[SIZE="3"][/SIZE]Well at last Joanne has taken her first venture out to meet other fellow travellers. I was invited by a transgender group to one of their social evenings and after promising I would attend their last monthly meeting, I fianly plucked up the courage to go.
I arranged to have a full facial by a good friend who just happens to be a beautician, after which I had my eye brows plucked and shaped, lashes tinted and then a full make-up.
I was so amazed at how she had transormed me ,that tear almost fell from my eye.
I went home and took out my latest grey and black skirt and chose a red top with sleeves and put on a pair of black sling backs with a two inch heel ( all my others a three inch ) but I though that might make me just a bit too tall.
This outing gave me the chance to try my new wig and when I stood back and looke in the mirror, the smile on my face was as wide a the cat in "Alice in Wonderland"
Now was the biggest moment for Joanne, stepping outside and getting into my car for the trip. My hands were shaking as I turned the ignition key but there was NO turning back now, it was " Full steam ahead " of down the motorway.
Now the next big hurdle that had to be crossed, walking into a room full of others whom I had never met but they were all so wonderfull to me and made me feel so welcome and I felt that I was, just one of the girls.
Unfortunately all good things have to come to an end and it was time to set off home. I said my good byes to every one and drove off back home, feeling on top of the world
Once home sadly the make-up had to be removed and my lovely feminine clothing once more put way for another day and there I was, back to my drab masculine outfit.
When I finaly went to bed, it took forever to go to sleep, my mind was just reliving every minute of Joanne's first steps outside the bounds of my home.
As Mr sandman crept over me all I was think was, "This was just the first of many outings from now on"

Love Joanne