Most definitely. The fact that I look feminine in the mirror, and quite ordinary masculine in real life, is like donning a delicious disguise. The less I look like my masculine self, and the more feminine I look, takes me further into an anonymous world, and opens up the possibilities for all sorts of fantasy scenarios.
My wife and I have talked about this; she doesn't quite understand my need to go out en femme - why can't I just dress at home, if I am turned on by items such as bras, hosiery skirts and heels, and if I don't have a gender identity problem, then Home dressing should be fine.
Why do I want anonymous others on the street or in a restaurant to relate to me as an attractive female? I don't have the answer, but part of it is that passing in public, (and being attractive and turned on by your own appearance) are part of the same thing; an acceptance by you or someone else of this femininity you present. I think we crave an acceptance or confirmation that our femininity is real, and that can be either passing in public, or looking in the mirror and saying "Whoa! hot !"