I just read the thread about walking down the street and being followed. just thought I'd tell a little story about me that happened yesturday.
most of you know that I dress full time here at work, weel yesturday about 10:30 am, I was standing in (on the floor) in the front window. the man across the street had been taking his trash cans back after the pick up, he walked out of the back through the gate, saw me and waved. to late for me to move so I waved back and smiled. He signaled for me to come out (twice), I shook my head no and pointed towards the other room and he raised is hand in acknowledgement. I went back to the computer to finish the night shift report. when finished with that I took a cigarette and walked out to the front gate to smoke it. He was still in his driveway, saw me and ran across the street towards me. I thought OH CRAP, too late to go back in. I stood there and upon his arrival at the gate he asked if I were one of the care givers, I shook his hand (like a lady does). HE said I saw you from across the way ( guessing about 100 -130 feet away), thought you are pretty and I'd introduce myself. At this time he is about 2 -3 feet away, looking me in the eyes. I said "thank you it's nice to meet you". He looked a little harder and said, "you're a guy" Wow, YOu're a guy" ! I replied sure am. He said thats cool, turned around took one or two steps away to leave, turned back around and said " YOU ARE CUTE THOUGH"! once again I said thank you and he left.. I have talked to him a coupe times before, in drag. He will never know what he had done for MY DAY ! ! !
this is the exact outfit I had on and this security cam pic was taken about 15 minutes afterward.