Today my SO nearly stumbled on my home-made binding method (sports bra and upside-down bike shorts, not perfect but better than nothing). You know, did that thing where he reached up under my shirt, then got confused at an unfamilliar fabric combination. I explained it away enough and he didn't get too close a look (how would you explain wearing bike shorts like that?), or he didn't care enough to probe right then. Close call, though.

I know I need to tell him. Eventually. It sucks having to keep secrets from somebody you're suppossed to be closer to than anyone else in the world. I just guess I don't know how to bring it up. What do you do, say "how was your day at work? I work on saturday, kid has a doctor's appointment on thursday, oh and I've been questioning my gender identity and have started binding my breasts. So what would you like for dinner?"

Makes me want to scratch patterns onto my skin. :\

I've got a psychology appointment in a week. No not a gender therapist, just a regular psychologist. I want to make sure i don't have any legitimate mental issues, or that they're under control, before I take any further steps. I will probably bring the gender thing up durring my session and see how the doc reacts. Good idea, bad idea?