard time (no not that) concentrating at work today. Even harder (NO NOT THAT) driving home. All I could think about was wearing them.

    They are adhesive, but have not done that yet. That comes after a shower and shave (no, not the chest, unfortunately).

    I just have them cradled in a VS bra (the only one I have purchased - an add on to an order I made when I ordered something for my wife for Christmas maybe 10 years ago). It is a 38D, a bit large for the forms (I was a little overly optimistic). Maybe I should have gone larger.

    It is so cool seeing them when I look down at my chest. And the little bounce when I walk. Jumping is kind of fun too.

    Well, all for now. Have to shower. Then it is time to play.

    It is so nice to have someone to talk to.


  2. #2
    Aspiring Member
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    Northern Nevada
    BekiJ, I'm giving you two wishes for an outstanding night.

  3. #3
    old enough to know better
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    Jan 2009
    OK, with any hair, they just ain't gonna to stick. And probably not without chest hair. Not unexpected as I think I read something about that here.

    But that's OK. I can live with that until the next model comes out.

    It will stick and stay in place without a bra. It will have a small suction cup that attaches to the nipple, and a semi-firm connection with the nipple on the breast form. That way...well, you get the idea.

    I'm really over thinking this.

    They bounce and giggle and damn, that is good.


    So here’s the deal.

    About the first of December, I ordered a pair of #7 from lennonsbestbuy, an ebay seller. I did not want them showing up on my “things recently purchased by...”, so I emailed and told them I did not want to open an ebay account, and could I just send payment. The answer was yes. I mailed off payment and waited. They did not show up, so I figured they just took the money and ran.

    These were the breasts that arrived yesterday that I reported on. The US Postal service comes through again. In their defense, it was coming up on Christmas. In retrospect, I am glad they took so long to get here. Otherwise, I would have assumed that all adhesive breasts were like this and not ordered any others.

    In the meantime, figuring that the above stated breasts were not going to arrive, I ordered another pair from Truekare (#7). And of course, they came today.

    So, here is my review of both products.

    Lennonsbestbuy: The adhesive does not really hang on. It peels at the edges. It is good for keeping the boobs in place under a bra, or to be worn without the adhesive in a bra. They hang nice (sigh) and have good weight.

    Truekare: I am sitting here typing this bra-less, and they are stuck. And staying stuck. Ok, perhaps I am pressing on them a little (could never keep my hands off boobs) every once in a while. These too lift at the edges, but not as much, and the body seems to stay in place. Even to the touch, the adhesive is much tackier. I have walked around the house, up and down stairs, and there appears to be no slippage. I suppose I could bend at the waist, and see how long they took to fall off. But not now. I am enjoying them too much. Maybe later tonight.

    One thing is certain. I need a 36D, or maybe a 36C bra. These are a tad small for my 38D and band is a little too loose. But hey, if they stick, it does not matter.

    So, if I am just goofing around and want to fill a bra, the forms from lennonsbestbuy are more than sufficient. Nice jiggle (yeah, not giggle), nice shape in the bra. Of the two, if I were not going to use the adhesive, these are what I would get.

    If I will be able to dress for more than an hour or so, then the ones from Truekare are my choice. I also got the nipples from Truekare. A bit of a disappointment as I was hoping for something more perky.

    So there you have it. A newbie's experience with breast forms.

    Last edited by Di; 01-07-2009 at 10:22 PM.

  4. #4
    Junior Member jessica19cd's Avatar
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    May 2008
    I bought my first pair of breatforms a lil while ago and I was so excited. They were great and i couldn't wait to put them on and wear them around the house. I got a small size, just b's cause i thought it would fit my body better.

  5. #5
    Banned Read only
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    Quote Originally Posted by BekiJ View Post

    They bounce and giggle and damn, that is good.

    Yeah, but if they start chuckling or guffawing, be worried.

  6. #6
    old enough to know better
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    Yeah, they are laughing at me. And I evan speel chucked it.


  7. #7
    Senior Member StacyCD's Avatar
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    The coolest part about breastforms is that you can have more than one pair! Smaller ones for 'stealth' mode usually when I'm underdressing while in drab. Larger forms for 'fantasy' mode usually when I'm dressing enfemme at home. In between (normal or 'C') forms for going out enfemme and wanting to blend in.

  8. #8
    Silver Member JoAnne Wheeler's Avatar
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    When I'm feeling the mounting pressure to dress, I can't keep my mind on anything else - I cannot concentrate on anything but dressing - interfers with everything else in my life - even had a minor wreck - ran into the rear of another car at a traffic light because all I was thinking about was how soon can I get dressed - my mind becomes totally blank when I'm thinking about dressing - any of you had the same experience ?
    JoAnne Wheeler

  9. #9
    Platinum Member Angie G's Avatar
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    Have fun and enjoy Beki.

  10. #10
    Shoes, a woman's passion! debbeelee1's Avatar
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    Congrats Beki on your new forms! I've had mine for 6 months now and the thrill of wearing them is still there!
    Hugs and kisses,

  11. #11
    Just an average girl Carole Cross's Avatar
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    Bournemouth, England
    I had my breast forms delivered on New Years Eve and wore them on my first night out dressed. My next goal is to create some cleavage, I have had some success and think I can do better. Mine do stick with very short hair.
    living the dream

  12. #12
    Junior Member
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    Can I ask where you bought yours? It's time for me to get my own (especially as I have my first wig on its way!).

  13. #13
    Platinum Member
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    Beki enjoy...............

  14. #14
    Aspiring Member
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    walk proud with your chest out, not outside your clothes, but in pride.

  15. #15
    Big Sister Nicki B's Avatar
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  16. #16
    Junior Member Paola Lobos's Avatar
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    Central Coast, California
    Your note has got me thinking about buying my third pair of forms. I've got some As, some Bs, and I too would like some Ds. Good luck.

  17. #17
    old enough to know better
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    Jan 2009

    The girls have arrived - the rest of the story

    So here’s the deal.

    About the first of December, I ordered a pair of #7 from lennonsbestbuy, an ebay seller. I did not want them showing up on my “things recently purchased by...”, so I emailed and told them I did not want to open an ebay account, and could I just send payment. The answer was yes. I mailed off payment and waited. They did not show up, so I figured they just took the money and ran.

    These were the breasts that arrived yesterday that I reported on. The US Postal service comes through again. In their defense, it was coming up on Christmas. In retrospect, I am glad they took so long to get here. Otherwise, I would have assumed that all adhesive breasts were like this an not ordered any others.

    In the meantime, figuring that the above stated breasts were not going to arrive, I ordered another pair from Truekare (#7). And of course, they came today.

    So, here is my review of both products.

    Lennonsbestbuy: The adhesive does not really hang on. It peels at the edges. It is good for keeping the boobs in place under a bra, or to be worn without the adhesive in a bra. They hang nice (sigh) and have good weight and shape.

    Truekare: I am sitting here typing this bra-less, and they are stuck (been working on this for over an hour). And staying stuck. Ok, perhaps I am pressing on them a little every once in a while (could never keep my hands off boobs). These too lift at the edges, but not as much, and the body seems to stay in place. Even to the touch, the adhesive is much tackier. I have walked around the house, up and down stairs, and there appears to be no slippage. I suppose I could bend at the waist, and see how long they took to fall off. But not now. I am enjoying them too much. Maybe later tonight.

    One thing is certain. I need a 36D, or maybe a 36C. These are a tad small for my 38D and band is a little too loose. But hey, if they stick, it does not matter.

    So, if I am just goofing around and want to fill a bra, the forms from lennonsbestbuy are more than sufficient. Nice jiggle (yeah, not giggle), nice shape in the bra. Of the two, if I were not going to use the adhesive, these are what I would get.

    If I will be able to dress for more than an hour or so, then the ones from Truekare are my choice. I also got the nipples from Truekare. A bit of a disappointment as I was hoping for something more perky.

    Beenherelongtime - I have always had good posture, chest out, shoulders back. Ah, walk proudly, reminds me of a joke about a Scotsman at a baseball game. Maybe I will post it to the humor section.


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