I have been reading a lot about going out for your first time. I have been planning and preparing for the eventual coming out party. I bought tons of clothes / wigs / purses and shoes. Made all of the normal preparations. Tonight after posting about all of the clothes, I looked at the clothes and realized that the time had come.

So like many others before me, got all dressed. Did the best I could with the makeup. I know it wasn't right, but I had to go before I lost the nerve. Then got in the car and drove far enough away that no one would know me and headed for the Wal-Mart. Those people must get tired of seeing all of the different people late at night.

So there I was sitting in front of Wal-Mart and saw a bunch of teenagers hanging around and lost my nerve. Drove to another Wal-Mart and then saw all of the stockers taking a smoke break. Waited for them to finish and finally my chance came. I froze in fear for another 5 minutes until I said enough is enough. Got out of the car and walked in. I avoided people as much as possible, but one lady popped out from around a corner and said "Hello". I was about to need a paramedic. I wasn't going to quit I had to shop. Even though I didn't buy anything, I realized how much more normal it felt to be shopping for female items.

I now have the confidence to do what I have been planning for several months. Go to a movie followed by some shopping. I am finally enjoying myself. Life is GOOD!!!