I will jump right to the point. I am married with a wife and a young child. My wife knows, has no problem with me wearing panties and stuff in private, is not open to me completely dressing in private, and does not want to discuss anything with crossdressing. Previous advice on here said to tread lightly and be patient with her, especially with having a young child. I have been taking that advice but I honestly feel like I am going crazy. I have not dressed in who knows how long. I feel guilt for wanting to buy a wig and makeup, which I am unable to anyway because she does not approve, and she is not allowing me anytime to dress. I have asked her for 30min to 1 hr of private time once every few weeks so I can partially express myself in private and she says no. Yet, if I am "in the mood" and she is not she has no problem with me going downstairs to watch porn, etc.

So...I am considering counseling because I am starting to feel stressed, depressed, confused, guilt, etc. My question is for those who have tried counseling, what was the reason and how did it go? I do not want to waste my money and time if it probably will not help. I am just looking for a way to cope with these feelings and not have the marriage go down the drain because of my emotions. Especially since I know she is hormonal and stressed with having our first child not too long ago. Any advice is greatly appreciated.