I've been a rather lean person my whole life. It's had it's many benefits, too. I've always been able to eat whatever I want to without worrying too much about getting fat. In fact, until I was in my mid thirties, I had trouble keeping weight on.

All that's changed. Maybe it's something about reaching the age of fifty. I don't know. But slowly and surely, I've developed a gut, and I hate it! (Yeah, yeah, I know, cry me a river, Marla!) I put on a pair of pants the other day, and I couldn't button them. My shirts are looking tight around the middle. I ballooned up another ten pounds. A casual aquaintence mumbled to someone that I'm fat. And all the watching what I eat, and all the normal activity I can muster doesn't do a damn thing to make it go away.

And the worst part of it....my wonderful femme wardrobe is getting harder to wear, too. I don't like the way I look in my dresses any more. My pantyhose rolls down at the waist, and that's very uncomfortable. I reached my breaking point, and now it's time to do something about it before it gets too far out of my control. I've never been a gym gal, and never really did any working out or dieting.

That's all changed now. I'm on day three. Yeah, that's nothing yet, but I Googled how to get rid of belly fat, and I kept coming back to the same plan. This guy has written an e-book called "The Truth About Abs", and it's very detailed on why this happens and what to do about it. I immediately changed my diet to one that consists mostly of non-processed foods.

And I'm working out. Ouch! The first beginner workout kicked my ass, and I have to do it again today. This guy says I'll see results quickly if I do as he says. It came with an 8-week guarantee. In ten weeks I'm going to go visit my mother in Chicago. I hope to be a bit leaner by then, because I'm hell-bent on making this happen. I'll be a whole lot happier when I can fit into my skirts again. They are an impossibility at the moment. I'll have to re-prioritize, and put the workouts up as a matter of great importance.

At this time of day, around 5 PM, I'm usually deciding what dress to wear for the evening. But not right now. I can do that in an hour, and have that much less time to crossdress. Right now, I have to go work out.