This was a big weekend for me because I managed to get past many of the fears and apprehensions I’ve had about doing certain things. I went to several stores and bought some make-up and lingerie. I really enjoyed browsing the make-up isles and not worrying about what other people were thinking. I then went to the Goodwill store and spent quite a while looking through all the women’s clothes, and even tried on several things to make sure they fit! This was another thing I have never done in the past. I then went to my appointment at a wig shop and bought a wig! The woman who worked there was really nice and it helped a lot to get her opinions about what looked best on me. I then went to the mall and bought foundation at the MAC counter. I know that for many of you these things are not a big deal, but for me these are huge steps. I then got home and decided to epilate me legs, which is another thing I never would have done before, since it’s summer. I’m still feeling a bit nervous about going out with bare legs, but I’ll have to deal with it and know I’ll be okay. It was so nice to get all dressed up today, for the first time in nine years (pictures are posted in the picture gallery). I still have a long way to go in getting my foundation right, and I need to work on getting the wig styled better, but I was pleased with how I looked. All in all it was a good weekend and I’m feeling very pleased with myself for what I accomplished. Just had to share this with everyone!